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Despecialized: Changing the order of the languages in Harmy's SW DEs?


Hello everyone,
I have a problem… well, my TV has a problem. It cannot read more a few different audio tracks on the MKV of Harmy’s Star Wars Despecialized editions, the big files, the 20GB ones. My language is a bit down the list, so I cannot reach it.
Is there an easy way to alter that order? Key word is “easy”.
Thank you!


No one answered this?
Easiest way (for me) would be to use ‘MKVtools’. In the ‘Merge’ tab
choose your Star Wars.MKV file in the top box. All video, audio, subtitles,
will appear in the bottom box. You can highlight & drag any track UP in the
order, you could even un-check tracks you think you’ll never need to create
a smaller file. Take note of the output directory at the bottom of the window,
the program will normally add a (1) to your original file name to prevent over
writing. This way you will NOT change the original file. I used this to add
some of Harmys Tracks to the SSE 1.6. Note: This process is very fast because
you are NOT re-encoding ANY video or audio, just moving stuff around.


I thought I recognized your foul stench when I entered this forum!