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Info: General Terminator 1 & 2 Discussions.

It was a few years ago, but I think I was trying to make clips for youtube and the synching had to be adjusted for every scene, I was probably using something more primitive at the time to make the .avi files. Anyway the terminator audio troubles reminded me of that.

How does one get DarkJedi's or Stendec's file if they are not a member of the newsgroup and not able to get membership to the newsgroup?

Info: General Terminator 1 & 2 Discussions.


This is the DVD I own, which I believe to be the 2001 pressing with 2007 artwork.

It has the MGM logo integrated into the film taking up the first 7 seconds.

I have to rip the whole DVD that's about 7 1 GB files and then use TSMuxer to strip the mono from each of those files and join them all together. After I take the 7 seconds of MGM logo out and join it to the blu-ray video with TSMuxer it stays in sync for the first 16 mins and then it all goes wrong.

Info: General Terminator 1 & 2 Discussions.

Hello There,

I've ripped my UK blu-ray to my hard drive, it starts with the Orion logo and then the film carries on as usual.

I bought a US DVD with a view to syncing the AC3 mono track up to the new blu-ray at first I thought I'd got it working by removing the MGM logo and leaving a second of silence before the Orion logo kicks in but's it's been a bit of a disaster past the 16 minute mark.

Would one of you gents be kind enough to PM me with the fixed mono file that would be compatible with the new blu-ray?

Also a mate of mine seems adament that this new blu-ray is in some way edited for content. For me it's the same as it always was, but since you guys have studied the film quite thoroughly can you confirm or deny this?

I'd just like to say well done and thanks to Dark Jedi and STENDEC for putting in the effort and making it possible to make the original mono track usable for blu-ray.