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Why Have there been so many Hitchcock films released on DVD with defects?


One thing that has annoyed me greatly about collecting Hitchcock on DVD over the years is that out of the 100s of DVDs I own, his films literally seem to be the only ones I've ever had a problem with the disc having a defect that renders it unable to play properly.

I was watching a cheap public domain compilation of his earlier work the other day when all of the sudden it started to freeze and skip which, being it's a $5 bargain bin set didn't surprise me too much but it reminded me that I still do not even own a copy of my favorite Hitch film Notorious, because the earlier editions that are out of print were kind of pricey the last time I checked, and when the 2008 Premiere collection box set from Fox came out I refused to buy it because of the large number of defective discs that were reported.

Also, I didn't even get a copy of North by Northwest until my Birthday in like 2008, by which time it had been re-released in an Amaray case. I figured surely by then the layer change error which affected early pressings and rendered the 2nd half of the film unplayable had surely been fixed, but sure enough it was a defective copy and it conveniently went out of print days after I got it.

I just find it strange that there seems to be such a widespread case of defective DVDs released years apart by different studios by one specific filmmaker. a highly celebrated and respected one no less.

BTW, I was thinking of getting Notorious on Blu, but I heard the transfer sucks. can anyone verify the quality?


One thousand herds of elephants are standing on my foot!


In all seriousness, sorry to hear about that.  I love Hitchcock films, though I don't have an extensive collection.  That is a bummer to hear about, but I can't offer any more than my condolences.