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NNEDI3 Question


Is there a way to specify src_left and src_top to NNEDI3's cshift function? I'm using Spline36Resize for it and I'd like to crop-and-resize in one invocation.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


Meh. I decided to check the source code and it looks like those spots are occupied by NNEDI3's attempt at fixing the "center shift" problem.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


Oh, whoops, I meant: nnedi3_rpow2.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


I don't know if that's possible, but I know that when I compared methods for upscaling the GOUT, nnedi2_rpow2 using Spline64Resize was the one I found giving the smoothest result.

Might of course depend on the source material too.