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Ask the member of the Church of the Theologically Uncertain AKA Interrogate the Agnostic — Page 3


DuracellEnergizer said:

Post Praetorian said:

Why might you prefer an immortal, potentially despotic being to be the driver of the universe as opposed to a multitude of mortal, less self-assured individuals?

The former -- assuming it's omnipotent -- has complete control over the universe and can shape it to its will; It can give anything it creates and controls objective meaning and purpose if it so chooses. We lowly mortals cannot; we are slaves to the laws of the universe and we can never become its masters.

This is interesting and well considered...however, would the level of objective meaning necessarily be of a given level in order for such to lend importance? To clarify, were a species to discover that its solitary objective according to its creator might be to serve as a doorstop, would such still succeed in outstripping any alternate meaning it might discover for itself?

Further, might it be considered that such an omnipotent creator being might thereby lack meaning in and of itself given its purported dearth of a creator?

Finally, is it not possible for a created entity to discover meaning in itself were it to become a creator in its own right?

Further, if you were to discover that the being in charge of the universe might be cold and unfeeling, would it still be preferred to no being at all?

I guess this would fall under the "same difference" classification. Any specific reactions would really depend on how cold and unfeeling the deity in question was, whether it actually created the universe or not, and if it did, did it create the universe on purpose or by accident, etc.

To clarify, are you hopeful of a specific type of deity to exist or will any such be acceptable?

I'd basically like an analogue of the loving, forgiving God of the New Testament to exist.

 Fair enough...

I was once…but now I’m not… Further: zyzzogeton

“It wasn’t the flood that destroyed the pantry…”