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Info Wanted: Have there been any edits of '2010'?


I was just inspired by mojo’s post to ask if there have ever been any edits of 2010: The Year We Make Contact. I really love parts of the film very much, but other parts kinda make me cringe. Has anyone ever tried to make it more like Kubrick’s 2001? I think its quite possible to do. I’ve got lots of ideas, and considered doing it myself, I just haven’t had the time to pursue a project like a fan edit.

I love 2010. What didn't you like?
Hmmm, I doubt I can remember it all, but I might have come off a little harsh in my original post, for the record I really like the movie. What first comes to mind is some of the music, and then the voice over. I just wish it wasn't so dated in alot of ways, it didn't seem as classy as 2001. I'll elaborate later, but I'm really busy right now.