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What is your main way of watching the Original Trilogy?

Yo people, my first post. Sorry it’s not in the “introduce yourself” section, but I never really know what to say in those sections, and I don’t think most people pay them much regard anyway. Needless to say, I love the OT. About 10 years ago I got Harmy’s Despecialized versions of the OT via torrent and absolutely adored them. They were mkv files, I still have them on an external hard drive, watch them at least once a year, usually on May 4th, lol. I always wanted to have super-duper blu-rays of them with nice covers (I had seen pictures of that online) but never got round to figuring out how to do that or getting a blu-ray burner.

Recently my son gave me 3 blu-rays of the (unaltered) OT he had picked up somewhere. They turned out to be 4K77 (in 1080p), Harmy 2.0 ESB (1080p), and 4k83 (1080p). I hadn’t actually heard of 4k77 or 4k83 before, but when I had a shufti online as to what they were I was chuffed, I thought they must be the bomb, the ultimate unaltered OT.

But I was disappointed! I was amazed at how dark certain scenes looked, (for example R2’s abduction by the Jawas and the scenes of the droids in the sand-crawler.) Many other scenes looked washed-out and/or too bright. The colours I was used to seeing just weren’t there. I was staggered to think that this how the films actually looked in the cinema back in the day, (did they really?) I compared many of the scenes with the Harmy equivalents and found his versions to be far superior. I just can’t stand anything but Harmy I have discovered, (although I do have an officially released 4K blu-ray of ESB, I find the Lucas edits in that version to be the least offensive so quite enjoy watching it sometimes in 4K.)

I have since heard the 4K versions look better if projected or some such, but that’s just too much effort and expense for me. The disappointment has re-ignited my old desire to somehow make/acquire nice, proper, uncompressed blu-rays of Harmy’s versions, (which I now consider to be the very best versions, no doubt I am ill-informed.) Even if it means splashing out on a blu-ray burner, lol, I must really be turning into a SW obsessive in my old age. Perhaps I will figure out how to do it if I poke around these boards for a while.

Anyway that’s me by way of intro, sorry if it was a bore and thanks for reading if you got this far. MTFBWY