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Star Wars fan art

Thought I'd make a thread for people to show their Star Wars related art. If you have anything, be sure and show us!

Here is some of my stuff:

Did this when I was 14 or so. Mostly an excuse to try the pen and pencil combination on Vader. Would've looked better had I used something more than just an HB pencil.

(I did this Boba Fett Lego guy around a year ago. He looks quite cartoony compared to these troopers, which I've all done within the last two weeks.)
(the designs in the prequels are by far my favorite part of them, sadly)

I have a lot more drawings, but they're just ancient, embarassing scribblings. :p

My crazy vinyl LP blog

My dumberer blog

My Retro blog

Whoa. Amazing.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

I done vertually everything in pencil when i was growing up. I just wish i had my old drawings as a teen to share in this thread, as everyone said i have a tallent for drawing back then. Unfortunatly, i moved home several times and i lost everything from early doodles, to my A-Level course work, between those times. This thread brought back old memories.
I learnt to draw humans down to Han Solo, and got really good with shading (in mono) with Darth Vader, then i learnt there was more grades of pencil other than a HB4 and everything became easy, except using goash paint!