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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

The 720p suffered a problem, which I saw when I woke up, though I know its cause (subtitles cause it to not encode entire video) so I’m reencoding now (and will mux subtitles in afterward). Hopefully no more than a day.

JEDIT: Handbrake takes a long time to encode, but the results are unparalleled.

Sounds fair to me. I’ll check again later. Hope all is going well so far with the prequel trilogy re-edits!

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

So if the necklace payoff is reinserted in Episodes 1 & 3, a close up shot could be created by one of the awesome editors here of the necklace on the ground of the landing platform on Mustafar before Obi-Wan and Padme leave, implying Padme left it there while Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting. You could then cut out Padme saying there is still good in him if you haven’t already. Then, in terms of watching as a saga, it could imply that only Luke believes his father can be redeemed and Padme gave up on him.

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Awesome news Hal. I am very excited for Version 4.3.

Just a small suggestion, but in the crawl for Episode III, the first sentence reads a little weird to me with where the “nearly” is placed in there.

After years of civil war, the Separatists have battered the faltering Republic nearly to the point of collapse. The fragile government is crumbling under attacks from the ruthless Count Dooku.

After years of civil war, the Separatists have battered the faltering Republic to the point of near collapse. The fragile government is crumbling under attacks from the ruthless Count Dooku.

Also, will the weird-looking “G” in APPROACHING be fixed with SirRidley’s crawls? Haha


Captain_Danielsan said:

Hey guys merry Christmas. I’m trying to find this as an avchd or blu Ray compatible folders. Any ideas? Its all I need to complete my set I’m building. Thanks. And great work Adywan.

Edit. After looking around it seems there is not. Which is fine. But does anyone have the ability to point me towards a pal DVD 5 version. Thanks .

Is this what you need?

Episode IX Opening Crawl

Anakin Starkiller said:

Why would they rename the Resistance the Second Rebel Alliance? That’s pointless and confusing. As much as I would love to see a new generation of Jedi, Lucasfilm clearly doesn’t care for that. Why would Leia be killed offscreen?

They already renamed it and called them the Rebels in TLJ and a track on the soundtrack is “The Rebellion Is Reborn”… so blame Rian on that one. How else would you handle Leia? They said she would not be in the movie.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I can honestly say I was very disappointed with The Last Jedi. Let me be clear, it was a GREAT film, but it was just an “eh” Star Wars film in terms of the overall plot. I went in expecting to love it… and it just didn’t feel like a Star Wars movie to me. I want to like this movie, but I am still conflicted as to whether or not I can.

Besides Luke’s story arc, it felt like no characters grew or changed throughout the events of the movie, Ben Solo is still bad, Rey is still unsure and confused of her powers, and Finn… is still Finn. The characters are also in the same place at the end of the film as they were in the beginning: on the run (even more) outnumbered by the First Order, without Luke and his guidance, and uncertain about their future as the First Order gains more power.

Furthermore, every major plot thread that was created by J.J. has been dropped only for him to get it back for Episode IX. It gives the impression that Disney does not even know where to take these characters. Snoke and Phasma have now just become useless characters with no real in-film backstories. I get that Palpatine did not have much of a backstory in the OT, but we at least had enough information to piece together what he was and his role in the story. By leaving Snoke as an ambiguous character, we are just left with more questions as to what his role in this trilogy was. Maz Kanata also appears to be a waste as well. All the buildup for her character only to be trimmed out of TFA and only to be in a hologram in TLJ.

The scenes on Canto Bight (PETA advertisements) were totally pointless as in the endgame of the movie its content served no purpose. Finn and Rose’s mission solves absolutely nothing and appears as if it was written in hindsight to give the characters something to do. Benicio Del Toro is the Max Von Sydow of TLJ, a great actor wasted on a useless character. The whole "running-out-of-fuel’ plot thread felt strange too as it has never been a problem in any other film. I guess that just means the spaceship gas station from Spaceballs is now canon.

It also seemed to me that the movie only took place over a few days, and it just seems strange. So far this new trilogy has only spanned a couple weeks, the galaxy’s biggest month… ever! The writing was also strange as R2-D2 just disappears from the movie and Chewbacca is gone for quite a while with no explanation. Rey just appears on the Falcon with no explanation as to how she got there.

The editing just felt off. Where were the wipes? The pacing also felt weird, some scenes went too long and some felt way too short.

And lastly, the last shot of the movie is by far the most upsetting in the whole saga. I get what Rian Johnson was trying to accomplish by it, that the force is alive in anyone and that hope is still out there, but it just didn’t feel earned by the end of the movie and feels like it was a Marvel-style post-credits scene tacked on before the end of the credits.

The main positive of the movie for me was John Williams score, amazing as always. I was also very pleased with Luke’s story (expect that his green lightsaber was barely utilized… another missed opportunity!). The movie would have been much stronger if more focus was given to it. I am excited to see what Episode IX holds for his character.

I was so excited to hear that Rian Johnson was directing this film, but now, I am very nervous for what his new trilogy holds.

Onward to the unwanted Han Solo movie we go…

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

I like that theory, but the Falcon had already passed through Irving Boys, Ducain and Unkar as Rey later states, so the last hyperspace coordinates may be nowhere near Han. I like to think that she would know where Hosnian Prime was and that Rey would try to take Finn and BB-8 there, but they slipped out of hyperspace on the way. If it is able to be done, it can give us some more word of the Republic early on, however it would be nearly impossible to implement based upon the available footage.

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

I noticed something small in the edit that prompts a new question. After they escape Jakku in the Falcon, where do Rey and Finn jump to in hyperspace? The OT established that coordinates for hyperspace needed to be entered in the Nav Computer. I know it’s nitpicky, but if Rey never left Jakku and since she does not know where the Resistance base is, how would she know where to go?


DZ-330 said:

I made a quick mock up of what the ending of ROTJ:R might look like since Ady confirmed that the final scene will be Luke and Vader.

Video Link:


Sound effects were added in and the ending music from ROTS was used to streamline the mock-up. I’m not too sure where the force ghosts could be edited in but I’m sure Ady will think of something.

I figured I’ll bump this up as it fits the current discussion better that when I originally posted it. I think it will be hard to implement the ghosts in the scene since Luke doesn’t look anywhere else besides the pyre in the shot. As for the celebration, it would seem odd that Luke just has Vader’s body stored some place until after he parties and then goes back later on to burn it. I’m not sure how that will be addressed.