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TRON being remade STOP IT!!
Pirates of the Caribbean was a Disney movie. Not perfect, but pretty entertaining for what it was. Of course now they're working on a sequel (or two) for it. Can't leave well enough alone, can they?

I don't see how a remake of Tron can be a good idea. Now, if they'd take the script from Tron 2.0 (the game) and film it with Bruce Boxleitner and Rebecca Romeijn Stamos and whoever other guy was who voiced the main character, the movie would probably turn out to be ok. I played the game through and was entertained, so I could spend two hours watching a movie of it.

The only, and I mean only, remake I can honestly say I'm looking forward to is this summer's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but then it's another Johnny Depp teams up with Tim Burton movie, so it will be trippier than the original Willy Wonka and Edward Scissorhands combined.
THX-1138 on DVD, please...
I have to agree in principle with TR47. The film does look good. My old VHS tape has been eaten up for a while though so my memory might be wanged just a bit. Some of the shots look like a$$ though. The monkeys are the dumbest thing I've ever seen...aside from Greedo shooting first, and the RotJ Music Video, and Jar-Jar, and...oh hell, I'll stop while I'm ahead. So he didn't apparently screw this pooch as bad as SW, but I still want the choice of both films. The end scene with the sun in the background looks awfully bad, too. I don't remember it being that fuzzy. Oh well, guess I have to wait till I get the LD transfer from TR47.

I'll reserve final judgement for when I see those, till then, I'm skeptical as all getout.