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Star Wars Sextet Marathon and Your Advice


Hey guys! Merry Christmas!

Indeed, this Christmas, a friend of mine said he was willing to watch all six Star Wars flicks at once... while this sounds like a daunting endeavour, I tend to be very delighted because I love hosting movie-watching outings at my house on Christmas break!

So, the deal is this: I've always wanted to see all six films in "Lucas-Approves-order", namely, the clunky, confusing, and Original-Trilogy-spoiling way... because I've never gotten that chance. And, no, I don't think anyone I'll invite has not seen all six Star Wars films anyway. So, that allows this option.

If you've got any really cool suggestions about screening the movies (and what editions to choose from... for example, I have Adywan's Star Wars Revisited, which I have not completely seen, but would love to) or maybe some trailers that would be fun to put in before the film, etc.

That would be really awesome!


Also... I'm planning on doing an "ad-campaign"... here's a quick Teaser Poster (Style A) I whipped up!

Pull De String!

Indeed, it's a semi-spoof on how blazingly mass-marketed Star Wars is, and how there is a little bit of a loss on quality with their newest DVD re-releases in terms of cover design! Check it out!


Thanks again!



Well, if you must you must.  ^_~

But if you are going for the "Lucas-approved" way, the only way to do that is with the '04 and up DVDs.  Any other way, and you're diluting George's vision.  I know that sounds sarcastic, but I'm actually being serious. 

As for complementary viewing, I'd recommend the Mark Hamill episode of The Muppet Show, George Lucas in Love, and maybe "A New Hope" from That '70s Show.

EDIT:  Whoops, forgot to compliment you on the hilarious poster.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


When doing movie screenings, I really like to show a trailer for the actual movie we are about to watch right before showing it. For example, TPM trailer, TPM film, AOTC trailer, AOTC film, etc. Kind of builds the excitment up and sells the film right before showing it.

I think Adywan's SW:R is the way to go, Lucas approved order, but not Lucas approved versions. Since that is the film most people have seen the most, and know so well, the changes give it a flare of new life, and it gets rid of the worst of the SE changes and errors in coloring correction. For ESB and ROTJ, I'd stick to the 04 discs, since they look way better than the GOUT and fit better with the PT.

You going to watch all of these in one sitting? Phew, I couldn't do it, I am the guy who has to watch the LOTR trilogy in hour long segments. Just can't sit still in front of the TV for that long, especially for something I have seen a few times before in recent years. Of course, if it is a massive big screen theatrical experience, then I can manage to sit for very long stints.

Hmm, having just checked in on the "You know what is better than Star Wars" thread, I might add that it would be pretty interesting to take a bunch of McQuarrie art from each of the OT films, and make three brief slide shows for each film, putting the pictures in chronological order according to the film, then putting a musical piece over them, and playing each of those before each episode of the OT. They'll be fresh on everyones mind as they watch the movie, and they can see how the film matches up with the art. Just one or two minute long slide shows.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Hey Cool! Those sound like good ideas... and about the trailers... yeah, I actually thought about doing that!


Thanks, GafferTape for your compliment on the poster! :D
