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Tiptup said:
Jay said:

Obama has surrounded himself with genuinely smart people, his message has stayed mostly positive, and he'll carry that intelligence and positivity with him to the White House.

Yes, Obama surrounds himself with smart people like Warren Buffet, a guy who got rich selling insurance to people so they could avoid paying the criminally high death tax and by purchasing bussinesses from families trying to avoid the pain of that same tax, who then turned right around and said we need to keep the death tax high. He also recently invested a ton of money in the stock market and stands to see an increase on his investment now that the 700 billion dollar bailout of Bush, McCain, and Obama has been passed.

Oh and let's not forget the other "genuinely smart people" like the corrupt CEOs who got "golden parachutes" after ruining their companies, the unrepentant terrorists, and racist preachers. :)

Ahh, yes, and Obama has a mostly positive message too! We have the hope of higher taxes! We have the hope of more government regulation! We have the hope of punishing productivity and rewarding negative investments! We have the hope of giving out more corporate welfare to Obama's rich friends! It will be wonderful! I can't wait! :)

Oh well, soon this bullshit will cause our economy to fall apart. The recent "bailout" solution will only make the problem worse when the shit finally hits the fan. At this point it will be better to have a person who actually supports the socialism that will destroy our country in office when it happens (as apposed to people who claim to support free market economics but then turn right around and enact the programs, regulations, and monetary policies of the socialists he or she claims to appose).




Well it's time for McCain Obama ROUND 2! I think we've all been let down by McCain's performance in the polls this week, and it sure seems like he's going to have to take drastic measures tonight.  Here's what I hoping to see, or at least something close.

McCain should open with multiple Bill Ayers references.  Once he gets Obama a little flustered, he should just throw the Michelle Obama whitey tape out there.  Not that he should attest to it's authenticity, just put it on the table.  Once things calm down he should start in with the lapel pin stuff, and transition from that directly into the National Anthem hand over heart stuff.  Finally McCain is going to need to find a way to describe Obama as Muslim without out actually coming out and accusing him.  Maybe he should tell a story about Obama's Muslim father where he talks about Obama living overseas and accidentally refers to Obama as Osama.  Ooops!  Anyway lets home McCain does some of this stuff.