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what would you do if george reshot the OT with new actors & CGI so it flowed with the PT? — Page 3


Originally posted by: fans own the trilogy

Originally posted by: Shimraa
Look buddy you don’t want to get into a fight with me ok. You obviously need to go get some help because if you think the fans own the trilogy you’re delusional.

Or what? What the hell are you going to do? Anyways, this is a forum about perserving the OT for the fans and perserving it from Lucas. You think there might be people on this forum who loathe the PT? Again, subtlety not your thing.

you know what i have been on this forum since the begining, or almost its begining i joined a couple months after it started so dont start lecturing me about subtily in my entire time here you are the first poster out of hundreds thats been this crazy. even the webmaster who you would think might be all against the PT or against changing things. isnt as much as you.

this forum is about getting the originals on DVD NOT being opposed to the changes GL makes to HIS movies.

your comments are just idoitic when it comes down to it. like i said if you feel you own the trilogy, being a fan, then you need to get some help.
Yeah, release as many special super deluxe eXXXtreme edtions as you want. I'd be fine with it, as long we still have access to originals, I don't care. But George Lucas doesn't even have enough respect for his long time fans to release them on DVD.

Originally posted by: Seiji
Yeah, release as many special super deluxe eXXXtreme edtions as you want. I'd be fine with it, as long we still have access to originals, I don't care. But George Lucas doesn't even have enough respect for his long time fans to release them on DVD.

thats why this site is here to try and convince him. but saying that everything he is doing right now is bad will not make him change his mind, if anything he will think, 'i not going to release them just to spite them, they think they can tell me how to write and how to make my movies well screw them.'

Originally posted by: Shimraa
i wonder what people would do if gorge reshot ep 4 throu 6 with new actors and CGI all so that it flowed right with the PT.

would you guys see it.

also what if he released the OOT on DVD would that change your minds.

i'll probably hire a hitman and send him to Marin County....

haha so i take it as a no the even if he released the OT on dvd
i know some people won't mind new changes if the OOT is released, but to me i think he should stop theses useless "improvements" it's only masturbation.

mmm... sounds like Tyler Durden!

I don't how George Lucas thinks or his reasons for not releasing them. I believe I read somewhere that he said they'd cost millions to restore, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't make his money back on them. I just think he doesn't want to release them because they are dated and not on par with his original vision of the films. He'll probably release them at some point, doubling his profits, because I bought his so called "Original Star Wars Trilogy" and I'd buy them again if they were truly the orginals and a non-bootleg release. This is why I don't feel the least bit bad about owning bootlegs of the OT, he's got his money from me when I was duped in to buying the Special Edtions. He's basically forcing people to bootleg the OT, when in fact, he could be making a good profit off them by simply releasing them.

You're right, we don't own them or the Star Wars universe. He can do whatever he wants with his own work. But where would he be without the original fans of the orignal trilogy. We supported him, his movies, merchandise etc. through out the years, pre-prequels and Special Edtions. He knows how beloved the OT is, people grew up with these films and there is a lot of deep rooted nostalgia with them. I do think it's also a respect issue, out of respect for your fans and their full support for you over the years give them this small peice of the pie. If he doesn't have the ethics or enough respect for his fans to release the foundation of his great empire ... so be it, I don't have to respect him or his personal decisions.

Most importanly, I want these movies perserved on the newest format of technology. George Lucas said they're on VHS if anyone wants them. Gee, thanks George, I so want to watch the grandiose Star Wars on my old VCR and grainy, full screen VHS tape. Besides which, these tapes will only last so long, mine are already worn out.

Originally posted by: Seiji
I don't how George Lucas thinks or his reasons for not releasing them. I believe I read somewhere that he said they'd cost millions to restore, I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't make his money back on them. I just think he doesn't want to release them because they are dated and not on par with his original vision of the films. He'll probably release them at some point, doubling his profits, because I bought his so called "Original Star Wars Trilogy" and I'd buy them again if they were truly the orginals and a non-bootleg release. This is why I don't feel the least bit bad about owning bootlegs of the OT, he's got his money from me when I was duped in to buying the Special Edtions. He's basically forcing people to bootleg the OT, when in fact, he could be making a good profit off them by simply releasing them.

You're right, we don't own them or the Star Wars universe. He can do whatever he wants with his own work. But where would he be without the original fans of the orignal trilogy. We supported him, his movies, merchandise etc. through out the years, pre-prequels and Special Edtions. He knows how beloved the OT is, people grew up with these films and there is a lot of deep rooted nostalgia with them. I do think it's also a respect issue, out of respect for your fans and their full support for you over the years give them this small peice of the pie. If he doesn't have the ethics or enough respect for his fans to release the foundation of his great empire ... so be it, I don't have to respect him or his personal decisions.

Most importanly, I want these movies perserved on the newest format of technology. George Lucas said they're on VHS if anyone wants them. Gee, thanks George, I so want to watch the grandiose Star Wars on my old VCR and grainy, full screen VHS tape. Besides which, these tapes will only last so long, mine are already worn out.

i know i know i agree with u on most of your counts. i am truely at a loss for why lucas hasnt released them, it just makes good sense. he shouldrelease them. and you right he wont remake the OT with new actors, i just wanted to see what people would do if he did

Originally posted by: Shimraa

its your entertainment not your belonging.

I believe I have already stated that legally and technically, they're his.


Originally posted by: Shimraa

you bring up the biggest problem its the people devoting there heart and soul to a peice of entertainment. dont you think thats bad. there are other things in life that deserve peoples heart and soul.

I agree that there are other things life that deserve your heart and soul and they certainly more important than Star Wars (family, job, etc), that doesn't mean you can't have
emotionaly ties to things like Star Wars. Being a Star Wars fan is a hobby, is it wrong to have emotional ties to a hobby? Fans of sports have emotional ties to their team. Tell me, are you ok with owners moving their sports teams because the city that they are in won't build them a stadium? They own the team it is their legal right to move the team if they wish. But does that make it right? Are you going to tell me that the Dodgers didn't in some emotional way belong to the people of Brooklyn?, That the Cubs don't in some way belong to the people of Chicago? That the old Browns didn't belong to the people of Cleveland? In the way that the Redsoxs belong to the people of Boston, that is the way that Starwars belong to the fans.


Originally posted by: Shimraa

its also the reason why no matter what lucas does to the films, whether he makes new ones or makes changes, they will always be hated by the hardcore fans.

see, this is the kind of statement that always makes me mad. I mean you makes us sound like stubborn bigoted idiots. Most harecore fans of any movie are not going to like changes or remakes. But they are really going to hate them if the changes are lousy and IMHO in the case the OT they are, and if they can longer see the unchanged version. The OT was fine the way it was, there was no need to change it. As for the PT if you make bad films, people aren't going to like them its that simple. And remember I did say
that EPIII was good, so obvously I don't hate all new films.

I ask again If Lucas decided that the whole saga would look better if there was a big red X accoss the entire screen on every frame of all 6 films, would you be ok with him doing it?
ok i am replying to your post in reverse order, bottem to top.

first your right hate is a strong word, i meant dislike, but there will always be those that do hate them, i.e. kam and fans own the trilogy.

your right, i like how u used sports example for me since u know i am sports buff that was nice of you. but your right having that sort of attachment to a sports team is bad too. if you are puting your heart and soul into it. its ok to a certain extent but there is a line. and this same thing applies to movies too, there is a line, and all to often fans will cross it blindly.
well your right, you don't want to go too far in your attachment to your team or hobby, but that doesn't mean you can't give a little of your heart and soul to your hobby/sports team.
yep no i c what your saying, and i agree. but if your puting the type attachment into a movie to the point where your saying, lucas is rapeing your childhood, well i think you have crossed the line.
but I never said that Lucas raped my childhood. He did however molest 3 of my favorite movies.
again i dont include you in my discription of fans that cross the line.

however you did try to boycot the ep3 which i found kinda stupid but to each there own. what find stupid you might find honourable, and vis versa
I still wish I could have made good on my boycott, but I was too weak.
you were smart, you knew deep down boycoting was stupid.
Well I am smart. But boycotting was not stupid, it was taking a stand against Lucas. Unfortunatly EpIII was just too tempting. Like Anakin, I wasn't strong enough to resist.
in this case it was. boycotting as a group smart, as one man dumb.
LOL he got you there, you can get out of his arguement warbler.