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The Godfather DVD Collection
Originally posted by: Arnie.d
Originally posted by: bad_karma24
That's a great DVD collection. The films could have been transferred/restored a bit better, but overall a very fine job from all parties involved.

A fun easter egg... on the bonus disc, go to the DVD credits, and keep clicking "Next," even when you get to the last page. You get a nice little clip from a certain show .

I don't have a bonus disc. The discs only contain the movies. It's a 4 disc set but movie 2 is spread over 2 discs.

Did you get a bootleg or something?

And who could forget this?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poqr2BuillY

Printing out DVD Labels
Wow, I had forgotten how old this thread was... In any case I was in the market for a new printer than can do direct printing (getting rid of those labels finally) and am looking mainly at Epson's R260 ($79.99 after rebate) and their R38 ($129.99). Any ideas on how either of them would stack up against one another (assuming all I'm looking for is direct to disc as well as regular printing for school work and such)? Thanks guys!
Copying DVD Menus For Use In A Fan Project
Originally posted by: Laserschwert
I did this for my own set, by ripping all menu pieces (including transitions and stuff) with DVD-Shrink, and converting those to uncompressed AVI via VirtualDub. I then edited and retouched them with Adobe AfterEffects. It's a little tricky painting out the menu items in some of the menus (like the Hoth menu from TESB, since there's a probe droid flying behind the menu items), but with some tricks and patience it does work. Also it helped that I work as a CG-guy, so that stuff was pretty straightforward The whole menu authoring was done with Adobe EncoreDVD.

ANH Menu 1 ANH Menu 2 ANH Menu 3 ANH Menu 4 ANH Menu 5

TESB Menu 1 TESB Menu 2 TESB Menu 3 TESB Menu 4 TESB Menu 5

ROTJ Menu 1 ROTJ Menu 2 ROTJ Menu 3 ROTJ Menu 4 ROTJ Menu 5

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but how could I get ahold of your copies? I've wanted a German version of Star Wars for quite a while (I'm a German major).

Info & Help: Looking for... Raiders Of The Lost Ark - on HDTV
Originally posted by: Moth3r
Originally posted by: skyjedi2005
I have read reviews and I would have to concur that the picture on the dvd's suffer from compression and they picture is darker than it should be and the constrast was was too high.

No one should ever trust Lowry to retouch the color of there films, they did a complete hack job on star wars.
Where have you seen these reviews? Link?

I was under the impression that most people were happy with the official Indy DVDs. The colour problems with the SW DVDs were not Lowry's fault, but a result of LFL's meddling.

The Indiana Jones DVDs look fantastic. As do all of the Disney films that Lowry did look fantastic... in fact, when Disney went with another company to do the Little Mermaid, the end result was awful. Star Wars looks bad because Lucas took the product back before it could be completed. Hence the shitfest that were the 2004 DVDs.

crawl generator (link)
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Originally posted by: Jambe Davdar
Very interesting. I am running it now. I will let you know what the results look like.

Update - It actually makes a series of BMP stills - now all I have to do is figure out how to make them into a video file...

You can load those into VirtualDubMod and generate an AVI from that. Usually you pick the first one in the sequence and the program knows how to put them together from there ... assuming they're named correctly.

Correct. I've done it several times. That's also how SFX houses do their effects as well.

Interesting site too. Though I did find an extremely easy way to do this... basically it's a 3D Studio Max file, and you just write your own crawl and texture it over the default one. Looks great!
SoundTrack to your life
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Opening Credits:Jeremiah was a Bullfrog-Three Dog Night

Sorry to be a dick, but it's actually called "Joy to the World" ;-)

And that having been said, here's mine.

Opening Credits: Time is On My Side - The Rolling Stones
Waking Up: Moonlight Serenade - Frank Sinatra
First Day At School: Pipeline - The Ventures
Falling In Love: On Her Majesty's Secret Service - John Barry
Fight Song: Bahama Island - Michael Legrand
Life: "Four More Amps" - James Horner
Mental Breakdown: Southside - Moby
Driving: Spiers' Speech - Michael Kamen
Flashback: Trumpet Concerto in C (IV. Allegro) - Tomaso Albinoni
Getting back together: Help! - The Beatles
Wedding: Eternal Alexander - Vangelis
Death of a loved one: I'm So Tired - The Beatles
Final Battle: Ciuri Ciuri - Orchestra A Plettro Di Taormina
Death Scene: Requiem (Introitus) - Mozart
Funeral Song: Judy Is A Punk - The Ramones
End Credits: Main Theme from Once Upon A Time in the West - Ennio Morricone, as performed by Yo-Yo Ma

Ep 3 death star !
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: bad_karma24
I think that the Geonosians were just storing the DS plans, since Dooku had made it his home base for the time being.

I think EU does state that the Geonosians did design the DS. I believe the Separatists had contracted the Geonosians to make it so that the Confederacy could blow the hell out of the Republic planets.

Well, that's just retarded. Thank God I don't read that shit anymore.

In any case, I can't help but be reminded of Clerks...

"My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when it was destroyed by the Rebels."