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Post #1097611

Darth Lucas
Parent topic
Dealing with People Selling Fan Projects
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Date created
13-Aug-2017, 2:05 PM

JohnStewart said:

You people crack me up. You F* around with copyrighted material then you cry when you see people selling the s*! Just stop, ok you make yourselves look stupid. Maybe if you made the “free” versions easier to get the masses out there would not resort to paying for them. Not to mention it might not be wise to keep brining undo attention to this site as well. I had no problem getting these but to your average non computer person its a pretty difficult task.

Because “f*ing around with copyrighted material” is not a crime. We own the movies, we can do with them what we please, so long as it is for personal use. It is, however, a crime to sell duplicates of that copyrighted material, altered or not. And we “cry” about it because it’s actually a pretty serious issue, as we haven’t had issues with Disney or Lucasfilm primarily because nobody is making money and they don’t see us as a threat. It was just slightly annoying when it was only a couple people here and there selling these on ebay, but the number of people selling these on ebay and other sites is growing astronomically to the point where it will likely soon draw the attention of Lucasfilm Legal and not in a good way, as they will see their actions as a reflection of us on the forum. Now are you done acting like a jerk? Can you provide something productive to the conversation instead of annoyingly complaining about how annoying we are? If not, kindly go away.