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google "Search by image" bug


Here's the Firefox extension addon page:


The image.google.com function looks through the page and inserts it's own additional code whenever it finds an image.  A 'camera' icon (which is my guess what the boxes are) on the found images, which when clicked auto sends you to google's image search.  So when the 'insert/edit picture' function is invoked, the new code is found and the i.g.c extension does it's thing.



After you installed the plugin, on non-google pages when you scroll over an image does that blue camera icon show up?


If no, then maybe the application is not activated.  It started happening to me after I used the function for quite a bit.  Seems that after I restart the browser the application goes dormant, so this problem most likely won't occur too often.


Ok, as you don't have the problem and I don't have the issue anymore, then maybe the problem got solved with the cache reload related to all the HTML code showing up recently.


Worked for me just several days ago, now that camera icon won't show up, nor works google's own Firefox plugin. Found Opera users with similar issue.

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