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In the market for a good cheap DVD player...

So I have a 32 inch CRT with S-video input as the highest quality input available, and i am in the market for a decent DVD player. I don't need anything fancy but I'd like a decent image quality.

Could anyone help?! I see these cheap-O DVD players for 35 bucks and I was wondering if anyone knew of things I should look for/be aware of.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.

I got a $35 a few years that plays every disc you can imgine (any region, PAL, burned anything)....except DivX/XviD. My set-up is the same as yours and everything looks fine. It only occasionally won't eject a disc but I think it's an individual problem. Mine was a CyberHome but I'm not sure if they still exist...Wal Mart and Best Buy are the best places to look. Bring a reference DVD and make them let you try it on a TV around if you really want to.

Hey look, a bear!

I got a cheap $35 dollar DVD player as a backup player, and it is pretty good. It will even convert NTSC/PAL on the fly to what you set, and is region free. There are a few good DVD player review sites online, if you want to do a search for a specific model to see what it will do. S-video on a DVD player should be easy to come up with on a DVD player, and I think most, if not all, have it. The only problem with the cheap DVD players is that I've heard they have a tendency to quit after about a year. They use low-quality capacitors that burn out quicker than they should. Since I haven't had mine for a year yet, we'll see.