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Markdown Notation for Links


I’ve copied the example given (whatever text)[link], but the resulting link does not work. The text to which I attach the link appears in blue lettering (as it should), and the URL is not visible (as expected). When I hover the cursor over the link, the URL appears in a white box in the bottom-left of the browser (Firefox), but I am unable to click on the blue lettering or open the link in a new tab/window. Right-clicking Copy Link Location does enable me to copy the URL into a new tab manually. Any assistance would be appreciated.

EDIT: This behavior is occurring in a private topic.


Can you copy the source code of the page and paste it into a new private topic that I can see? In Firefox, right click anywhere on the page, select View Page Source, and copy all the text in the window.

Forum Administrator




Jay said:

The link parser probably only handles traditional URL types. I didn’t write it, so I can’t say for sure.

It’s extensible, so I can probably add that functionality.


The headings don’t seem to work in the same way as they do on the markdown-it demo page. Adding multiple hashes followed by a white space results in a heading that is underlined and in block capitals. Is this expected behavior?


Chewtobacca said:

Is this expected behavior?

Yes. The styles aren’t final, but don’t expect the look and feel to be identical to the demo page. It’s less about the layout and more about the HTML produced by Markdown.

Forum Administrator



I see. Thanks for the explanation.

I’d like to be able to create headings that used minuscules and were not underlined. Of course, the styles available are ultimately up to you. 😃


Getting tables to look as they do in the example page for markdown syntax is proving difficult. Does anyone know how to stop the column-headings bunching up? Moreover, does anyone know how to center-align the columns?