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Idea: Star Wars theater reactions as extra audio tracks?


So i remember watching the hour-long documentary on the 1999 PM DVD, and at the end, it showed the opening crawl to Phantom Menace filmed by someone in the theater at the midnight premiere, and you could hear all the cheers of people in the audience. That got me thinking of my E.T. DVD which included, as an extra audio track, John Williams conducting a live performance of the score along with the movie, and you could hear all the audience reactions, laughing at Drew Barrymore, cheering at the opening credits, the standing ovation at the film’s end, and it was just really magical to be able to feel huge emotions just by hearing that crowd. I’ve keep thinking about this and I think it would be super cool if there was a way to do that to the Star Wars movies. Thoughts??


If I recall correctly there is a tape of a crowd reacting to 70mm print somewhere. I’m not sure if I’m remembering that right though.



If you’re referring to this one^ of the kid and his mom seeing SW in 77, I’m wondering if he had a full tape, because his video shows only select scenes.
I’ll probably set up a dropbox page where i can store any recordings people have, and I could mix it into stereo and sync it up. Someone else could actually mix it into the video files.


Please try again to see if that youtube user has additional minutes recorded beyond what was posted in that video. I tried a few years back. But got the sense the person is in the business and it’s not in their interests, unless people can persuade him it is an important recording.

Other recordings are mentioned in this thread:


Yeah, I believe Puggo preserved a cassette for someone.

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I have a bootleg of Episode I on VHS. It’s the “Z” bootleg because it has a letter z in the upper corner of the picture. The first 30 minutes the audio is straight from the movie theater. Then the audio changes to something that is pretty hard to describe. Sound effects are missing etc. It’s probably the 5.1 surround sound but you can only hear the front channels(?)


Beat me to it!

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