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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

Now, that the whole trilogy is on v2 I’m working on updated despecialized covers - they will be the same style as my v1.0 covers (there are plenty of different looking covers available from other people) but with updated info in a few different versions - for AVCHD, BD muxed from MKV and one without any audio or subtitle info for custom remuxes.

Hi Harmy, this is a great idea. Is it possible to get both jpeg and .psd files when it will be completed?
I would like to translate it in French and it will be much easier with the Photoshop files.

Many thanks for ROTJ v2.5, I watched it yesterday and I loved it!

Forcefully yours!

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Excellent work Harmy! It looks fantastic! Many thanks!!!

I noticed a shadow at the end of the movie when they are looking at the galaxy. We don't really see it in the picture below but it is at this moment.


I may quibble with the details or maybe it is my medium quality screen but the color is not exactly the same in the millenium falcon's area for 2-3 seconds.

I suppose it is an inevitable consequence of the use of different sources :)

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Harmy said:

@Ericstormtrooper - the GOUT has clipped whites, so the sabers are probably fatter than they were theatrically (as evidenced by both the JSC and '97SE) - I don't have any definitive reference for it though, as the scene seems to look different in each home video version, so I tried to strike a balance between making the sabre cores white, while keeping them less fat.

@rockin: I didn't get there yet but I'll definitely pay close attention to it, once I do.

@DarkJedi360: There will definitely be French audio, as well as many other foreign tracks.

 Merci beaucoup :D