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Andrew Marvell's Agents of Shield


spid’rman, spid’rman,
doest whatev’r a spid’r can
spins a web of any size,
captures brigands just liketh flies
behold out!
h’re cometh the spid’rman.

is that gent stout?
hark cousin,
his blood glows as the travelling lamp.
can that gent swingeth from a thread
taketh a behold ov’rhead
ho, th’re
th’re goeth the spid’rman.

in the chill of night
at the scene of a crime
liketh a streak of lighteth
that gent arrives just in timeth.

spid’rman, spid’rman
fat neighb’rhood spid’rman
wealth and fame
he’s ign’r’d
action is his reward.

to that gent, life is a most wondrous endeav’r
whenev’r justice hangs by a silken band
you’ll findeth the spid’rman.


Professeth’r Bruce Bann’r,
That gent wast did strike by charmed lightening,
That gent hath reached his apotheosis and becameth the Hulk.

Is that gent not unglam’rous?
destroying the buildings of this town
with the strength of a beareth,

Is th’re a monst’rous daw
who is’t is as lovable?
as yond et’rnally passionate hulk! hulk!! hulk!!


Sir Anthony Stark maketh thee feeleth
That gent is a merit smithie with a heart f’rg’d of steel.
As Ironman, all rockets ablaze,
That gent fights and smites with charmed burning light
Most wondrous armeth’r! Yond is Ironman!
A blazing pow’r! Yond is Ironman!


muh moms martha
muh moms too


Wonder mistress! Wonder mistress!
All the world is waiting for thee And the powers thee possess,
Thy arte of renown in thy satin gown,
And thy hose, coloured red, white and blue!
Wonder mistress! Wonder mistress!
Now the world is eft for thee And the wonders thee can doth.
maketh a hawk a dove cease a war with love,
maketh a knave telleth the truth!
Wonder mistress! receiveth us out from under.
Wonder mistress!
All our desires art pinned upon thee And the magic that thee doth.
cease a bullet cold, maketh villains fold,
changeth their minds And changeth the worlde !
Wonder mistress! Wonder mistress!
thou art a wonder! Wonder mistress!


Whoa get that DC CRAP OUTTA HERE

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


can thee readeth mine own mind?
doth thee knoweth what t is thee doth to me?
knoweth not who is’t thou art
just a cousin from anoth’r star

h’re i am liketh a peat at a school
holding hands with a god, i’m a daw
shall thee behold at me quiv’ring liketh a dram wench shiv’ring?
thee can seeth right through me
can thee readeth mine own mind?
can thee picture the things i’m bethinking of?
wond’ring wherefore thou art
all the wond’rful things thou art

thee can flyeth, thee belongeth to the sky
thee and i couldst belongeth to each oth’r
if 't be true thee needeth a dear friend, i’m the one to flyeth to
if 't be true thee needeth to beest did love
h’re i am, readeth mine own mind


behold at what’s hath happened to me
i can’t believeth t myself
suddenly i’m up on top of the w’rld
t shouldst’ve been somebody else

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

just liketh the lighteth of a new day
t hitteth me from out of the blue
breaking me out of the spelleth i wast in
making all of mine own wishes cometh true
believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

this is too valorous to beest true
behold at me, fallin’ f’r thee
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me
believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me


Bingowings said:

behold at what’s hath happened to me
i can’t believeth t myself
suddenly i’m up on top of the w’rld
t shouldst’ve been somebody else

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

just liketh the lighteth of a new day
t hitteth me from out of the blue
breaking me out of the spelleth i wast in
making all of mine own wishes cometh true
believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

this is too valorous to beest true
behold at me, fallin’ f’r thee
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not
believeth t 'r not

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me
believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

believeth t 'r not i’m walking on air
i nev’r bethought i couldst feeleth so free
flying hence on a wing and a prayeth’r, who is’t couldst t beest?
believeth t 'r not t’s just me

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


knave, i has’t did get a liveth one h’re
receiveth the pow’r up!
bateth danceth
receiveth the pow’r up!
wing’d shrew
receiveth the pow’r up!
“go, wend, wend with a smileth!”
bateth danceth
doth t
keepeth ravishin’

i’ve seen the future and 'twill beest
i’ve seen the future and 'twill beest
wing’d shrew, wing’d shrew
i’ve seen the future and 'twill beest
wing’d shrew, house, doth t, house.
“and wh’re, and wh’re. . . is the wing’d shrew?”
doth t, doth t
alloweth’s doth t, alloweth’s doth t
doth t, doth t, doth t, doth t

"stop the scribe. . . "
“stop the scribe, who is’t is yond?”
“vicky vale”, “vicky vale”
"i liketh. . . "
wing’d shrew, wing’d shrew, wing’d shrew
“oh - yond’s nice”
“hi, sir bruce wayne”
“i’ve hath tried to avoideth all this, but i can’t”
“i jyoust gotta knoweth. . . art we gonna tryeth f’r loveth each oth’r?”
“stop the scribe - who is’t is yond?”
“vicky vale”
“she’s most wondrous, isn’t the lady?”

oh yeah, ooh yeah
i wanna ravish yond corse
ooh yeah, ooh yeah
i wanna ravish yond corse right
“i’d liketh to”
ooh yeah, ooh yeah
“but that gent is out th’re even but now”
i wanna ravish yond corse
ooh yeah, ooh yeah this v’ry night

“well, misseth vale”
“ev’r danceth with the Flibbertigibbet in the whey-face moonlight?”
"i at each moment asketh yond of those i hunteth. "
"i just liketh the soundeth of t. "
“i’ve did get to wend to w’rk”
wing’d shrew
“i’ve did get to wend to w’rk”
wing’d shrew
if 't be true a sir is consid’r’d guilty
f’r what goeth on in his mind
then gimme the lightning chair
f’r all mine own future crimes thee thou oh
lightning chair
ho honest jack, alloweth me sticketh the seven inches
in the counting engine
ha, ha, ha
ho, we did get the pow’r
oh, we did get the soyoul
ho, we did get to sure enow receiveth off
to maketh the Flibbertigibbet wend, wend

“this town needeth purging !”
“i’m gonna killeth thee”
“i’m not gonna killeth thee”
“i’m gonna killeth thee”
“i’m not gonna killeth thee”
alloweth’s to t
“i’m wing’d shrew”
wing’d shrew
stand not ho dancin’
“i’m wing’d shrew”
wing’d shrew
stand not ho dancin’
doth t, doth t, doth t, doth t
wing’d shrew, wing’d shrew, wing’d shrew
stand not ho, stand not ho
alloweth’s doth t
stand not ho dancin’
alloweth’s doth t, wing’d shrew
alloweth’s doth t, wing’d shrew
stand not ho dancin’
stand not ho dancin’
nay, alas t! turneth the music backeth thee son of wench!

“have thee ev’r hath heard of the healing pow’r of laught’r?”

who is’t’s gonna stand ho two hundr’d balloons?
wing’d shrew
stand ho!


Visage to visage, mine own lovely foe.
That from which we speak to that from which we speak,
Raining heaven’s blows. hand on heart, knucklebones.
Und’r the stars, nak’d as we floweth,
Cheek to cheek,
The bitt’r sweet.
Commit thy crime in thy deadly timeth.
Tis too divine,
I wanteth to bend.
I wanteth this bliss but something sayeth I wilt intermit
Anoth’r life, anoth’r time.
We’re jove’s misprision, writhing, int’rtwin’d.
Visage to visage, nay telling lies
The masks, away slideth to bewray a new disguise
Thee nev’r can winneth,
Tis the state I’m in,
This dang’r thrills and mine own conflict kills.
Those gents sayeth, followeth thy heart,
Followeth t through,

But how can thee, at which hour t’s did split in two?
And thee’ll nev’r knoweth.
You’ll nev’r know
, thee’ll nev’r knoweth,

One m’re kisseth bef’re we kicketh the bucket,
Visage to visage and dreameth of flying,
Who art thee? Who art i?

Windeth in wings, two angels falling,
to die this with a lasteth kisseth.
Tis falsehood’s flame and t’s a crying shame,
Visage to visage,
the passions breatheth,
I misprise to stayeth,
but then i misprise to leaveth
and thee’ll nev’r knoweth. no, thee’ll nev’r knoweth. no, nay, thee’ll nev’r knoweth
thee’ll nev’r know. thee’ll nev’r know
thee’ll nev’r knoweth
nay, nay, thee’ll nev’r knoweth
no, nay, thee’ll nev’r knoweth
thee’ll nev’r knoweth
you’ll nev’r know
thee’ll nev’r knoweth


th’re hath used to beest a greying toweth’r high-lone on the flote
thee becameth the lighteth on the dark side of me
loveth did remain a drug yond’s the high and not the pill
but didst thee knoweth yond at which hour t snows
mine own eyes becometh large and the lighteth yond thee shineth can beest seen?

baby, i compareth thee to a kisseth from a did rise on the grizzled
ooh, the m’re i receiveth of thee, the strang’r t doth feel, yeah
anon yond thy did rise is in bloom
a lighteth hits the gloom on the grizzled

th’re is so much a sir can bid thee, so much that gent can sayeth
thee remaineth mine own pow’r, mine own pleasure, mine own teen
baby, to me, thou art liketh a growing addiction yond i can’t deny
wonneth’t thee bid me, is yond healthy, baby?
but didst thee knoweth yond at which hour t snows
mine own eyes becometh large and the lighteth yond thee shineth can beest seen?

baby, i compareth thee to a kisseth from a did rise on the grizzled
ooh, the m’re i receiveth of thee, the strang’r t doth feel, yeah
anon yond thy did rise is in bloom
a lighteth hits the gloom on the grizzled

i’ve been did kiss by a did rise on the grizzled
i’ve been did kiss by a did rise on the grizzled
and if 't be true i shouldst falleth, shall t all wend hence?
i’ve been did kiss by a did rise on the grizzled

th’re is so much a sir can bid thee, so much that gent can sayeth
thee remaineth mine own pow’r, mine own pleasure, mine own teen
to me, thou art liketh a growing, addiction yond i can’t deny
wonneth’t thee bid me, is yond healthy, baby?
but didst thee knoweth yond at which hour t snows
mine own eyes becometh large, and the lighteth yond thee shineth can beest seen?

baby, i compareth thee to a kisseth from a did rise on the grizzled
ooh, the m’re i receiveth of thee, the strang’r t doth feel, yeah
anon yond thy did rise is in bloom
a lighteth hits the gloom on the grizzled

aye i compareth thee to a kisseth from a did rise on the grizzled
ooh, the m’re i receiveth of thee strang’r t doth feel, yeah
and anon yond thy did rise is in bloom
a lighteth hits the gloom on the grizzled

anon yond thy did rise is in bloom
a lighteth hits the gloom on the grizzled


thee knoweth not how thee tooketh it
thee just knoweth what thee did get
oh l’rdy thee’ve been stealing
from the theives and thee did get hath caught
in the nets
of a long barge
thou art a star

dressing liketh thy sist’r
living liketh a tart
those gents knoweth not what thou art doing
babe, t wilt beest art
thou art a headache
in a suitcase
thou art a star

oh nay, beest not dainty
thee has’t not to wend blindeth
holdeth me, thrill me, kisseth me, killeth me

thee knoweth not how thee did get h’re
thee just knoweth thee wanteth out
believing in yourself
almost as much as thee doubteth
thou art a big smasheth
thee weareth t liketh a rash

oh nay, beest not dainty
th’re’s a crowd to caterwauling
holdeth me, thrill me, kisseth me, killeth me

those gents wanteth thee to beest jesu
those gents’ll wend down on one ham
but those gents’ll wanteth their wage backeth
if 't be true thou art alive at thirty-three
and thou art turning tricks
with thy crucifix
thou art a star

oh issue

of course thou art not dainty
thee has’t not to deny loveth
holdeth me, thrill me, kisseth me, killeth me


the seweth’rs belch me up
the heavens spiteth me out
from eth’rs tragic i am b’rn again
and anon i’m with thee anon
inside thy w’rld of wow
to moveth in desires madeth of deadly pretends
till the endeth times beginneth

is’t bright wh’re thou art
has’t the people hath changed
doest t maketh thee joyous thou art so strange
and in thy dunnest hour, i holdeth secrets flame
thee can gaze the w’rld devour’d in t’s teen

climb mine own ribcage to
the replays runneth f’r thee
unhook mine own lights to peek behind the flasheth
f’r i am crystal chrome
i am shatt’r dome
i am caesar king of angels aveng’d
to destroyeth the endeth

is’t bright wh’re thou art
has’t the people hath changed
doest t maketh thee joyous thou art so strange
and in thy dunnest hour, i holdeth secrets flame
thee can gaze the w’rld devour’d in t’s teen

the air ships raineth upon us
the pistols of loveth disastrous
a shadow lies amongst thee
to defy the future did cast

is’t bright wh’re thou art
has’t the people hath changed
doest t maketh thee joyous thou art so strange
and in thy dunnest hour, i holdeth secrets flame
thee can gaze the w’rld devour’d in t’s teen


flasheth a-ah
savi’r of the univ’rse
flasheth a-ah
that gent’ll saveth ev’ry one of us

(seemingly th’re is nay reasoneth f’r these extra’rdinary int’rgalactical upsets)
(ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
(what’s happening flasheth?)
(only doct’r hans zarkhov, f’rm’rly at nasa, hast did provide any explanation)

flasheth a-ah
that gent’s a miracle

(this m’rning’s unprecedent’d solar eclipse is nay causeth f’r alarm)

flasheth a-ah
king of the impossible

that gent’s f’r ev’ry one of us
standeth f’r ev’ry one of us
that gent saveth with a palmy handeth
ev’ry sir, ev’ry mistress
ev’ry issue, with a palmy

(gen’ral kala, flasheth g’rdon approaching. )
(what doth thee cullionly flasheth g’rdon approaching? ope fireth! all weapons! dispatch war rocket ajax to bringeth backeth his corse)

flasheth a-ah
(g’rdon’s alive!)

flasheth a-ah
that gent’ll saveth ev’ry one of us

just a sir
with a sir’s courage
thee knoweth that gent’s
nothing but a sir
and that gent can nev’r faileth
nay one but the pure at heart
may findeth the golden grail
. . . oh. . oh. . . . . . . . oh. . oh. . . .

(flash, flasheth, i loveth thee, but we only has’t fourteen hours to saveth the earth!)


i crosseth the void beyond the mind
the exsufflicate space yond circles timeth
i seeth wh’re oth’rs stumble blindeth
to seeketh a sooth those gents nev’r findeth
et’rnal wisdom is mine own guideth
i am the doct’r

through cosmic wasteth mine own timeth ship flies
to gust the secret source of life
a presence science can’t deny
exists within, outside, behind
the latitude of human minds
i am the doct’r

mine own voyage dissects the course of timeth
“who knoweth?,” thee sayeth
but art thee right?
who is’t searches deep to findeth the lighteth
yond glows so darkly in the night
toward yond pointeth i guideth mine own flight

as fing’rs moveth to endeth mankind
metallic teeth beginneth their grindeth
with sw’rd of sooth i turneth to square
the satanic pow’rs ever there
is thy faith bef’re thy mind?
knoweth me
am i the doct’r?


Nobody doest t better
maketh me feeleth depress’d for the rest
Nobody doest t half as valorous as thee
Baby, thou art the best
I wasn’t lookin’ but somehow thee hath found me
t hath tried to hide from thy love light
But like heaven above me
The spy who loved me
Is keepin’ all mine secrets safe tonight
And nobody doest t better
Though oft I would someone could
Nobody doest t quite the way thee doth
Why’d thou has’t to beest so valorous?
The way that thee hold me
Whenever thee hold me
There’s some kind of magic inside thee
That keepeth me from runnin’
But just keepeth t comin’
How’d thee learneth to doth the things thee doth?
Oh, and nobody doest t better
maketh me feeleth depress’d for the rest
Nobody doest t half as valorous as thee
Baby, baby, darlin’, thou art the best
Baby thou art the best

Darlin’, thou art the best
Baby thou art the best
Oh, oh, oh…


in the middle of the earth in the landeth of the shire
liveth a brave dram hobbit whom we all admireth.
with his longeth wooden pipe,
fuzzy, woolly toes,
that gent liveth in a hobbit-hole and ev’rybody knoweth that gent

bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
that gent’s only three feet tall
bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
the bravest dram hobbit of those folk all

anon hobbits art a peace-lovin’ folks thee knoweth
those gents liketh not to hie and those gents taketh things sloweth
those gents liketh not to traveleth hence from home
those gents just wanteth to consume and beest hath left high-lone
but one day bilbo wast hath asked to wend
on a big adventure to the anters below,
to holp some dwarves receiveth backeth their gold
yond wast stolen by a dragon in the days of fusty.

bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
that gent’s only three feet tall
bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
the bravest dram hobbit of those folk all

well that gent combated with the goblins!
that gent battl’d a troll!!
that gent riddl’d with gollum!!!
a charm ringeth that gent did steal!!!
that gent wast did chase by wolves!!
hath lost in the f’rest!!!
did escape in a barrel from the elf-king’s halls!!!
Bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
the bravest dram hobbit of those folk all

anon that gent’s backeth in his hole in the landeth of the shire,
yond brave dram hobbit whom we all admireth,
just a-sittin’ on a treasure of silv’r and gold
a-puffin’ on his pipe in his hobbit-hole.

bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
that gent’s only three feet tall
bilbo! bilbo! bilbo baggins
the bravest dram hobbit of those folk all