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Chicken Boo

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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Harmy said:

I have a feeling that the o-neg vs. print discussion shifted quite a bit from what it was originally about - the original question was whether the SW BDs yield better detail than a scan of a 35mm print - and IMHO, the answer is yes. Whether or not that is desirable or even important is of course a question of personal preference.


Does this mean Laserman was wrong this whole time? I don't know what to believe anymore!

In Defense of Death Star II

I read a working draft of Jedi that said the Imperial Capital Planet (it wasn't named Coruscant) had several under construction Death Stars in orbit. Not sure if this script was genuine or a fan creation. Probably the latter.

Has anyone ever unearthed the Kurtz Jedi script? Or at least a more in depth treatment that just one sentence (Han rescued, dies in attack on Imperial base, Leia becomes Queen, Luke wonders off)?

Disney Acquires LucasFilm for $4.05 billion, Episode 7 in 2015, 8 and 9 to Follow, New Film Every 2-3 Years

Baronlando said:

I think Fox retains control over any distribution of the existing movies, so if the originals were to be done at last, maybe they'd handle it, not Disney?

 So does this mean we've seen the last of the Fox introed films? The fanfair was such a part of the experience.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

I don't usually post as I have no skills or materials to add to the community, but seeing how far this project has come, after following it for so long, it makes you proud to be a Star Wars fan. I think this is perfectly summed up by -1's quote:

"Star Wars is safe."

Think about who is creating this, and indeed all other preservations on this board. Think about who is, initially anyway, going to be downloading and watching them. While George Lucas and his team did create the series, we are the ones who kept it alive. You think they keep re-releasing them in cinemas to appease the all the trendy kids, jocks and pretty boys? No.

We are the ones who bought it multiple times on home video, laserdisc, dvd and blu-ray.

We are the ones who have dropped hundreds, and often thousands on toys, merchandise and memorabilia.

We are the ones who stood in line for days just to be the first to see a new Star Wars film.

We are the ones who did keep and are now keeping this film series going. It seems almost poetic that we now, are the ones who shall guard it for future generations to experience what we experienced.

I tip my hat to you. All of you.


Strange VHS Tape Wear

I'm going through and backing up old vhs tapes, and I've found that one of them is falling apart.

Or so I thought. When I watch it, after about five minutes, it slowly fades to static. But if I take it out, clean the vcr, put the tape back in and leave off from the exact same spot, it's all pristine again. For about five minutes anyway.

Is it the fault of my cheap vcr, or am I going to have to back this tape up five minutes at a time?

Storage in the Garage

Someone has graciously given me the use of their garage to store my massive amounts of stuff.

However, a friend of mine stored things in his garage and after a while, it all got ruined through the damp. I've searched around to see if I can avoid this, and most of what I've read states "don't store fabrics" and "use plastic containers".

Due to most of my stuff being comics, vhs, old magazines and toys, I ask you ot.com viewer, what can I do to avoid the damp? What if I wrap everything in newsprint? Is there anything I can do at all?

And sorry for starting a new topic on such a self-indulgent, boring subject.