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Info, and Artwork Wanted: MTV 10th Anniversary Special - HELP!


Sorry that this is a bit "off-topic" but I just felt compelled to ask if you (or anyone else) have seen (OR done yourself) a preservation of the first hour of MTV's ORIGINAL first premier broadcast WITH the original videos AND commercials intact? I wanted to view it when they had the 25th Anniversary broadcast but since I now live abroad in Europe I could only view it via their website and all I got to see was the DJ talking and then the ads. Nothing else...

I miss the old MTV. You know, when they actually PLAYED music that you could care about.

Now to redirect back on topic, I can't WAIT to see what you've been able to do with this 10 Anniversary!

Best Regards,


Originally posted by: InvisibleWolfMan
I miss the old MTV. You know, when they actually PLAYED music that you could care about.


MTV used to play music?! *gasp!*

Yes. But now the "M" stands for "mundane"
the only mtv special i have seen is the star wars one they put out in 1996 just prior to the special edition's release in 1997.

i missed the new vma's and the new movie awards specials i'll have to look on google, LOL

Britney Spears laughable comeback as well as the joke of a titlle of indiana jones IV make it worth owning.

mtv2 occasionally shows some good stuff like there foo fighters stuff which i missed because i don't have mtv2.

some jerk on ebay wants 50 dollars for the videos id rather get them free in a trade.

i have to say my fave segment was liguid television since it has the maxx and aeon flux. too bad i cannot find a quality copy of the maxx anywhere since it has never received a dvd release. i never did purchase the so called remasters of aeon flux since the reviews were quite bad in terms of quality.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.