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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse. — Page 2


Had a rather odd dream last night that another animated SW series -- or perhaps it was a film -- had been released, only it was in a 2D semi-anime style instead of CG.

The film/series was centred around Luke and his two sons. One of these sons -- I think he was identified as "Alexander" within the dream-- was his biological (and illegitimate) child, while the other -- whose name I can't recall -- was basically a foster child he'd decided to take under his wing.

Basically, the plot was this: Alexander -- being one of those evil children who show up in those lame, repetitive horror movies about evil children -- is found and trained by a darksider (who weilds a black/white lightsaber) right under Luke's nose, while the foster son -- who was a darksider himself when Luke took him in -- slowly but surely begins to find himself drawn more-and-more towards the light side.

Anyway, the dream pretty much ended on that note. There were a bunch of other tiny details, but I've forgotten them.


I had a particularily offputting dream last night where I lost my virginity to a Russian first cousin named Sonja (who doesn't actually exist in real life, BTW), who turned out to be a vindictive sorceress who conjured vicious mountain lions up in my home and caused the local clinic doctors to be dangerously unsanitary.

Suffice it to say, I liked the first part of the dream. The second, not so much (Yes, I'm admitting that I'd voluntarily sleep with a first cousin.).


DuracellEnergizer said:

(Yes, I'm admitting that I'd voluntarily sleep with a first cousin.)

 Maybe that's not such a good idea.  Perhaps you should admit something about a weird food that you like, or a common food you don't like, instead?


Don't worry, it isn't like I can really act on it. I've only met one of my cousins, and the last time I saw her was around 1996, when I still found girls icky. So, for all intents and purposes, I have no cousins to be attracted to.


Had a peculiar dream last night where I was a character in a werewolf movie.

If I recall the sequence of events correctly, my reluctant werewolf ex-lover betrayed me to her lycanthropic extended family, who promptly slaughtered me. I did get better, though.


You have quite the dreams. Mine are almost always mundane, and rarely vivid enough for me to remember them well.


A word to the wise: Don’t stay up to 8:00 in the morning. If you do, you’re liable to have nightmares about being strangled by a putrescent undead Patrick Bateman.


Was awoken this morning by a somewhat disturbing dream.

In my dream, after having jets of rancid rainwater wash over my face from my leaky bedroom ceiling, more of the ceiling caved in, revealing giant yellow jacket nests in the roof above – and I don’t mean that the nests themselves were just giant; the combs were made by wasps the size of rats.

I think my subconscious is trying to tell me that I really hate my bedroom and yellow jackets (Why it bothered, I’ll never know; I was already consciously aware of my hatred for both.).


Last night I dreamt that I was going to a pool party at a house where the front door had a large sign reading "YOU’VE JUST BEEN GNOMED!" When I got in the water, I realized that I had left a small book (Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke, mass market paperback) in my pocket, so it was ruined.

Suddenly I went to some ungodly amalgamation of Walmart/Best Buy/a school. I was there for a quiz bowl tournament apparently and I joined a team (of people I’d never met) that was short one player. We won our first match and then we were on break, so I went outside to see where this building was. It was in a massive grassy field, surrounded by a wall of trees. The only other building in sight was a small church. I went there and saw what I thought was a bear rug at first, but was apparently a live dog. There was a sign on the wall that read “Dave Grohl Once Lived Here” with a picture of him.

Then I woke up, the end.



I hate the term “awesome sauce”, but just this once I will use it to describe my opinion of your dream.


Until just now I always thought it was’Woodhouse’


I thought it said “wool blouse”.

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


I had a dream last night, but I’m not going to share it because anytime someone tries to tell me about their dream my eyes start glazing over and I usually just start thinking about puppies until they’re done.


I dreamt that someone had written a phone app that fired pins from the camera lens and there was a YouTube channel where people were getting drunk and firing the pins at each other leading to a really nasty misuse of A&E (ER) nurse time.


Dreamt that I was picked up from the airport by a self driving car but as I got near the Chateau I became worried about the car parking itself so I had to switch it on and off and on again to manually park it based purely on moves I picked up from playing driving computer games. Which I am notoriously bad at.


I have had so many strange dreams over the years, I don’t think I could list them all.

Recently I had a dream that I learnt Carrie Fisher was in a porn movie, but then realised it was filmed in 2014.

Not enough people read the EU.


LuckyGungan2001 said:

I have had so many strange dreams over the years, I don’t think I could list them all.

Recently I had a dream that I learnt Carrie Fisher was in a porn movie, but then realised it was filmed in 2014.


I dreamt that my current neighbour volunteered to trim the hedges of my childhood home which had somehow become edited over the current iteration of Chateau Bingowings. They had an epic hedge trimmer more akin to those giant swords in Japanese computer games (Final Fantasy 7, Silent Hill 2 etc).
He cut everything down to about an inch over the ground. It looked like a bomb had gone off.


This is really just one of my favorite threads. 😃

K. Let’s have this ride.


I dream of my ex a lot.

It’s rough.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Sorry to hear that. I’ve made a habit of blocking out my dreams.

K. Let’s have this ride.


Last night I dreamt that Santa Claus was real, but his actions were deemed illegal by some council of old people who then destroyed his house (which wasn’t actually at the north pole). Also, Santa wasn’t actually Santa, he was really Dwane “The Rock” Johnson.
Later the whole dream changed and I was Superman. I flew a girl to an island and we sat there for a while. It was nice. Also, we met a guy there who was fishing by diving in the water and just grabbing the fish.
