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Kubrick: Vinyl Trilogy (Released)


Allright–so i was messing around with some first-time projects and I got this idea. It’s called the Vinyl Trilogy because it is meant to be an audiophile’s wet dream–featuring alternate audio tracks for each disc. I wanted to save this until it was finally completed so it would be a nice surprise, but I need some help. There are a number of CDs that I don’t have that I need to finish the project, and if anyone has them or is willing to buy them and donate them to the project, that’d be great.

It’s a three disc release of 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and The Shining.

2001:A Space Odyssey

-1st Track: Theatrical Presentation of the film
-2nd Track: Integrated throwaway Alex North Score that makes the film like just another cheesy sci fi flick
-3rd Track: Isolated blatently artifical Pink Floyd Sync with some of their early work
-Kickass DVD menu that does the film justice

A Clockwork Orange

-1st Track: Theatrical Presentation of the film
-2nd Track: Isolated complete original Wendy Carlos score (with some other Wendy Carlos works to fill in the dialogue scenes)
-3rd Track: Isolated Pink Floyd sync with Obscured by Clouds
-Kickass DVD menu that does the film justice
-(this is a maybe) Isolated orchestral track using the grammaphone recordings from the film and some orchestral replacements for the Wendy Carlos stuff

The Shining

-1st Track: Theatrical Presentation of the film
-2nd Track: (now this is cool!) Isolated throwaway Wendy Carlos cues that totally kick ass!. There’s more on volume 2!
-3rd Track: Isolated Syd Barret sync with Opel
-Kickass DVD menu that does the film justice

Okay so that’s the set, and it’s up for changes or additions, but I’m trying to keep it audiophile focused. There is the obvious problem with all of the DVD transfers for these films kinda sucking, but with the release of Kubrick films on HD-DVD coming in September, these are more or less of a holdover–or maybe I’ll wait until the dvds get released and use the HD as my video source. I’m not sure…Nah I can’t wait, I’ll do them now.

I have about 150 bucks coming my way in a couple days because I won a one minute film contest–I expected to win $5000 so I could buy everything I needed on my own. I guess films about eggs with faces like in Thumb Wars are better than THE MASKED GUITARIST–anyway I’ll be spending my 150 on a new harddrive and a dual layer disc burner, so I need help getting the following CDs:

Wendy Carlos - ACO Complete original score
Wendy Carlos - Rediscovering Lost Scenes vol1 <span class=“Bold”>received</span>
Wendy Carlos - Rediscovering Lost Scenes vol2 <span class=“Bold”>received</span>
Wendy Carlos - Tales of Heaven and Hell or Switched on Bach
ST - ACO soundtrack
Quality orchestral recordings of Wendy Carlos’ work in ACO
Alex North - 2001: A Space Odyssey original score (there’s an issue with the fact that there’s only music up to the intermission)
Syd Barret - Opel <span class=“Bold”>received</span>
Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds <span class=“Bold”>received</span>



All audio will be encoded or reencoded according to its original form. 2001 and ACO will be converted from 5.1 to stereo, the Shining will be mono in two channels, The Shining will also be cropped to its original 16:9 theatrical exhibition. The DVD transfer for 2001 is God awful and if anyone who could volunteer to punch up the footage with some color correction and some sharpening want to help they are welcome to join the project.

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

PaulisDead2221 - this sounds a fantastic project !

I'd love to help in any way.

Audio wise I have the following and can provide them in FLAC (loseless) format (or whichever you choose):

Wendy Carlos - Rediscovering Lost Scenes vol1
Wendy Carlos - Rediscovering Lost Scenes vol2
Syd Barret - Opel
Pink Floyd - Obscured by Clouds

Send me a PM if that would be of any help.

All the best,

Encoding is 25% or so complete for 2001, it's been 1 minute of encoding time to 1 second of video so far.

Hey maybe it's a bad idea, but what would anyone think of presenting the three films in their theatrical aspect ratios?--the Shining getting cropped from the top and bottom. Is that evil since Kubrick intended The Shining to be in 4:3? If I did this what would I have to do to A Clockwork Orange? I heard the aspect ratio changes on the DVD in a couple of spots, though that wouldn't matter if it's evil, what do you all (one other person so far) think?

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

Kubrick's insistence on using open matte 4:3 for home video presentations came about after he saw what happened to 2001 when it was panned and scanned. If he were alive today and witnessed the very wide acceptance of widescreen DVDs and the fairly quick adoption rate of HDTVs, I think he would've given the widescreen blessing to future home video releases of his older films.

Full Metal Jacket, which was 1.85:1 in theaters but opened up to 1.37:1 for DVD release, has been released by Warner Brothers in 1.85:1 on HD-DVD.
Forum Administrator


i'm actually working on something very similar to this project (well, the 2001 portion anyways)

Allright, I got some time to think while my head was in my oven and I came to a few conclusions and updates:

1. I own an electric oven

2. In regards to Devilman's project, I'd like to know how he syncs WYWH up with 2001 so maybe I could steal the idea, ahh just kidding, i'll stick with Ummagumma and atom heart mother; but I fully acknowledge his project's right to exist and only hope both our projects might prove to be a bit of competition for each other in terms of quality and interest (so far, in terms of interest, he's winning).

3. I will be reencoding all of the audio from the three original films into stereo. For 2001 this would recreate the experience in theaters. For A Clockwork Orange and The Shining, since their 5.1 remixes have been described as just "real clean mono," this will not offer much of a difference besides not hearing much sound in the back. This also might give my project a bit of legal protection since--as Devilman put it--the films have not been altered at all, and I'm offering the original version on a fan DVD. Uh oh! If there is enough adversity to reencoding the audio, just let me know and I'll offer the option between 5.1 and stereo on two different versions of the DVD set.

4. The Shining will have about 38 pixels cropped off both the top and the bottom to recreate the 16:9 aspect it was originally in--funnily enough you can still see that helicopter shadow in the beginning after it's cropped. I had to do some math to get the right amount of pixels to cut, but if anyone knows if cropping 38 pixels isn't correct to create 16:9 just let me know.

5. I have Syd Barret's "Opel," Wendy Carlos "Discovering Lost Scenes" vol 1, Pink Floyd's "Obscured by Clouds." All from meedermow, I still need Alex North's original score, The complete Original Wendy Carlos ACO score, some other appropiate work by Wendy Carlos to fill out some dialogue driven spots in ACO, and possibly the original score of ACO for the Grammaphone recordings if I finally decide to make an orchestral score to ACO or not--which will also require some help to get the very best orchestral recordings of Wendy Carlos' tracks for ACO.

6. Oh yeah! I need help with the avisynth exporter plugin for Premiere. I can't seem to find one that will match version 2.56--at least I think it's the version that's running me into problems. If anyone can help that'd be great. Thanks

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

Good to see how things are progressing - no obvious sync moments in that uploaded piece (but as mentioned in your above post - this is not one of the scenes where the sync works as well presumably), but good to see a familiar scene in a totally new light...

C'mon folks - anyone got any of the other albums that are needed for the project to be completed...
Welllll, lyrically you have a few sporatic connections between the two--as with most non-Oz syncs you need to get creative with your interpretation:
-"Isn't it good to be lost in the wood?"--Danny is leaving away from Jack which is good--soon to be in the hedge maze...made of plants...which have wood
-"Isn't it bad so quiet there?"--Okay she isn't exactly being "quiet"--she's screaming, but how cool is it we get a shot of her just as he says that?--like he's telling her that.
-"Please leave us here"--well you know
-The key switches when the axe first hits the door.

Anyway, random updates, I'm getting held behind a bit because of an edit of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I'm doing for English class. I'm using some dialogue from Chief Bromden to make him seem more like the narrator of the story like he is in the book. I'm also shoving in some Grateful Dead and Santana because Ken Kesey (the author) really had a thing for them.

I'm doing a weekend-long odd-job to make some more money for a bigger harddrive so I can work on more projects at once, plus supplies and CDs and all that. Devilman has proposed we form an alliance--swapping ideas and cross-checking for quality, which will be a great help. I also had an idea for an easter egg I'm going to bring up in my next PM with...the board...Haha!

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

I'll take your word for it

Maybe a quick toke of whatever Syd was on with the Octopus' would make things come into preserpective a little more

Did you get the second Wendy OK ?
I don't know anything about DVDlabpro, but you should be able to avoid re-encoding the video.

To afflict for my English, I am Belgian .

Verry interesing project.

I am impatient to see the final result .

You of be or in work ?

Good day to you

Live Long and prosper
The DVD quality for 2001 is god-awful? Are you talking about the "digitally restored and remastered" edition?
For some reason, the "Hey, That's My Dinner" line has ALWAYS bothered me.
Hey! People are still coming to the thread!

In response to Sarpeidon, I don't have a job, but I don't pay for gas or insurance for my car, so I have some money every now and then.

Are you talking about the "digitally restored and remastered" edition?

Well, the DVD I have is from the Kubrick Collection, which I'm pretty sure is the "restored and remastered edition." Is this not true? All I know is I can barely see any stars, the menu is static, the scenes in the space station are out of focus and...yellow colored, and toward the beginning of the stargate sequence, as the camera pans up from Jupiter's moons, the stars suddenly appear out of no where, like the DVD is adjusting its picture right in front of me, only to disappear as the stargate opens. Hey, if I simply don't have a good edition, let me know.

Update: Well I had all the resources for The Shining, but there simply isn't enough music for an "isolated" music score. I'm pretty sure this is true for A Clockwork Orange as well. What I think I might try is an "integrated" score with The Shining, where I fade out the audio for specific music cues when they conflict with already existing music cues. Would that work in the long run, you think?

Spaced Out - A Stoner Odyssey (five minute sneak peek)

Good to see the project still has legs

2001 wise, as long as it's not the original (1999 ?) DVD release with the Arthur C Clarke interview as an extra, you should be fine.

Shining - tricky one., "integrated" is certainly an option - maybe try 30 mins or somesuch and see how it looks, always happy to comment, constructive or otherwise !

I did not speak about your work in the life.
But of the evolution of work on “Kubrick: Vinyl Trilogy”.
am happy that evolves moves well .
And I am always to see the final result .

Good day to you

Live Long and prosper

First of all, I'm really excited to see how these projects turn out.
In regards to the multiple dvd versions.
The BEST version around says "digitally restored and remastered" under the "stanley kubrick collection" banner. The cover is a painting of one of the space stations. The old versions (both MGM and WB) have Dave's face. The yellow tone you speak of is only evident in these terrible transfers)

The comparisons (with pictures) are found here.

The original, non-restored, versions are considered to be some of the WORST DVD transfers of all time (in fact, they were downright insulting). However, following the release of Eyes Wide Shut, WB went back and gave them the ultimate transfer.
The difference in quality is outstanding.
Further comparisons can be found on DVD beaver.

For some reason, the "Hey, That's My Dinner" line has ALWAYS bothered me.
So how is this going? There was recently an HD broadcast of The Shining and I think it was in widescreen so maybe you could somehow use that.

Also any chance of seeing a regular isolated score for The Shining featuring the music from the LP record?
Just a heads up...

Warner Bros. is releasing 16x9 versions of The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and Eyes Wide Shut in the next few months. 2001: A Space Odyssey is also getting a remaster/special edition. EWS will be uncut and ACO will be 1.66:1 anamorphic.
"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
I hope not.
I am really interested in this project!
Interesting choice of the word "Vinyl" in the naming of this trilogy, considering that the first filmed version of Clockwork Orange, by Warhol, was called "Vinyl."


in case you didn't know.