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Marty McFly

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.: Citizen's NTSC DVD / PAL DVD / XviD project :. (Released)

I just stumbled on this project via the newsgroups and let me just say I am estatic! Watching what I have seen so far has made me excited for Star Wars again because it's the Star Wars I grew up with! Watching these I kept thinking to myself, "What is so wrong with these Mr. Lucas?!".

One concern I have though while I am thinking about it is that my DVD9 of Empire stops about half way through, I followed the instructions about the layer switch and all.. have there be any other reported problems or is it something I did on my end?

Thanks again for all yourhard work! These coupled with ADM's fan edits of the prequels makes me a VERY happy Star Wars fan!!
Request: a 'Serenity' movie fan edit? - ADM??
Well the droids I can understand, but the ones in Ep. One were bad also and you didn't touch them so it was just an idea.. far worse for me is the nemoidians voices, and I noticed you changed one of their voices in Ep. III also.

Also, this bugged me even the first time I watched Ep. One, when Watto throws the 'chance cube', I was always bothered by the fact that Qui-Gon interferred with it by using the force. Shouldn't fate be deciding and not using a Jedi 'trick' or power?
Request: a 'Serenity' movie fan edit? - ADM??
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Just understand, at this time a year ago I knew nothing about digital video. Nada. My desire to see Star Wars the way I wanted it was my sole motivator to learn what I learned. I say this in hopes of inspiring everybody to follow suit. With time and patience, anybody can pull it off.

Well editing is something I have a passion for anyway, back in the day I would strap two vcrs together with a cd player and create music videos with movie clips and a soundtrack.
Maybe my first project will be to finish my Back To The Future music video in DVD format tha I started almost 20 years ago..

The problem I am running into is that most deleted scenes I find arent in good shape, never finished and are poor quality. The advantage of the Star Wars prequels is they actually finished those deleted scenes for the DVD's. What do you reccomend in that situation?
Request: a 'Serenity' movie fan edit? - ADM??
Originally posted by: dugpa
I thought about doing this, but the Deleted Scenes have alot of unfinished CG shots and worst of all are in non-anomorphic widescreen. I'm sure they will put out an extended cut in a year or so.

By the way, ADM, you should definately check out Firefly and Serenity. Anyone that enjoys the Original SW Trilogy would enjoy this series.


There is only once scene where I forsee this as a problem, the rest do not involve CGI.. I wouldn't put all the scenes back in but some I would like to.. the only thing that concerns me and I dont know how big a deal it is, the running times above and below the widescreen image. I dont know how to fix that.
Idea: 'The Shadow' - a Widscreen DTS version?

I know this movie is dogged out by most but I actually enjoyed it. The frustration for me is that there has never been a widescreen version on DVD that I am aware of. I mean there is the DTS version but it’s full screen, what is that about? So as a project for anyone else or as I am considering getting into edits myself, would there be any interest in such a thing? I am assuming i’d have to get the elements from Laserdisc or something and then take the DTS track from the DVD.

Any thoughts/suggestions?

Request: a 'Serenity' movie fan edit? - ADM??
Thanks for the quick reply, it's much appreciated.

I understand where you are coming from, I would certainly like to get into it myself, it's a matter of time, patience and computer hardware. The whole task seems daunting, lets face it.. your edits have set the bar pretty damn high in my eyes. I will look into it though because if I ever wanted to do a fan edit for something this would be it. Firefly was my Star Trek.

Now I found your star wars stuff on the newsgroups, where else could I find other edits that you or other fans have done?
Request: a 'Serenity' movie fan edit? - ADM??

Hey ADM,

I found these forums searching for info on your Star Wars edits. Let me first say that are phenomenal and I frankly consider them the definitive versions of the films that should have been.

That being said, I am also looking for more of your releases. But I am here primarily because I would like to request, and I am sure many fans of the series would, a fan edit of the movie “Serenity”. Watching the DVD today, I understand why some scenes were deleted, to make it more main stream and shorten the running time. But as a fan I could careless if it runs long and would love to see those scenes back in. What are the odds that someone, if not yourself, would be able to make something of this nature?

Thanks for all your hard work, for the fans like me who don’t have the talent you do, it’s more appreciated than you know.
