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Ask the member of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church AKA Interrogate the Catholic ;) — Page 5


Warbler said:

RicOlie_2 said:

how can you be sure adult/child sex won't be acceptable to society in the future if the child gives consent?

a child can not give consent,  a child's mind is not fully developed and therefore doesn't what he/she would be consenting to.  Therefore, it can not really be considered consent.   

I seem to remember that Xhonzi once asked this. 

 I guess that's true--depends on the age of the child maybe. I think that comment was a little extreme (the one I made, not the one Warbler made), so I'll retract that statement/question/idea.


HotRod said:

If god made us, who made god?

 What if God was one of us?


Warbler said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

Jaitea said:

But running a Church costs money


 Yes, all that bling must be pricey...

Joking aside. I always thought all of that ^ was very much at odds with the beliefs of this man...

People need a place to pray out of the rain and why shouldn't it be beautiful. Some of the most beautiful buildings I've seen and visited have been Churches, Mosques and Synagogues and I used to live oposite this stunning sandstone Sikh temple...

(^ View from my front door)

In fact I kinda get sad when I go past an ugly modern church. Glorifying God through architecture is natural but building vast golden palaces in his name seems crazy. I can only imagine Jesus standing before the Vatican with a look of horror on his face.

Is this a problem for people within the church?

 Jesus was upset because they turned his church into a "den of thieves".   I am not certain that the Vatican qualifies as a den of thieves. 

 Warbler is correct. Jesus was upset because people were selling things in the Temple and dishonouring it. In the gospels (can't remember exactly where off the top of my head) Jesus commends a woman for giving all her money (two coins) to the Temple treasury, praising her for her selflessness compared to the rich who gave only a small portion of their money even though it was a greater amount. So Jesus wasn't against collecting money.

(The above also helps to explain what you were asking, AntcuFaalb)

Regarding the ludicrous amounts of money used to build some churches, I believe it should be spent helping the poor and homeless first. I have nothing against honouring God by building beautiful churches, but it is my personal opinion that the money should be primarily used to help those who really need it. Pope Francis is a good example of how I think the leaders of the church should be. He has dispensed with most of the honours and expenses the Pope is entitled to, and prefers to live more simply than other Popes and Bishops do. I have nothing against building expensive and beautiful churches, but the money should go towards ending hunger and poverty before getting a new set of gold chalices.


Warbler said:

RicOlie_2 said: One of the beliefs is that of transubstantiation, the belief held by the Catholic Church, in which we believe that the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, not symbolically or spiritually, but in every way aside from appearance.

and taste correct? 

 Appearance includes everything that can be detected by our human senses, so yes, it tastes like bread and wine.


RicOlie_2 said:

The chances of sentient life existing elsewhere in our universe are incredibly low

 Really?  The universe is a little too large to make such a statement.

JEDIT:  Phone posting for the loss.


      I'm more impressed by the power to transubstantiate scripture than I am by bread and wine. Bishops should be good husbands and fathers, the congregations should be governed by a council of modest elder family people.... We can just rip that stuff right out of the Bible and have a good source of toilet paper.   

      In other news, Francis has charged his clergy to get out there and RRRIIIPPPP open doors for the Church. Get those doors of children and confused teens torn WIDE until they SCREAM the name "JESUS!!!!". He must be serious. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the very definition of "Jesuitical".


Bingowings said:

RicOlie_2 said:

Sorry, my goal is not to insult people here, though it's hardly surprising when they are insulted, but please realize that the point is not to equate one with the other, as I believe pedophilia is far worse, but to show that it is headed that way, and how can you be sure adult/child sex won't be acceptable to society in the future if the child gives consent? If it is going that way with pedophilia, then perhaps we are being to accepting of homosexual sex and marriage.

Again, pedophilia is worse, so I'm not saying homosexuality is just as bad, so that is not my point.

You are putting the two on the same spectrum though.

I am saying they are both abnormal types of sexuality, however one is far worse than the other, and they are different types of abnormalities.

This is the problem with Religion as opposed to personal belief. It's fenced in by dogma (dog being god in reverse should give you some pause for thought).

That is an opinion. The problem I see with personal belief as opposed to religion is that at least their is general consensus within a religion, but if everyone decides for themselves, who's to say that Johny can't live by the rule "survival of the fittest" and eliminate members of society he deems useless while Bob thinks there is nothing wrong with running around in the nude because that's how he was born? And why should dog being god in reverse give me pause for thought? That makes no sense.

The only reason why having sex with animals, infants and people with disabilities which make them mentally vulnerable is wrong is informed consent. You have to speak giraffe to understand if if a giraffe really wants to and if they understand what's being offered and what the consequences are.

If they don't it is almost certainly rape but you would need to have someone who understood giraffe to be certain.

We assume children (especially very young children) don't understand the meaning or dangers of sexual activity. While we can't be certain that mentally capable adults of the same species are fully aware of the ramifications of rubbing their genitals, we have to draw a line somewhere.

A set age where informed consent is assumed is the logical place to draw it. That line can be moved as evidence is brought to lawmakers.

You have some good points there, but of course, being religious, I don't think those are the only reasons. I think that if there is a reason other than "God said so" or "its in the Bible", etc. then that sexual act is more wrong than it would be if it was only stated in the Bible or by the Church.

It's not set in stone based on a gut feeling that someone in the bronze age had about what an invisible being had in mind.

Again, that is assuming that God doesn't exist and I don't think he can be conclusively proven to be real or unreal, unless through a supernatural experience. Even then it is only proven to that person and not everyone, so believe what you will, but hopefully you (and I think you do) realize that their isn't enough evidence against God that you can come in with your "superior intellect" and disprove him conclusively.

Stealing cars is illegal because if everyone did it society would collapse into violent anarchy which may seem fun looking from the outside (popular computer games are built on this concept) but wouldn't be if you actually lived through it. It's not even remotely the same thing as consensual manipulation of genitals for private pleasure and to argue it is is frankly nutty.

I was not comparing stealing cars to homosexuality, but rather making a point that it is possible, as Warbler mentioned, to love the sinner and not the sin. I was defending the fact that it is possible for Catholics to not hate homosexuals, but love them, and accept only their homosexual acts as wrong.

The only reason incestuous sex is wrong between consenting adults is because of the high potential for creating genetically deformed babies that will suffer.

The only reason why it's wrong for a person in a position of authority over someone else entering into a sexual relationship with that person is because there is no way of knowing for sure if that authority deformed the informed consent between two people.

It's all practical stuff that makes logical and ethical sense.

It's made messy by the disgust response which is a variable animal biological mechanism for avoiding disease and promoting reproduction.

I see no practical problem with informed adult incest between people who can't have babies but I understand the social structures against such a move.

I don't see why people with a high probability of producing a suffering child would continue down the path of producing children but I understand the social structures supporting such a move.

Again, I think that those sexual acts that can cause objectively harmful side affects are worse than those that only cause subjectively harmful ones.

But at no point would I introduce an invisible tyrant to spy on my private life and equate it to child rape even remotely.

Again, that is an opinion. I do not condemn you for opinions of yours I find very offensive, so please don't condemn me for my beliefs even if they seem outrageous.

I do not lump all sex acts I believe wrong into one. There are varying degrees of seriousness between them, and child rape is not the same thing as homosexuality or sex outside of marriage, as the latter two are much less serious (serious nonetheless in my opinion, but much less serious just as stealing a car is serious but is still far less worse than murder).

What is sin?

Sin is to miss the mark. To sway away from the directed course.

If you set a different course you aren't in sin by default. You have to be a Roman Catholic to commit a Roman Catholic sin (however the church assumes all people to be subject to their God).

The Church teaches that Catholics will be judged more harshly than others, so even if you commit a serious sin by Catholic standards, the Catholic Church doesn't believe that you're automatically going to hell. We believe that God is merciful as well as being just (I know they seem contradictory, but I'm not getting into that right now), so God will allow for your situation and beliefs on earth when judging you. If it seems offensive to you that I believe you will be judged by my God, then I am sorry, I don't mean offense.

Who elected this God person anyway?

The position of most Abrahamic religions is that sex is for one thing and one thing only and that is to create children. Theologically it has it's basis in the Mesopotamian myth of the Garden of Eden. Adam and his third wife Eve steals the power of reproduction from God after listening to a talking peni...snake.

The story of the Garden of Eden is recognized as an allegorical story by most Catholics, and as such there are details that are not necessarily literal. The statement "Adam and his third wife Eve"...hold on, third wife? Where did that come from? Anyway, "steals the power of reproduction from God"--have you read that story, or are you referring to a different Mesopotamian myth on which the Biblical story is based, or vice versa? It is not even implied that they did not have sex or could not have sex before eating the allegorical "apple." All it says is that "they were not ashamed" of their nakedness, not that they had no sexual attraction towards each other, or couldn't reproduce.

Therefore the magic wish power must only be used in a sanctified way.

Politically if you can control who has sex by issuing a sex license and periodically allow massacres of people who don't have the same license you can rake in a lot of cash.

The Roman Catholics don't do this much anymore but give them or the Scientologists et al enough inches and they will make a rule of it. Dogma needs no recourse to reason, especially when there is money to be made.

Historically the Catholic Church has been a den of every kind of nasty behavior (torture, murder, political assassination) but even recently.

The members of the Catholic Church are not perfect, and Church leaders (Popes, Bishops, et al.) have made mistakes--serious mistakes--in the past and present. That shouldn't be enough to discredit our religion though if that is what you believe.

We have too many people on the Earth as it is so this obsession with biological reproduction that most humans seem to have isn't currently practical.

Make spaceships and then you can make babies left right and centre.

 It also isn't sustainable for older generations to have greater populations than younger generations (unless you kill off all the old people which is an acceptable solution for some people, but I would beg to differ).


HotRod said:

So priests bang on about homosexuality being a sinful act, yet have no problem molesting young boys. 

Fucking hypocrites. 

 Yes I don't think you'll find too many people who disagree with you there.

Ric2, thanks for the article, particularly the Petrine Primacy section (the only part I read, as per your recommendation). His point regarding everyone sitting down and listening to Peter certainly indicates they respect him, and he wants to end the bickering and move things along, but not Primacy. The difference between Peter's language and James's language, where Peter talks about God doing this and God doing that, while James is all about his opinion, follows from Peter talking about things God has done, while James is stating his judgment on what should happen next, in a way that will be acceptable to those gathered. While Peter lays it out as a fact ("Why are you putting God to the test?"), James's statements are intended to be a closure, offering something on which they can consider coming to agreement, and are thus phrased in a more inviting manner (Peter is, as usual, a little brusque?). The matter is not settled when Peter speaks, as they still have to hear Paul & Barnabas's testimony, and the text is not clear as to whether the agreement in v22 is just on James's implementation, or the whole matter.

The article asks, at the end

Carl Olson said:

If James was the leader of the early Church, or even the first pope, why aren’t his successors the head of the universal Church?

and that's not helping his point. Readers who don't think Acts 15 demonstrates Petrine Primacy probably aren't going to think the Papal claim to Petrine Succession is important.

As for Catholic-Orthodox relations, I agree that the two are more reconciled today than they have been in a very long time (while we Protestants are...all over the place), but I did mean unity.

Jesus said:

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

and I've never understood how that fits with schisms. And yes, I say that despite being a Protestant.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

HotRod said:

So priests bang on about homosexuality being a sinful act, yet have no problem molesting young boys. 

Fucking hypocrites. 

 Yes I don't think you'll find too many people who disagree with you there.

I certainly agree that child abuse is about the lowest thing anybody claiming to be human can possibly do.  But statements like this are stupid.  Not all, not even most, priests molest young boys.  Yet HotRod's statement makes it so the acts of a minority represent the whole church, and therefore the whole Catholic priesthood is hypocritical.  This is called stereotyping and overgeneralizing.  It's the same problem that leads to racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and other stupid bigotry that I'm sure HotRod is opposed to.  So instead of making a fool of himself in public by acting the role of hypocrite himself, maybe he should share his "educated" opinions with his real life friends and no one else.  It's morons like this that make meaningful discussion impossible.


HotRod said:

If god made us, who made god?

 That is a very good question, but it is one that arises from a misunderstanding of who/what Catholics believe God to be. We believe that he always has been, is now, and will be forever. Translation: God is throughout every period and moment of time at the same time (I know that's a paradox, but it is the best I can do with the English language :P). Therefore, he just "is." He is not a person or a thing in the usual sense of the word, but is being itself. We apply human aspects to God to further our understanding of him, but do not mean them literally.

It's a confusing concept and I may not be representing/explaining it very well, but suffice it to say that if God "is" then he doesn't need to be made.


thejediknighthusezni said:

      I'm more impressed by the power to transubstantiate scripture than I am by bread and wine. Bishops should be good husbands and fathers, the congregations should be governed by a council of modest elder family people.... We can just rip that stuff right out of the Bible and have a good source of toilet paper.   

      In other news, Francis has charged his clergy to get out there and RRRIIIPPPP open doors for the Church. Get those doors of children and confused teens torn WIDE until they SCREAM the name "JESUS!!!!". He must be serious. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the very definition of "Jesuitical".

 Not sure what you mean. Perhaps if you used the English language more adequately, I would be able to understand you. Either that or I'm just plain stupid, because I don't understand what you mean.


TV's Frink said:

RicOlie_2 said:

The chances of sentient life existing elsewhere in our universe are incredibly low

 Really?  The universe is a little too large to make such a statement.

JEDIT:  Phone posting for the loss.

 If we discovered sentient alien life, then it would have to be fairly close. The chances of that happening so close to us is incredibly low.


timdiggerm said:

Jesus said:

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

and I've never understood how that fits with schisms. And yes, I say that despite being a Protestant.

 Yes, Christianity has certainly been hypocritical in that way. It just shows we need to work a little harder to understand each other if we want other people to think our religion is credible.


There...I was worried that all thirty-something posts were going to be questions. :) Hopefully I didn't miss anybody.


Generalisation? It's common fucking knowledge that these so called spokesmen for the almighty God, are dirty fucking child molesters. 

Not all granted, but some most defiantly are. Fact. I'm sure Jesus sitting on his cloud must be so proud! 

Read the history. Read the facts. For years they've gotten away with it because they are the holy fucking spokesmen to God. 

Child molesters are everywhere, in all walks of society. True. But when the man of the clergy, the fucker who stands there every Sunday preaching how wonderful God is,  then decides to take his celibacy out in a fucking scared to shit little alter boy,  well there's no excuse for that. 



And can I just say one thing then I'll stop. 

I hope there is a God. I hope that my mother is sitting up there watching the grandchildren she never met grow up to be the most beautiful people. 

I hope one day to join her.  I really do. But I'm sorry, the church is full of nasty people who do not deserve any if the credit given to them. 

Believing in God is one thing, trusting a priest, or those around him, thats something totally different



Okay, cool, you don't think it's all. The way you phrased stuff originally, it was unclear.

As for believing in God w/o being a part of a church: Jesus was proclaiming the arrival of a kingdom, not a hermitage.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


HotRod said:

Generalisation? It's common fucking knowledge that these so called spokesmen for the almighty God, are dirty fucking child molesters. 

Not all granted, but some most defiantly are. Fact. I'm sure Jesus sitting on his cloud must be so proud! 

Read the history. Read the facts. For years they've gotten away with it because they are the holy fucking spokesmen to God. 

Child molesters are everywhere, in all walks of society. True. But when the man of the clergy, the fucker who stands there every Sunday preaching how wonderful God is,  then decides to take his celibacy out in a fucking scared to shit little alter boy,  well there's no excuse for that. 

 Common knowledge that most priests are pedophiles (you used the word "some" adjacent to most, but I'm just assuming you meant "most" because that's the word you've used more often)! How many Catholic priests do you know? Being a Catholic, I know quite a few, some better than others, but I have absolutely no reason to believe that any of them are pedophiles. It is perhaps more common among clergy than among other people, but it is still the vast minority of priests who do have this problem. The Catholic Church is finally starting to address the issue, so hopefully it won't be so much of a problem in the future.

Honestly, though! The fact that there are pedophilic, hypocritical priests, doesn't negate my beliefs. If I (and I am assuming you are an atheist or at least agnostic, so apologies if you are not), assume all atheists or agnostics are intolerant Catholic-haters who use excessive amounts of profanity, would you not think I was retarded? You wrote (with profanity excised) "It's common knowledge that these so called spokesmen for the almighty God, are dirty child molesters." Maybe there are many pedophilic priests, or maybe some priests are pedophiles, but saying that they are or most are child molesters and pedophiles, is a gross misrepresentation and generalization.

Sorry if I seem obsessed with profanity, but the people in this thread who come across as being the most polite and civilized are those who do not use profanity and insults to get their point across.


HotRod said:

And can I just say one thing then I'll stop. 

I hope there is a God. I hope that my mother is sitting up there watching the grandchildren she never met grow up to be the most beautiful people. 

I hope one day to join her.  I really do. But I'm sorry, the church is full of nasty people who do not deserve any if the credit given to them. 

Believing in God is one thing, trusting a priest, or those around him, thats something totally different

 Fair enough, and I'm sorry that the terrible example of some members (and sadly leaders) of my religion turn you away. We don't in any way think that priests have ultimate authority in their parishes, but they are supposed to be fatherly figures and it is sad when they are instead child-molesters or alcoholics.


HotRod said:


HotRod said:

What do you think of the majority of priests being child molesting kiddie fuckers??

 yeah, generalization.


RicOlie_2 said:

TV's Frink said:

RicOlie_2 said:

The chances of sentient life existing elsewhere in our universe are incredibly low

 Really?  The universe is a little too large to make such a statement.

JEDIT:  Phone posting for the loss.

 If we discovered sentient alien life, then it would have to be fairly close.

 Our lack of discovery has nothing to do with it existing or not existing.