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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 66


Yikes. At the risk of offending anyone reading, that does not sound like a licensed professional.

Anxiety can be caused by all sorts of things. I’m pretty sure my nine-year-old’s anxiety is caused by Asperger’s, not (lack of) Jesus.


Might be licensed, hardly a professional.


suspiciouscoffee said:

TV’s Frink said:

Yikes. At the risk of offending anyone reading, that does not sound like a licensed professional.

Strangely, he is licensed, although he has voiced concerns about possibly losing his license for trying to straighten out gay people (he’s also my Sunday school teacher, so I know him already).

I am a Christian myself, but it seems like you should not have a counselor who has that kind of history with you. They already have a preconceived picture of you. Wishing you the best.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Good news: I am finally getting counseling or whatever.

Agreed with the rest, you appear to have gotten “whatever” when what you really need is “counseling”.

There are lots of Christian counselors who would not think to insert religion into their counseling. There are also lots of Christian counselors who may insert religion into their counseling, but would refrain from doing so if you made it clear you did not want that. Make sure you didn’t get someone from the second group by stating what you consider to be out of bounds in your counseling. And then there’s the third group, where the correct response is to run.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


suspiciouscoffee said:

Bad news: This counselor thinks that anxiety/social anxiety are entirely caused by not knowing Jesus enough.

yeah, that is not a good sign. I hope you can find someone better.


Teletherapy. It may add a sometimes-annoying barrier between you and your counselor, but the increased options may be beneficial enough to outweigh that. Admittedly I’m coloring your current counselor situation with how I’d react in a similar situation, but I’d say it’s worth exploring.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Well, the psychoanalysis evaluation didn’t reach my psychiatrist. They fucked up, in layman’s terms. They were also supposed meet with my mother, and someone fucked that up too. Not encouraging. I turned 30. I’m disappointed that as a virgin, I did not receive my wizard powers. I started splitting the medication I was on because it was making me a fucking zombie who slept 18 hours a day. If I’m honest, I secretly liked that because being asleep meant I didn’t have to think.

I’m in hot water at work, my manager pulled me into the office and bluntly told me I’m not moving fast enough and that I could get transferred or lose my job if I don’t scan more items more quickly. No customers have complained, mind, I’m just not meeting with their statistical standards. I called my union boss, almost crying, and she never called back. We’re doing a remodel which means a big chunk of our checkouts are closed and even our main restrooms. I’ve been getting really good hours lately, but the stress of work is almost unbearable. And I need my job for money for all kinds of things, not to mention my insurance to pay for my therapists I don’t listen to, psychiatrists, and especially medicine which isn’t helping. I’ve been miserable at my job for over a decade, but I’ve never made any effort to get another, resigning myself to a “devil you know” situation. Now I’ve accumulated 11 years of seniority and I almost feel like I can’t leave. It’s all I know.

Then there’s the crisis of faith that I think has culminated in me losing faith. Yes, apparent YouTube videos were all it took to shake my “faith.” Some fucking faith. The melodramatic way I articulated it was by saying that I feel like I’ve lost something essential to myself and feel broken without it. For someone who barely thought about faith for many years, suddenly I’ve become obsessed. I’m so scared, existentially, spiritually scared. I just don’t know anymore. Maybe this isn’t fixable.

Fuck, I’m sorry for the pity party. I just needed to get some stuff out.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


CatBus said:

Teletherapy. It may add a sometimes-annoying barrier between you and your counselor, but the increased options may be beneficial enough to outweigh that. Admittedly I’m coloring your current counselor situation with how I’d react in a similar situation, but I’d say it’s worth exploring.

That may not work depending on the severity of his needs. They refer people to in-person psychiatrists if they feel the need is great enough.

The Person in Question


Mike O, I don’t know what to say, but hang in there. And always feel free to rant, even if no one responds. It’s good to share rather than keeping everything inside, even when we can’t offer you any help.


This isn’t related to emotion but I want to post this in a serious thread. I’ve been having an extremely difficult time remaining standing or even upright for longer than about 2 or 3 hours at a time for a while. I’m young, thin, and pretty well exercised and that’s not to say that I’m the portrait of good health, but that’s to say that there’s no easy explanation for this issue. It’s affecting my ability to do my job, which (obviously) concerns me.

The Person in Question


I’m assuming you’re going to see a doctor…?


RicOlie_2 said:

Mike O, I don’t know what to say, but hang in there. And always feel free to rant, even if no one responds. It’s good to share rather than keeping everything inside, even when we can’t offer you any help.

I’m sick of hanging in there! I’m sick of shrinks I’m too cowardly to listen to, I’m sick of doctors and psychiatrists and pills! I had to cut my medication in half because I was sleeping for 14 hours at a time, and now I feel I’m facing some sort of withdrawal or something. I’m sick of my life, I’m sick of being a prisoner in my own fucking head, my dad went off on one of his tangents watching far-right videos (I don’t agree with practically any of his politics). I shrugged it off and moved on. Barely thought about it. Why can’t I do that with Matt Dillahunty and AronRa? Why? Why? Why can’t I? Why?

I want to come home from work and relax. I want control over asmy fucking thoughts back. I want to be able to see a priest or a crucifix without spiraling into a panic attack. I have had enough of this shit. I just can’t control it. And it doesn’t feel like I ever will again. I feel so broken.

You’re right that sometimes I come here to rant, and I’m sorry if I dump on others. Sometimes I just need to get this stuff out.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Today is my brother’s wedding.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


It went great! But it was in a church, and with all that has been happening to me lately, that was very stressful. Luckily, I hid it from my parents. Luckily, I was able to appear normal and not ruin anything for anybody. So that was good, at least.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


moviefreakedmind said:

This isn’t related to emotion but I want to post this in a serious thread. I’ve been having an extremely difficult time remaining standing or even upright for longer than about 2 or 3 hours at a time for a while. I’m young, thin, and pretty well exercised and that’s not to say that I’m the portrait of good health, but that’s to say that there’s no easy explanation for this issue. It’s affecting my ability to do my job, which (obviously) concerns me.

Go see a doctor. Could be anemia and simple blood work will determine that.


I had my blood tested last month and it wasn’t a problem. I’ve been anemic before, though.

The Person in Question