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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>
I just thought I would add in as a suggestion on the whole "The Jedi Master who instructed me," versus Qui-Gon stuff. Instead of having to mess with whole sections of TPM just to fix that Adywan, maybe you could change the line to, "A Jedi Master who instructed me,"?

Not a perfect solution that I like that much, but just a suggestion to save you some time later.

And to end this on a positive note, thanks for your hard work on ANH revisited.
So whats better? Phantom or Clones?

Originally posted by: Regicidal_Maniac
So was that $20 each or do we all have to share?

I think the question of "which film is better TPM or AOTC?' is akin to 'which tastes better horseshit or dogshit?'

Either way it's still a pile of shit in your mouth.

For me I'd say that from a film making and narrative standpoint TPM emerges as the slightly better product. It's a more cohesive whole where AOTC feels like it was slammed together out of the poorly shot leftover parts of something better and edited by a Rhesus monkey with ADHD.

Not that TPM is in any way an enjoyable experience but it's a slightly preferable one, like having to choose the method of one's own execution.

I realise that in some ways AOTC is trying to pander to what it expects a Star Wars fanbase would like to see but I feel it does this at the expense of the narrative and characters. It's a bit like Star Wars porn; poorly written badly acted scene, ACTION, ACTION, MONEY-SHOT, *wipe*, atrociously written disinterestedly acted scene, MORE ACTION, MORE MONEY-SHOTS!! *wipe*.

Maybe I'm just a jaded OT fan who invested too much significance in the minutiae of films I saw in my youth in the late seventies and early eighties or maybe I know what I'm on about and George Lucas should never be allowed near the business end of a pencil, let alone standing behind a camera attempting to direct actors.

Now this is not to try to go after you personally Regicidal_Maniac, but to make a general observation. I had a debate with a friend of mine a long time ago about The Phantom Menace in this case. He thought it ruined Star Wars with Star Trek sounding "midi-chlorians" and a sacrilreligious virgin birth. I said ok, we can agree to disagree here. However he then brought up every other point pretty much I have ever seen about the prequals. This coming about a year after the theatrical release of TPM, I think I had my widescreen tape. But here was a big problem, at least I thought. Where as I went in to see TPM not hearing virtually anything review-wise or anything on the film, he had. ALOT of it. I told him I thought his opinion was influenced overtly and in cases completely by reviews and information of that nature. Now here are a few questions I thought would take this thread in an interesting direction for discussion and debate.

1. Do you think a negative opinion of the prequals is influenced by the explictly negative opinions you find on EVERY message board in some form or another?

2. Conversely, do you think going to more GL-support site message boards like TFN or watching alot of documentry material by Mr. Lucas influences positive opinions of the prequals?

3. For fans in the middle, do you think the combination of extreme opinions on both sides inclines them more to stay on the fence?

4. For those who do not like the prequals only, do you buy the DVD's?

And finally for what I can think of right now,

5. Do you think the impact of the theatrical box office and how many DVD's and VHS of both The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones have been sold has been primarily written off as "hype", dismissed, or other wise not discussed or considered that much?

Changes in 2004 DVDs
No problem, glad that you do.

Though this does bring up a greater problem. Among fans here at the site and elsewhere, that prefer the OT over the SE and this upcoming DVD, do you find it ethical to watch in the first place place and to in many cases keep a pirated version of the Star Wars Trilogy that you will not buy? (Assuming you're not buying, I am so really only the first part of the question applies, in which case I find it ethical because I will be buying them.)

EDIT: Not saying in my case that I prefer the OT over the other 2 mind you, I don't. I like them equally, I think they each have their respective strengths and weaknesses.
What did we all expect from the Prequel Trilogy?
But you were talking about Bossk, not Chewie, and there is a big difference. Bossk growing at an Imperial tells me's he's a badass and might have killed a few people, just maybe. However, that's about it. When Ric Olie tells us about Coruscant, we already know he's the captain of the ship, a fair pilot since he's flying, and as a vet is impressed with Ani and that fact that Ani "catches on pretty quick." I am saying in summary, yes you can argue Ric is in-movie audio commentary and you can also argue Bossk is in-movie cliche monster badie.
What did we all expect from the Prequel Trilogy?
I had some expectations coming into the theater, being a big fan at the age of 10, nearly 11 at the time. I had watched the OT and afterwards the SE thousands of times and had already read many of the EU novels, the adult ones. I went in there with quite a few preconceived notions. And it seems I was one of the few who was PLEASANTLY surprised. I loved The Phantom Menace. I thought so the first time I watched it. Strange, I know it is to read. I can personally testify to many of the negative reviews associated with this movie and Attack of the Clones. Yet, I still loved it. I remember I watched it 2-3 times in the theater and waiting a whole month the next year to get my widescreen tape with soundtrack my mom bought me for my 12th birthday. And I had an interesting idea with The Phantom Menace. My goal was to watch it 100 times before the then untitled Attack of the Clones hit theaters. I counted up to (including theater viewings and rental of pan and scan) 28 times, bare minimum. I didn't quite get there by the end of it, I stopped counting but I didn't stop watching. I could go on and on why I like it, the different scenes that keep me glueing to my seat, but the question was expectations. When I saw the Breathing Teaser for Attack of the Clones I was thinking, this is going to be even better and wow is it good. I hoped to see Anakin and Obi-Wan finally start that long and arduous relationship of theirs, more with Padme, the Jedi Council, Supreme Chancellor Palptine, and the three whimsical characters Jar Jar, C-3PO, and R2-D2. And I got all that and more. To me, a great love story that in some ways I like more then Han/Leia, some less. I look both on my big screen and enjoy them immensely. I'll never forget their scenes together or my favorite one connected to it with Ani/Padme, when he must choose whether he will jump off the gunship. And I must say, as much as I truly love them as well, I think both Han and Luke would have jumped right off, unfortunately.
Finally, I will also mention yes I liked the SE, I don't hate the OT, I love the OT as well because I have the LD's and stuff, and I will be buying the DVD set. Hopefully the same day so I won't have to watch, and yes I am a PROUD owner of my DVD's of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.

That will conclude my two cents.
Wait a minute. Now don't get me wrong, I think GL should release the OT, but since when has the trilogy been marketed as the "original Star Wars Trilogy." I have not seen it and until I do, I think it would be fair to point out that they are saying this is the Star Wars Trilogy, but they didn't say original. In fact, one of the first press releases said that Lucasfilm had worked hard to make the DVD's like "watching the films again for the first time." New scenes and stuff being added to the mix helps ensure that, since some of it will be the first time we have seen it.
Maybe, maybe not. You would think if Lucasfilm didn't want all that piracy going on they would have shut them down, permantly, but strangely they have done nothing. I also agree as well, MF.com has been right consistantly with pics and instructions for all to use. At least the internet SW community will fully understand what SW Trilogy they are buying.
Changes in 2004 DVDs
That's not what I am saying with the case of the Death Star. I am saying that if it could go to hyperspace, why be on the far side of Yavin? Why not come out of hyperspace on the other side so they can target the rebel base?

But that is getting besides the point regardless. I am saying that accents of people from similar worlds, and how things are pronounced like the Millennium Falcon don't always jive. Likewise, even clones on Kamino sounding so close for a long time, in Epi. 3 we're going to even see a trooper looking like Jango, don't exactly jive either except when you realize it's the same kind of "mistake" by real world standards. Not to mention as well, who is to say that is not simply the scrambled voice Boba Fett uses for his helmet, even if that is not his own real voice?
2004 OT DVD release continuity error?!
The force is one of many ways he knows. The good he sensed in Anakin, the conflict. That good sense or feeling is Hayden. He can sense it in Hayden it appears. Not to mention with the similar Anakin Epi.3 to Luke Epi.4, he might have seen his picture before. But anyway, it is the force. "other places, the future, the past, old friends long gone." I then think Anakin Skywalker would qualify as a friend or at least something from the past of Luke's.