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Conscious Release of Adrenaline?

McFlabbergasty said:

Disclaimer: I’m not an endocrinologist, so I might have no idea what I’m talking about.

For about a decade, since my early teens, I’ve had an ability to induce a set of sensations within myself at will. First I feel like there is something in the back of my head that tenses just a little bit, then I feel a tickling sort of sensation throughout the backs of my legs. From the back part of the upper thighs down to the ankles. Sometimes I can’t quite control the intensity. I get carried away and the tingling gets to be too much and I spasm for a second to let out the steam. I can repeatedly activate and disable this mechanism several times a second. My best guess so far is that I can somehow release small amounts of adrenaline into my system at will.

Does anybody else experience this? Any explanations?

Hi mate. Experiencing exactly the same thing since 15 yrs ago… was looking in the net if anyone knows what this is and i spotted this post. Interesting thing is that i use it when i am too sleepy and it gives me a boost and wakens me up for abt 15-20 mins. Would appreciate if you have found what it is.