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Episode 3: DVD - Released november 1st — Page 2

I wouldn't really say that he's melting, per se, because then that brings us back to the tired, "Why didn't Luke's face get distorted?" argument. So I'll just go with the older explanation of too much redirected dark side contact deteriorating his body, which is a bit different from melting.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

or he was using the dark side to hide his true face. I mean, who you gonna trust to rule the senate? Some fucked up eveil looking dude? Or a kind looking middle aged man??

The line "I can't hold it much longer, I'm to weak" kind of gives it away!!

I've had to explain that to numerous people since waching the film!

Unless you're all joking, then ha ha... I think some people on here are lacking a real sense of humour!!!


I don't know, Hot Rod. I'm prone to believing explanations that have been around longer than the movie, and I've always heard that his manipulation of the dark side manipulated him back. And I think the line, "I can't hold it much longer, I'm too weak," gives away that he's about to get his ass kicked. In a situation like that, I don't think his face lift fading would be the first thing on his mind. Plus, he's trying to get Anakin to step in for him and act bad, and saying that he's about to die would work more effectively than, "I'm not pretty anymore, Anakin! Stop him!"

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Good thing I've already gotten the Coov "leather" cover, that one sucks.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
I see your point, but explanations that have been around longer than the movie don't really hold anymore. Boba Fett for example had a whole different history untill episode 2 came out.
I don't really know the answers, but I still think he was using the force to conceal his true self.
I mean, soon after he killed mace, he got up and acted like everything was ok. If he was in pain, or his face fucked up because of what just happened, wouldn't he have said something?

I dunno

I may have missed your point!!lol


Well, explanations that occur before the movie hold 1. if you disavow the story of the prequels (not that I'm saying I do... entirely) or 2. the answer is left ambiguous. I've never read the novel, so I can't be entirely sure of it, but I don't think it ever came out and said that that's what happened to his face. But starwars.com (sad, but, yes, it is the official site) always said that his face was disfigured by using the dark side of the force. And the fact that he didn't say something about it to Anakin right after it happened kind of works in favor of him being injured. Think about it. If you see someone get stabbed in the arm with a sword and (duh) develop a messy bloody wound, the victim wouldn't say afterwards to the witness, "Well, I got stabbed in the arm with a sword," because it's obvious what happened. See what I'm saying?

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

I see what you're saying, I'm just saying that I think he used the force to hide his true identity.
Yeah, over time, using the dark side may has disfigured his face, but it his still his true face. How old is he???
The face of Palpatine the senator was just a cover up....I think.

I don't really know

But I do think we're seeing Palpatine revert to his true form. A few points to consider:

* The "deformed" excuse is his cover when he addresses the senate, which is clever as it has the added side-effects of generating sympathy for him and hatred toward the Jedi. I don't think that was there as an explanation for the viewers.

* If Palpatine's appearance were truly the result of being injured, why on earth is it symmetrical? His head and features are totally symmetrical from what I can see. That's not an injury.

* Throughout the first and second movies, there is repeated mention that the dark side clouds the vision of the Jedi. I believe that Palpatine has harnessed some dark side power that allows him to project a false image of himself and hide in plain sight. The Jedi can sense it (a phantom menace) but they can't figure out what it is.

* During his fight with Windu (which I believe Sidious doesn't forfeit on purpose), he is becoming fatigued and drained and that ability to maintain the facade goes away.

* The change in the appearance of his eyes are a result of injury?

* The prequels have this consistent mirror image/duality thing going on. Characters are not always what they seem. Think of Padme and her double in the first and second films. Being deformed and injured doesn't play into that duality theme; having two distinct appearances does.


Or MAYBE it is an injury because TMRFE was crunched for time and couldn't think of anything else.


Wouldn't be hilarious if when Palpatine is baptizing Anakin with his new name, Darth Vader, Mace Windu sudenly came back from the window and resumed his fighting?

Palpatine: "You are now Darth... Va.."

(Mace suddenly comes up) Mace: "Aaaaarrrgh!"

Palpatine: "Bloody hell!"

Mace: "It's not over...!"

Palpatine: "Look you stupid bastard you have no hands! *sigh* Power! More unlimited power!" *fires mace from window again*

(Palpatine looks down, and waits)

Palpatine: "OK I think we..."

(Palpatine goes back to window and waits some more)

Palpatine: "... OK. Uh... where were we? Oh yes. You are now, to be called, Darth V..."

Mace: (comes up from under the table) "Aarrrgg!"

Palpatine: "Jesus Christ! Power!!!" *Fires Mace Windu from window... again*

Palpatine (looks to window): "And stay dead! Right." (looks back, Anakin is not there)

Palpatine: "Oh bloody hell..."

(Anakin is running on the street, crying)

Anakin: "What have I done? I gotta get the hell out of here! This is getting fBEEPing insane!!"
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
that sucked
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
The cover was good, but damn, Palpatine face freaks the hell out of me.
Rock. Nirvana. Awsomeness.



Originally posted by: HotRod
On your period or something Kev?!!

No offence to the ladies out there

go burn in hell. nearly of all your posts are considered trolling and baiting

"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
I reckon Hotrod's theory about the Emperor masking his true identity is right. When you see Darth Sidious in the Clone Wars cartoon his face is already deformed (check out his manky teeth) before his fight with Mace.
I still think the Emperor looks shit in ROTS and the 2004 ESB though.

War does not make one great.


Originally posted by: HotRod
Go fuck yourself you little shit!

Well that was brilliantly stated. yes i will *beep* myself and i want you to do it

"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".

Originally posted by: Jedikev

Originally posted by: HotRod
On your period or something Kev?!!

No offence to the ladies out there

go burn in hell. nearly of all your posts are considered trolling and baiting

Yeah, so what's this about then??

I'm not getting into a tit for tat with a little twat like you man!!


also the vocal changes he goes through when his true self is revealed would support Hotrods theory.
screw yourselves you must
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".
quote "Episode 3: DVD - Released november 1st" will get just for the second disc. Albeit for me to complain the cover art really sucks, i like the art their using for the book the rise of darth vader, they should do something like that. And i few screwed by the dvd double dip since they will release the ulitmate box set with More classic trilogy features and i'm left with a pile of crap lightsabers f*** UP 2004 edition set. With the bad sound and garbage mattes so noticeable i really should've thrown it in the trash or stomped back to best buy and demanded they give me my money back since it was marketed as the original trilogy not crappy special editions with added fixes. and no deleted scenes just like they did not release with indiana jones but promised, and no original documentaries like from star wars to jedi. They should have done at least two discs for each movie, i mean they did it for the prequels and like their is not a ton of unused stuff in the archives like footage we would die to see like the lost cut of a new hope.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

You know, I looked at the cover, and thought it looked fine. The SE DVDs looked awful, but the prequels weren't too bad. After reading the thread, I went back to the first page, and noticed the Vader mask. Whole thing just jumped out at me. It looks terrible. Pretty much ruins the whole thing.

I think I'll be switching them out to the Struzen leather covers Coov made.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.