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@ laserschwert - need you to explain something
Both LimitedSharpen and IIP (especially with the LimitedSharpen hack) will handle any sharpening tasks. Additionally, IIP uses Dust (great for removing the grain from the LD) and includes a couple of mask functions that suppress the color bleed you see in your transfers. Finally, IIP is an outstanding resizer ... Just make sure you're using MaskTools 1.5.4 if you plan on playing with them, and be sure and add a SetMemoryMax(128) (or higher) to the top of your script.
@ laserschwert - need you to explain something
Yet another forum... couldn't resist joining.

tellan, multiple comments about you process, the first being DON'T use VirtualDub filters. A little detail... you're final output is going to probably be a DVD or YUV12 4:2:0. You should try and capture in a YUV format and stick with YUV throughout the chain. VirtualDub is RGB only (1.6.1 experimental does support YUV but I'm not sure about the filters). Everytime you switch back and forth from YUV to RGB, you lose color detail. Additionally, definately lose that 'converttorgb24()' in your AviSynth filter chain. Bottom line is, get into YUV format as soon as you can and stick with it.

Next, you doing a 'crazy' amount of color correction and in essence, duplicating a lot of steps ... Playing with HSV twice, plus and RGB modifcation. I'd give either AviSynth's ColorYUV() or Tweak() functions a try ... It is safe to use the VirtualDub filters for quick feedback, but once again, stick with AviSynth for the real work.

When I get home from work tonight, I'll post my processing chain and a couple samples ... compared to what else I've seen on this site, it'll blown most you people's socks off .
