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Info & Help Wanted: Going to Lightspeed!!!

One of the massive things that annoyed me about the PT was George’s non-use of Lightspeed. Not one internal shot of a star field turning into white lines. WTF!!! Those shots were so iconic in the OT and should be reintroduced back into the PT.

To this end… Does anyone have a clean version of a star field jumping to lightspeed? Hope someone can help and spread the love. I’m going to attempt it now but it would be great to see what other people have done.

Who like The Force Awakens as a title?

DominicCobb said:

I like it a lot. It succinct, and gives a nice feeling to it. A feeling or mystery and hope and adventure. Basically what I like about Star Wars. Great title, excited to see how it plays into the film's narrative.

Also, thanks for making this it's own thread. I'm trying to avoid spoilers so I don't want to visit the spoiler thread but I'd like to talk about stuff like this (which is a big deal and obviously not a spoiler because how can anyone avoid a film's title).



Also oh my god guys they've finished filming Episode VII and they gave it a title it's actually finally going to come out. I seriously can't believe it.

 And only a year to wait!!! The longest year of my life.