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Song Of The South - many projects, much info & discussion thread (Released)

FrankT said:

Strange that they wouldn't want it released. What's stopping them?

They would have to explain some of the racial issues the film decides to completely avoid tackling.

Sometimes it's best not to, not many people other than a dedicated few are seriously crying out for Song of the South, hell a lot of people probably don't know it even exists. I've seen people refer to it as a 'lost film' but it got a VHS release.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

SilverWook said:

Gogogadget said:

Calling George Lucas legendary and saying any of his movies are masterpieces is hilarious, really. Especially if you've seen pretty much any actual masterpieces from actual legendary directors.

 Legendary director Stanley Kubrick was a fan. ;)

“If I made as much money as George Lucas, I would not decide to become a studio mogul. I cannot understand why he doesn’t want to direct films anymore, because American Graffiti and even Star Wars were very good.”


That quote actually says a lot about Stanley Kubrick tbh. George Lucas became a studio mogul because it would eventually make him a billionaire. No amount of money would ever not make Stanley Kubrick a filmmaker, it was his entire life up until the day he died.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

It's a good movie but the world wouldn't really be a dark place without THX 1138, American Graffiti is a good movie and Star Wars is well... Star Wars, but those 3 movies don't put Lucas on a Top 10 list for sure.

George Lucas is an absolutely brilliant businessman and hustler, he's incredibly wealthy but directed less than 10 movies in his life, Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrick and such are definitely much better directors but had to basically give their entire lives to films to become recongised and rich, George Lucas just basically cashed out on an entire franchise and has pretty much sat comfortably for the rest of his life.

Other than Red Tails, it's a shame his last 3 movies are actually utter shit.

Should I buy the Original Trilogy Blu ray? I already have the 2004 DVD.

lol @ improved CGI.

that CGI looked shit in 1997 and it looks no better now.

the blurays, i borrowed them once and well, for official releases they are in fact the best looking versions of Star Wars, if you want de-grained movies full of bad CGI sure with incorrect colour timing sure, not to mention the audio being mixed incorrectly for surround systems. I wouldn't bother personally unless you really like the special editions.

Blade Runner Color Regrade (Released)

BDgeek said:


but the Final Cut has a Teal/Orange color grading at not blue. And IMO that is part of the problem. I much rather have the blue/purple/gray color squeme that was much more popular in the 80ies (like Ridley Scott's own Black Rain).

I guess I prefer that? I don't know, I felt the colours matched the mood of what a shitty Los Angeles would be like in the unbelievably far off year of... 2019 :O

Also maybe it's just me but those indoor shots look incredibly golden, like perhaps a little bit too much gold?

4K restoration on Star Wars

Gogogadget said:

Really don't see how anyone can defend the GOUT.

It's the best officially released source we have yes, but it's still unwatchable.

"Unwatchable"? More hyperbole. "Unwatchable" is a good word for those VCD encodes of theater bootlegs shot with a low-end camcorder that were circulating on the internet in the late '90s and early '00s. It is funny that this site thrived for years on copies of the OUT that were inferior to the "unwatchable" GOUT. I guess no one was actually watching their LDs or LD-to-DVD transfers back then, you know, because if the GOUT is "unwatchable", the LDs were "extra unwatchable" and the LD-to-DVD transfers were "extra, extra unwatchable".

Maybe you should try a TV for which 4:3 DVDs were intended.

I had the original Star Wars on VHS in the 90s as a young kid, I had a small portable TV in my bedroom and it was perfect, at least so I really thought.

The GOUT was released well after everyone already adopted 16:9 TVs, hell, the other disc in the set was Anamorphic 16:9 and this was at a time when HDTVs were becoming more of a household item and less home-theatre enthusiast too.

If you seriously think the GOUT was acceptable in the mid 00s, then I don't really know what to tell you, because it was shit then and it's worse now.