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Idea &amp; Info: '<strong>Sorcerer</strong>' - William Friedkin 1977 vs <strong>Wages of Fear</strong> - European theatrical release (see djsmokingjam's &amp; El Barto's posts for info on 2 separate project releases)

Retro35 said:


uh… oh… oh!

djsmokingjam said:

rebuffed any polite requests for access

beyond disappointing.

Hateful 8 Roadshow Cut (Released)

"The four episodes of “The Hateful Eight: Extended Edition” are titled
“Last Stage to Red Rock” (50 minutes),
“Minnie’s Haberdashery” (51 minutes),
“Domergue’s Got A Secret” (53 minutes),
and “The Last Chapter” (56 minutes). "


edit: when all additional episode opening/closing credits, along with new episode titles, are removed,
it gets to 3hrs 6 min movie.

Gold Standard Collection #1: 'A Fistful of Dollars' (* unfinished project *)

Charles Threepio said:

I’m just… FRUSTRATED by the pressures being pressed on me both inside and outside the fan restoration community at the same freaking time.

dude, you had made a gazillion threads on fanres announcing a gazillion projects and had little or nothing done. when people there got tired of you announcing like a broken torrent tracker, they took you for a troll and deleted all but one of your threads. then you managed to get that one locked also. yet, you continue the same thing here. believe me, I got nothing personally against you, but it seems to me you spend more time writing threads to explain what you’re going to do than actually taking the time to do it. the only one pressuring you is YOU.

'Dirty Harry' - with original mono mix (see kchrules' posts) (Released)

Oh, man, I hate to be the pain in the butt…

But it looks like you have some severe lossy compression in the lineage here. It shouldn’t look like this from good analog recording. Or you are somehow recording the Dolby Surround track instead Analog mono, idk…
It should go all the way up to 22kHz.


'Dirty Harry' - with original mono mix (see kchrules' posts) (Released)

kchrules, you rule! no rush with the audio.
That’s a nice comparison. Funny to see how different editions have different gate weave to them, while blu-ray is more stabilized, and looks somewhat sterile, compared. It made me dig up old chewed up VHS (recorded from TV some 25 years ago) and a clunky VCR. The machine worked but the tape is near gone, I managed to get a few glimpses enough to confirm my memory tricked me - the titles are indeed white and positioned just like the '83 LD but I noticed very different pan&scan in some shots, most notably when Harry is putting the envelope in his pocket - he’s more to the right of the frame, then when he’s reading Scorpio’s note stuck to the antenna - the shot is all the way left revealing just the tip of his nose, until it pans right just a second before he says “Jesus”. So there it is, variations galore.

'Dirty Harry' - with original mono mix (see kchrules' posts) (Released)

Thanks for the links once again, kchrules. These rips have too compressed audio - aac @ 192 kbps. Is there a way you can record uncompressed .wav at least from the two LDs?

One peculiar thing I noticed: - the font. I guess it was done separate for Pan&Scan LD but I’ve never seen opening titles with white lettering! What I remember (although not 100% sure now) being shown on TV in former Yugoslavia had opening titles with completely brown lettering, like the word “Dirty” on VHS here. I always thought they changed that to yellow with drop shadow only for later DVDs but now I see that 1979 VHS had the same thing 😃

1983 LD
1983 LD

1979 VHS
1979 VHS

'Dirty Harry' - with original mono mix (see kchrules' posts) (Released)

kchrules said:

Yes, the 44 magnum sound is there at the end of the opening titles. I don’t have a myspleen tracker account, but I have the Magnum Force LD, Dirty Harry VHS and LD on my MEGA account. Will upload the JP VHS as well soon. I don’t know if we’re allowed to share links on the forum but I can PM them to you and anyone who wants them

Sure thing, mega is OK, PM the links. Thanks a bunch!

'Dirty Harry' - with original mono mix (see kchrules' posts) (Released)

kchrules said:

In terms of original mono, I believe I have the theatrical mono of both Dirty Harry and Magnum Force.
I have the original Rental Tape of Dirty Harry from 1979, I believe it has the Mono, albeit not great quality. I also have the 1983 Pan and Scan Laserdisc, which might have the mono as well but higher quality.

Dirty Harry Rooftop Stakeout from the 1979 Rental tape:

Here is the Japanese laserdisc of Magnum Force. It has burned-in Japanese subtitles, but has English audio. I also I have the Japanese VHS, which is the same as the laserdisc.

Magnum Force Robbery Stakeout from Japanese Laserdisc

What about Magnum Force opening title? Does it have a .44 sound when the gun shoots at the camera at the end?

I’d be interested in both Dirty Harry and Magnum Force mono tracks if you can rip them.

Idea &amp; info: 'Caligula - The Restored Cut' (concept)

SilverWook said:

Mission Caligula
Alexander Tuschinski’s 10 year quest to research Tinto Brass’ original ideas for Caligula, culminating in the discovery of Brass’ 1977 workprint - showing the film as a dark political satire, unlike any version ever released.

nice bump, silverwook 😃

great podcast from several days ago with tuschinski and holland on docu and restoration, to whom it may concern!

The Shining - 35mm print opportunity (a WIP)

just stumbled upon this:


“Long cut of the original film The Shining containing the scene in which Wendy, played by Shelley Alexis Duvall, carries Danny, played by little Danny Lloyd. These cuts, given by Kubrick to D’Alessandro, are particularly rare because the director notoriously burned all the leftovers at the conclusion of the editing.”

hefty price, though 😦

Movies in UAR - opinions needed

Had a thought of this several times but was too lazy to actually go on and try it out 😛 Well, partly lazy, partly thinking it would be too distracting if different frames moved around relative to one another. But I totally agree on analyzing frame composition and cinematography aspect (ok, there’s a pun) of it. I’d sure like to see your “Matrix” in… wait for it… Undefined Aspect Ratio.