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Sin City: A Novel Cut Teaser NOW Available (Released)


Hello everyone I’m currently working on a Fan Edit of one of the greatest Graphic Novel adaptations ever Sin City. I can remember becoming very excited for the release of this film when I went into Best Buy a week or so before it theatrical release, and getting a promo DVD that contained the first sequence from the movie and a few other scenes as well.

The special thing about this DVD was that it inter-cut stills from the Graphic Novel into the movie. I always and still do think this was a great idea, and as you know having seen the movie this wasn’t the way it was edited together in the end and that has always always kind of dissipointed me.

And taking my cue from Adywan I’m creating the best Vision of Sin City.

I’ll be using a 720p Blu-Ray rip for the master of the film and and using Adobe Illustrator I’m going to in some cases re-draw some pannels, extend some landscapes where necessary, and remove thought bubbles. By doing so I’ll be creating HD versions of the Images found in the Graphic Novel, that should hold up on any HDTV with no grain or distortion.

I hope you all enjoy this project as much and I do when it’s done, and I can’t wait to hear what you all have to say about it.

Here is the address for the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1hTfNX9Gjk

This is a rip of the Best Buy DVD my plan is to extend all the illustrations so they will fill the wide screen

