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Recent Lucas Comment Regarding Esp. #7...
Recently, George Lucas told CBS that "The Saga is Complete... there is no number 7."

However, this is contrary to a comment he made in the 1980s; and, for someone who has been carefully watching some of the comments made by Skywalker in the first two Esp., might not entirely be true.

Sometime in the 1980s (I'm not sure on the exact date), George Lucas told the USA today that the "Star Wars Saga is about the Life and Death of Darth Vader... and his Resurrection."

At the end of the 6th installment, we see Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Skywalker--all now on the side of Light, as ghosts... not quite dead. (We also now see some JEDI as Ghosts as well in Esp. #3--this is because the "force is not in balance"; remember, the whole premise of bringing Skywalker into being was to 'bring the force into balance.)

If we remember a comment Skywalker made to Portman during the second show, he said... "One day I'll be the most power _JEDI_ of them all... I'll even be able to stop people from dying."

At the end of the Sixth installment, he has now returned to the side of the light, so he is once again a JEDI.

In the Third Show, the Chancellor tells Skywalker that "The dark side offers many powers many consider to be unnatural...but they cannot be learned by a JEDI."

This offers a VERY SCARY meaning to the title for The Sixth Installment: "Return of the Jedi"; what if Lucas wasn't talking about Luke Skywalker as the JEDI to return, but rather VADER---as he returns to the side of LIGHT at the END of the movie (see below); that would be the TRUE "return" of THE JEDI.

Whether Lucas admits it or not, he has remained true to his originial ideals, setting the frame work in the three most recent installments for numbers 7, 8 and 9: The Ressurection of SKYWALKER... his ascention as the most powerful JEDI of them all.

Because, what is the only way to "Bring the Force Back into Balance"... but to bring BACK TO LIFE those Jedi now resident as "ghosts".

It offers many possibilities, but while at odds with Lucas most recent comment to CBS that there IS no #7; well, frankly, that's against his DREAM for Star Wars, and what he has now set the framework for for well over 30 years.

Comments anyone? I found this amazingly intriguing. I can't be the only one to have noticed this----or remembered the 1980s comment by Lucas!