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Darth Nyriox

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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Laserschwert said:

Harmy said:

analog said:

One thing that'd be great to show on that would be a picture of the 2006 DVDs - something like opening it up, showing the 2nd disc thrown in there, then played on a widescreen to illustrate how sad it is that it's the only official release of the originals, in original form. I mean, yes, I'm glad to own them, but it's sad that they're only really barely worth watching on a CRT, which you can't even really buy anywhere anymore.

That's a great idea. Actually, my BD player doesn't even allow for the GOUT to be zoomed in, when I press the full screen button, it simply stretches it out and it doesn't zoom it, so the only way to watch it on my BD player is with black bars on all sides.

In place of "crappy", I would probably use degraded.  In place of "a highly manipulated" I might use "an offensively decorated" (referring to the cheesy CG junk).  That might sound more professional--and more insulting to the SE. 

Sorry, just thought I'd throw my two bits in.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

@aascii: I've found that a Google search works pretty well.  Simply use keywords distinctive to the post you're looking for and it should be okay.  Keep in mind, though, that some combinations of keywords tend to work better than others in such things, so be prepared to try different combos before you find it.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

So nobody commented on using http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/STAR-WARS-Special-Widescreen-Edition-Technidisc/topic/13263/

to replace GOUT footage used?  Based on the related discussions, this 1993 Technidisc LD transfer was higher quality than the GOUT (though it did have "A New Hope" added...).  On that note, can someone with access to MySpleen PM me a copy of the torrent/magnet link for that?  And a copy of the  MySpleen torrent/magnet link for 2.5 (once it comes out) as well? 

I would join MySpleen if I had a means to do it, but unless someone can help with that...

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Sorry, newbie here.  I only found out about this project about a month ago, and have been anxiously waiting for 2.5 to be my first time watching one of Harmy's restorations...

Anyway, I was wondering whether Harmy would also release the bonus disc in MKV format, and/or the polished main Blu-Ray release?

And (though I haven't had a chance to check it out) this 1993 LD transfer may be better than GOUT in some frames:


I don't have access to myspleen, though... *sigh*

However, it may be better than GOUT for some uses, perhaps.


Thanks for the great work, and may the Force be with you!