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Wolfman Back In? — Page 2


Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
interesting first post...

although the Cantina was swarming with aliens and stuff i think we just notice those a lot more than we do humans because its something different...
i mean how many times do we see aliens in a bar??

after all Han was in there, the bartender, the pilot who was talking to chewie at the bar... im sure there were more but i've never looked hard enough...
but then again i could be wrong...
im sure theres more aliens than humans... but maybe not by much...

It's more the movie by itself that gives the impression that aliens are scum and villainy: before we enter the cantina, we have only seen robots (good and neutral characters), humans (good and bad characters), sand people (bad characters, maybe they are humans behind their mask, we don't know in the movie) and jawas (neutral or bad guys?). Jawas get their nasty remark too, by C3PO: "I can't abide those Jawas. Disgusting creatures"

(by the way, I'm some kind of integrist regarding Star Wars: fore me, only the OT movies (in their Thatrical Cut) exists, there are no PT and no EU. I leave all that is not shown in the OT movies for my imagination!)
don't forget the deformed human guy who picks a fight with Luke "he doesn't Like You, I don't like you either!" and those twin girls with the cleopatra braids, in fact there are quite a few humans in that scene, apart from the Jawas and Sand-people, the cantina sequence is the first real chance we get to see different alien species in the trilogy, which is probably why the aliens stand out so much from the humans.

I'm pretty sure I read that most of the creatures in that scene were shot and added in post production to beef up the scene.

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
I'm pretty sure I read that most of the creatures in that scene were shot and added in post production to beef up the scene.

I'm pretty sure you're right! You can see the original version of the cantina scene on this page.
Racist...ummm, my god, this is the PC blather that edited the Greedo scene into Greedo shooting first or laserblasts with no fire upon impact. That cantina was seedy. Han was shady, owed Jabba, and was willing to do whatever for money. The bartender in the lost cut says to c3po to scram they don't accept droids here, and there is a lot more creatures that eye obi and luke looking at them like chumpsthey might hit up. ITS A BAR man for criminals. The Human form of Jabba was originally in the film too (not in the cnatina though), but tatooine is shady man.

What about the praying mantis instead of the wolfman?

Mantis - Kiti Keedkak
16 years I wait and this is what I get???

Originally posted by: jimbo
I doubt we will get the wolfman back. This is just blaten false advertising. I would like digital altering to all the cantina aliens. I honestly would rate them as real as anything you can find in Halloween USA. There lips don't move and there eyes don't blink.

Give me fake looking rubber masks any day.
You, jimbo, I have a thought:

1. Get yourself a really fast computer.
2. Get yourself a really good 3D modeling program.
3. Rebuild Star Wars from scratch completely in your computer.

That will solve a couple things at once. First, it will allow you to create Star Wars for yourself, with all your CG stuff that, no matter how well its done, will probably look 2D. Second, it gives you a massive project, and will potentially keep you off the boards for a while.

And in 30 years, after GL is dead, you can make your millions with the 're-envisioned Star Wars Trilogy'.
How many times have we heard the Star Wars racism bit? Last year, I caught a piece about discrimination about albinos, then there's the inevitable 'Jar-Jar is a terrible African-American stereotype' controversy. I don't hear about the Rodians too often, but they seem so stereotypical to me I laugh whenever they talk in KOTOR. But seriously, if Star Wars were racist, there would be no Mace Windu.
My Blog
Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
im not racist but Mace Windu (particularly Samuel L Jackson) has no reason to be in the Star Wars universe....

and be allowed to weild a purple lightsaber because its his favorite colour...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I disagree. Otherwise, we really don't need new Jedi, new ideas, different ways to fight, that many new characters, ....... eventually leading to a forced decrease in creativity. The prequal trilogy is the same as the classic to me in the respect that, while they will all each stay true to the "Star Wars" feel, you need new things, new characters. I mean, if Mace Windu really isn't needed, what about Mon Mothma or most of the bounty hunters on the bridge of the Avenger? (each new creations to their particular movie, ESB and ROTJ respectivally)

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
im not racist but Mace Windu (particularly Samuel L Jackson) has no reason to be in the Star Wars universe....

and be allowed to weild a purple lightsaber because its his favorite colour...

Remember the thread of stupidest prequel complaints. This one takes the cake.
but im not saying that Mace is a bad idea... but couldnt they cast someone else...
i mean Sam Jackson as a jedi...
i just cant see it...

but the lightsaber thing is just dumb... thats my honest opinion...
a PURPLE lightsaber????
i mean any other colour would have been better than purple... lol


Remember the thread of stupidest prequel complaints. This one takes the cake.

right because saying someone doesnt fit they're role in a movie is dumb...
or having actors tell the director "I want a purple lightsaber, or else" is dumb...

jimbo you belong in the thread of stupidest posts...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I remember reading that when Samuel Jackson heard Lucasfilm were making the prequals, he lobbied George Lucas for a part, he was such a fan of the star wars movies that he was willing to play even the smallest of roles just to be involved in a Star Wars movie , so George created Mace Windu as a member of the Jedi Council, and he was asked which colour lightsaber he wanted and he went for purple (this was at a time where there weren't any particular rules or trends regarding light-sabre colours).

Actually, I like the violet lightsaber. I'm tired of the fact the all Jedis have either blue or green sabers and all Sith have red. Knights of the Old Republic suggested that the color was part of a whole branch of service thing, which was really just a gaming thing. According to EU, the color of the saber depends on the crystals used in it. Hence why Corran Horn's saber is silver(which is a color that was finally added to KotOR II ). I remember Jackson saying he wanted it because it would allow him to pick himself out in the crowd fight scenes. For, I believe, the MTV Movie Awards, he gloated saying, "I'm the only one with a purple lightsaber, and only I know what it means". ^_^ Know if only we could get a Sith with a different color blade outside of the Dark Jedi in KotOR.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

i always thought a cool sith saber colour would be similar to a black light.... it would be a very dark colour and would make anything white (like they're teeth) glow in that dark purple...

i think having a black light lightsaber would be cool..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
lol, a "darksaber" ^^;

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


lol, a "darksaber" ^^;

lol boo yah!
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Know if only we could get a Sith with a different color blade outside of the Dark Jedi in KotOR.

Actually, I always thought purple would be a good color for the Sith. Dooku, for instance, would have been better suited with a violet blade.
There's actually a SW novel called Darksaber. It was basically, a Hutt's take on the Death Star. Since it was cylindrical in shape, that's what they called it.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Well what's cool about the violet saber is that it is a transition color between blue and red. It could be used as symbolic of Dooku's turn from the Jedi (blue) to the Sith (red). Wouldn't that be a completely appropriate use of symbolism?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Bossk
Well what's cool about the violet saber is that it is a transition color between blue and red. It could be used as symbolic of Dooku's turn from the Jedi (blue) to the Sith (red). Wouldn't that be a completely appropriate use of symbolism?

Thank You!

Hey MagnoliaFan, I know you changed his blade to yellow in your version, did you ever consider purple?

Well what's cool about the violet saber is that it is a transition color between blue and red. It could be used as symbolic of Dooku's turn from the Jedi (blue) to the Sith (red). Wouldn't that be a completely appropriate use of symbolism?

that sounds kinda cool to me..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
There's actually a SW novel called Darksaber. It was basically, a Hutt's take on the Death Star. Since it was cylindrical in shape, that's what they called it.

Is there anything that DIDN'T happen on the SW universe? I mean, judging by the EU...
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering

Originally posted by: Commander Courage
Thank You!

No problem Codename: Cour... errr... Commander Courage!
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
i dont pay too much attention to the EU...
i dont consider any of that stuff to be star wars facts because they're not in the movies...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: ricarleite

Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
There's actually a SW novel called Darksaber. It was basically, a Hutt's take on the Death Star. Since it was cylindrical in shape, that's what they called it.

Is there anything that DIDN'T happen on the SW universe? I mean, judging by the EU...
A Star Trek cross-over.

Darksaber was an interesting book. Durga(?) the Hutt was going to use the knowledge of the original DS design (Bevel Lemelisk) to build a new DS to blackmail the galaxy. Lemelisk gave it the cylinder shape. Since it was going to be a "military installation" it didn't need the added superstructure. It needed, engines and the laser only.

My favorite part of the book was anytime that Bevel had a flashback, remembering how the Emperor would punish him for failures. Palpy had cloned several bodies for Bevel, and what he'd do was torture him in some agonizingly painful way, then use the force to transfer Bevel's conscienceness into a new body. The 2 methods I recall are being spaced and being eaten alive by some kind of Yavin beetle.