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The Conspiracy Theories Thread(was: 911 Conspiracy theories)


anyone that wants to talk about 911 Conspiracy theories or any other conspiracy theories, may do so here.   But please keep them out of my 911 thread.



You should let go the "Conspiracy Theory" terms. "Money"  and "Ideologies" might be more interesting.



"Power?"  Not sure that works...

Anyway, I'd like to know what "evidence" there is that the "official story" of what happened on September 11 is untrue.


Yeah, you're right. "Money" is enough.

I said all that I had to say in the other thread, justly by respect and memory for the deads and famillies.

For such a matter, each one should find his own conclusion (I don't have a definitive one besides), and it requires an effort.

Just there have been so much works from serious people watching closely and bringing light on the 911 event ! You'll find...


This actually works out quite well because it shows you're anxious about these answers that they might come up with.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Oh... Just one of the "funniest" things I remember, for the little story:

An american channel (BBC?) announced live the 3rd building that had collapsed near the towers... Unfortunately it was 20 min before it really happened. You still can see the building standing behind the woman who present the news. She was only reading her paper.

I don't have any more leads to links, sorry, but you may find it...



Even though you put it in quotes, you may want to change the word "funniest."


So they knew it would collapse due to the fact that it was, what, on fire and in danger of imminently collapsing, and had that text prepared, but the anchor mistakenly read that text instead of the text saying "___ tower will collapse at any moment."

There's nothing strange about that at all.  It's like when obituaries for famous people accidentally get published before the person dies - they have these things ready in advance so they can announce it ASAP when it happens.

And BBC is a UK channel, not American (British Broadcasting Corporation).


Not the towers. I was talking about the 3rd building... Hours later.

Anyway, nobody will bring you a serious answer here I think, cause it's a whole and you can't just consider a couple of isolated details. Geopolitical culture will help (and should be what to begin with), though the invert way is still a good option.


I still think the thread title is wrong.


I'm aware that you're talking about the 3rd building.  It was damaged as well, and was clearly going to fall at some point.  The news studio in question likely had text prepared for the anchor to read when the building collapsed, as it was clear it was going to fall.  The anchor mistakenly read said text too early.


... Somebody brought a serious answer (finally).


I repeat from elsewhere that I don't believe in a conspiracy theory of history, more a cock-up of conflicting conspiracy theories.

Groups with special interests throwing their weight behind schemes some of which converge and others which cancel each other out creating an unpredictable chaotic mess.

The conventional 9/11 scenario is in itself a conspiracy theory built largely on a fantasy of a terrorist network backed by an Islamist mastermind.

None of these attacks (even if you take the conventional narrative at face value) are directly linked and are rarely even loosely connected to each other.

They are based on an idea that American and Western ideals are uniform and an infection which can be attacked through terror.

There is nothing new there I grew up with while the Baader Meinhof group were saying pretty much the same thing, only they were not Muslims and were based in Europe.

In answer to C3PX direct question aviation fuel can melt steel but most of that fuel would have spent in the initial blast.

The fires that burned were started by this blast but fed not by the aviation fuel but by plastics, wood, paper the trappings of any office environment.

They can not melt steel.

The conventional narrative is that these fires weakened the steel joists on the initial floors by 10% causing them to snap and fall down upon each other creating the so called Pancake effect.

This doesn't correspond with the collapse of the towers as we all saw on that terrible day.

The buildings (including building 7 which was never in contact with aviation fuel and had comparatively less damage) fell all in one go not in stages.

The collapse of one floor onto the other would create consecutive resistance which isn't shown in the actual footage.

Compared with the Windsor Tower Fire in Madrid where a building of similar construction burned for 24 hours without collapsing at all (let alone in this particularly unusual way) and you have a case to question.

This isn't just myself and a bunch of eccentric Flat Earthers saying this.

This is the conclusion of a significant number of trained and experienced engineers and experts.

I've read the official answers but I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced of an elaborate conspiracy either but the PNAC document is difficult to shake out of my mind.

Especially with the long history of covert deceptions throughout history for example.

It's very easy to jump to conclusions about who did what and how this was done that's not my reason for reacting against Warbler's statement earlier.

While films like Loose Change and Zeitgeist are slickly made they leap from one conclusion to another.

What is needed is to take the hysteria away from asking questions like why was the debris from the towers taken away destroyed without testing for explosives?

Why was the steel sold and melted down?

It was a crime scene, hopefully the most notorious crime scene of our lifetime so why wasn't picked over with same care and attention a plane crash might or the space shuttle crashes were?

If I were to recommend a documentary to watch I'd suggest a film that entirely takes the conventional narrative as read.

It's called The Power Of Nightmares : The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis.

It doesn't mention any of the unconventional narratives for the 9/11 attacks at all.

It does uncover the synchronicity of the rise of the Radical Islamist movement in the east and the Neo-Conservative movement in the west and how both ideologies have converged to create the disproportionate climate of fear which we now exist in.

I strongly recommend you read the official accounts with an open mind too. 

I encourage people to read around and make their own minds up based on how they read the evidence.

To track back to what I said on the other thread I also suggest that people shouldn't let this one terrible act warp the perception of threat that these clusters of individuals pose to our collective way of life to the disproportionate curtailment of our freedoms and liberties.

If there was a concerted effort to bring down our way of life we would be having terrorist attacks all the time.

You don't need hijacked planes or bombs to cause major disruption to a global civilisation like ours.

The obvious observation is that these events (9/11 being the most hideous example) are vanishingly rare I'm more dismayed by government agencies sinking to level expected of these groups than the groups themselves.

They are meant to represent us and our ideals and if we want to underline the superiority of ideals over those held by the people responsible  for these actions we shouldn't be kidnapping and torturing people.

Torture is a rubbish way of collecting reliable intelligence and a poor example to setting the rest of the world.

Our armed forces should be used to guard our borders and fulfill out treaty obligations and not abused in attempting to make grabs for mineral resources.


... The Power Of Nightmares : The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis



Well, if that's the best "evidence" there is, I'm gonna make my permanent exit from this thread, as I've heard all that before and none of it is convincing in the slightest.

Don't forget your tinfoil hats, kids.


Naturally that's not all the evidence there is I don't have time to right a book in an internet forum.

If you have a serious interest read some books (though I wouldn't recommend David Icke) from both sides and watch a variety of documentaries. If you don't have a serious interest read David Icke's books they are a real gas though utterly bonkers.

I'm also not proposing a belief in a conspiracy.


I didn't chose the title of this thread Warbler did.

Besides tin foil hats don't work, everybody knows that.

You need an underground bunker, wire mesh underlay behind your wallpaper, plenty of guns and tinned food and something to stand on when the graboids come through the floor.


To really breakdown the various 'non-flippant' points raised and lay them side by side with the official account on the interwebs is something that could be done relatively easy in the form of a wiki.

It would require strict policy to keep the Lizard men/UFO/Illuminati types out as well as detractors who use association with that crowd as a brush to tar the subject with.

This will naturally have the Ickians screaming 'shill alert' and the 'you moron' brigade pointing at this as proof that anyone with concerns has been watching too much V and reading too many Dan Brown books (is it possible to read one all the way through and remain conscious?).

I'm still suprised nobody has done it.

Like fanedits their is a large number of video makers, duplicating some of the same material and bolting on their own twist.

Having a less hysterical and more sober text led look on the web would save people having to sift through a lot of 'out there' material on both sides.


Okay.  I just spent literally all night reading all the Wikipedia pages on the four planes involved in the 9/11 attacks, after which I immediately went to work, and came home.  So I've had no sleep in over 24 hours.  So if this is a total incoherent mess, please forgive me.  Also, I figured it would be better to put this in this thread, which is more about discussion, than Warb's thread, which is more about memorializing.  And let me preface with a disclaimer that the following is based on the logic I brought out of reading all of this, not something I condone.  Nor do I expect any kind of real answer because there's no way to know for sure.

So, anyway, here I go.  After I'd finished reading everything about all four flights, and I went in to work with no sleep, a question suddenly entered my mind:  Why didn't the hijackers, especially on Flight 93, just kill all the passengers from the getgo?  Obviously they weren't interested in hostages or prisoners, as they were eventually going to kill everyone anyway.  And it doesn't seem that they were interested in using them as bargaining chips in case they got caught, because, based on how Flight 93 ended, their plan was just to kill themselves if they failed.  Having flight crew and passengers on board was just a liability for them, particularly for Flight 93.

Think about it.  From the hijackers' perspective, the taking of Flight 93 met all kinds of unexpected resistance.  They were under a tight timeframe.  The plan was to get all the targets hit almost simultaneously before anyone was able to piece together what was happening.  But Flight 93's takeoff ended up being delayed by nearly 45 minutes.  By the time it actually took off, 11 and 75 were already being hijacked and about to be en route for their destinations.  Unbeknownst to the hijackers, the flight crew of 93 were soon being informed to be on the lookout for cockpit intruders.  It was already being pieced together, and their time was running out.

Then, for whatever reason, the hijackers waited another 45 minutes before attempting to take the plane, when Flight 11 only waited 15 minutes.  Why they waited so long is anyone's guess.  If I had to make a guess, I would say they were getting cold feet due to how far behind schedule they already were but they ultimately decided to go for it.

But this presents multiple problems for them.  When they hijacked the plane, they'd already passed through the entirety of Pennsylvania.  They had around an hour's travel back to their target.  That's an hour for their (apparently not very well guarded) captives to send and receive information, to band together, and plan a revolt.  Obviously the time lapse aided in that.  Passengers who were able to contact friends and family found out about the WTC and were able to piece things together.  And the long journey ensured they'd get a chance.  The passengers of Flight 11 had similarly prepared to retake the cockpit, even without all the puzzle pieces that the passengers of 93 had, and the outcome might have been the same, but they simply didn't have time to do so before they reached their destination.  Flight 93 did.

And as I earlier stated, it didn't seem that the captives were well-guarded if they were able to make unmonitored phone calls and plot a coup.  So that meant the "muscle" hijackers were pretty much standing around doing nothing for the half hour in between hijack and crash.

Obviously the motive for their cover story and lying to the passengers that they'd be alright was to avoid conflict.  If they knew they were going to die, they'd probably be a lot more willing to put their lives on the line to take back the plane.  But the hijackers on 93 didn't have that luxury.  All the odds were stacked against them, yet they left nearly 40 ticking time bombs in the back of the plane.  It seems it would have been in their best interest to find some way to bring them up into different parts of the plane and pick them off.

But they obviously lacked that kind of foresight, left the passengers to their own devices, and got exactly what they deserved.  I have always found it a shame that the heroes on Flight 93 weren't able to successfully retake the plane.  Well, I guess you can certainly call it a success simply in the fact that they caused the terrorists to fail and a brilliant stroke of luck that they crashed in an empty field rather than a populated area.  But it is a shame that they were unable to land safely, and that all of them still had to die.

Anyway, I don't know what the point of all that was.  It was just an idea that occurred to me.  I'm certainly not advocating killing anybody, and I hope that's not the impression I'm giving.  I'm just trying to think it through logically from the perspectives of the hijackers, and it seems they thankfully dropped the ball on that.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


A B C said:

I don't have any more leads to links, sorry, but you may find it...

Sounds like you really don't have anything. You're making a claim, and leaving it to those you are trying to convince look it up for themselves. It is like a Christian evangelist running around yelling, God exists! Look it up for yourself, there is incredible evidence by honest and hard working people looking to uncover the truth. It is out there on the internet, it will take some searching, but look it up, it is out there...

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Gaffer Tape said:

They didn't have guns or even any really effective weapons, right? Killing forty people with plastic knifes, or whatever they used, is going to take some effort. Not to mention, once you kill that first person, then the second, then the third, those remaining people are going to start to grow some incredible grapefruit sized balls and start fighting back. Safer just to lie and say it is all going to be okay, than have a mob of 30 plus people to fight off.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


This is true.  Like I said, it was safer for them to just lie, but on this flight, with everything else working against them, it seemed like just killing them would be easier, especially considering they did grow grapefruit-sized balls and start fighting back.  They had a bit more than plastic knives, like Leather Mans and mace (although I don't know if they had mace on that plane).  I'm just wondering if we're thinking about it from a post-911 perspective.  Yeah, if anyone tried that shit today, I'm sure the entire contingent of the plane would be on them in a moment.  But the fact is that the hijackers DID use those limited resources to attack and kill members of the crew and cow the rest of the passengers into submission even though they were greatly outnumbered.  The plane was compartmentalized.  They could have divided the passengers into groups, bound and gagged them (under the threat of death), and executed them without any of the other groups knowing that anything was going on.  Of course, that's just my opinion, but since they seemed so easy to take control of in the first place, it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to physically restrain them either, not to mention it would be quite a bit safer for the hijackers.  And according to what I read, one of the bodies pulled out of the wreckage of the WTC debris was a flight attendant who was bound with what seemed to be plastic handcuffs, meaning they could have had access to them AND that plastic handcuffs could have gotten through airport security (hell, a four-inch utility knife was found on one of the hijackers going through security, and that was apparently perfectly fine back in the day).

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.