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Fincher's "The Game" Computer Version

When the movie The Game (1997) was out you could go to the official website and complete a couple of simply little Flash games and your prize was a little "home version" of The Game that you could download and run on your PC. It asked you a bunch of questions, just like in the film, and then told you that you had not been accepted and proceded to mess with your mind and your computer over the next couple of days (it would reverse your mouse, change your wallpaper and other demented tricks) until it had run its course. I lost this little home version when my HDD crashed years ago and have never been able to find it anywhere and was wondering if anyone out there in never never land had a copy that they could upload somewhere for me. The original website for the film at http://www.the-game.com/ has long since been taken down. I would love to try out this little mindbender again. I'm also interested to see how many people even remember this little gem of a movie tie-in.
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