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Official Indiana Jones DVD Release — Page 2

Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
If you can't notice changes to a movie, then why bother trying to find them? If you can't notice them, they don't matter. They won't interrupt your viewing. If you get on forums and try to find out details on little tiny things that MIGHT have been changed....well, suffice to say, that's kind of sad.

For instance, the crawl on the GOUT dvd's isn't the absolute original crawl, but you'd have to take screenshots, analyze it closely, watch it over and over, and if you do find something different, you're bothered by it. That's why if you don't notice any changes while just watching it, then there's no reason to worry.

That's apples and oranges, really. You're talking altering an original film image, versus digitally re-creating something and tacking it on to the start of a film.

I'm not sure why, when it comes to Indiana Jones, people are far more forgiving of the fact that the original, unaltered film has not been re-released on DVD versus Star Wars.

Granted, none of the story content has been changed, but the image was manipulated. I don't think the manipulation is done to the extent that we might be thinking, as far as I know only three cosmetic changes were made (cobra reflection, boulder guide track, matte lines) to 'Raiders.'

It's so minor that it's no wonder so many people are divided on the issue. I take a bigger issue with the colour "correction" that was done than anything else. 'Raiders' used to have an almost sepia-tone quality to it, and now it looks like a technicolour nightmare.

Jeez....these changes are so little you really have to dig to see them. I saw this movie on the big screen two weeks ago from an old print, and I'd watched the DVD a few days before that. No changes I could see. They're there, I know, but if you can't notice them without thinking about them, then why do they matter?

And for the record, the original unaltured versions of Star Wars have never made it to DVD either. But the changes made from theaters to the GOUT DVD probably amount to the same number of changes made to raiders.

And the thing about Sepia Tone and technicolor....I have no idea what you mean. Yes, I saw this, in a theater, from a real 35 mm print made back in the 80's and I saw no sepia quality to it. The colors are a little brighter on the DVD, but that's all I could notice. Of course, this print was 20 some years old and was fading.
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Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
If you can't notice changes to a movie, then why bother trying to find them? If you can't notice them, they don't matter. They won't interrupt your viewing. If you get on forums and try to find out details on little tiny things that MIGHT have been changed....well, suffice to say, that's kind of sad.

For instance, the crawl on the GOUT dvd's isn't the absolute original crawl, but you'd have to take screenshots, analyze it closely, watch it over and over, and if you do find something different, you're bothered by it. That's why if you don't notice any changes while just watching it, then there's no reason to worry.

That's apples and oranges, really. You're talking altering an original film image, versus digitally re-creating something and tacking it on to the start of a film.

I'm not sure why, when it comes to Indiana Jones, people are far more forgiving of the fact that the original, unaltered film has not been re-released on DVD versus Star Wars.

Granted, none of the story content has been changed, but the image was manipulated. I don't think the manipulation is done to the extent that we might be thinking, as far as I know only three cosmetic changes were made (cobra reflection, boulder guide track, matte lines) to 'Raiders.'

It's so minor that it's no wonder so many people are divided on the issue. I take a bigger issue with the colour "correction" that was done than anything else. 'Raiders' used to have an almost sepia-tone quality to it, and now it looks like a technicolour nightmare.

Jeez....these changes are so little you really have to dig to see them. I saw this movie on the big screen two weeks ago from an old print, and I'd watched the DVD a few days before that. No changes I could see. They're there, I know, but if you can't notice them without thinking about them, then why do they matter?

And for the record, the original unaltured versions of Star Wars have never made it to DVD either. But the changes made from theaters to the GOUT DVD probably amount to the same number of changes made to raiders.

And the thing about Sepia Tone and technicolor....I have no idea what you mean. Yes, I saw this, in a theater, from a real 35 mm print made back in the 80's and I saw no sepia quality to it. The colors are a little brighter on the DVD, but that's all I could notice. Of course, this print was 20 some years old and was fading.

I don't know, I mead I wish that they hadn't messed with it and I'd buy the original if it was released, but this isn't the kind of thing I could expect a re-release for. It's easy to point to changes in the SEs. "Jar-Jar was not and should not be in ROTJ!" But imagine telling someone, "See, there should be wires there!" It would be stupid to expect a re-release for that reason. I'd want one, of course, but I'd understand why one would not be released. I can't see a lot of demand for it. Then again, with the number of times Lucasfilm re-release things, who knows?

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death