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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 56


It’s tough not having anyone you feel you can confide in, but it’s good that you’re getting it off your chest here.

Whatever you do, don’t do drugs, or start any sort of addiction. That could seriously screw up your life. While it might feel like your world is collapsing because you’ve hit a rough patch, it’s not over yet. I’ve been there, and I know it can feel pretty hopeless sometimes, but it isn’t. Keep fighting.

You want to be able to look back years from now, and feel relieved that you didn’t get addicted to drugs. You don’t want to look back with regret on the decision that ruined your life. If you’re depressed, that’s really not a good time to be experimenting with things that could harm your health, because your judgement isn’t what it would otherwise be.

Don’t give up yet. Focus on the positives, even if there don’t seem to be many. It can be painful to keep a secret about not believing the same thing as your parents, but remember that you only have to hide it a few more years (I know, it seems long, but when you look back on it, it won’t seem so bad) and then you can finally be true to yourself. Just don’t destroy yourself in the meantime or you really won’t be able to face yourself.


RicOlie_2 said:

It’s tough not having anyone you feel you can confide in, but it’s good that you’re getting it off your chest here.

Whatever you do, don’t do drugs, or start any sort of addiction. That could seriously screw up your life. While it might feel like your world is collapsing because you’ve hit a rough patch, it’s not over yet. I’ve been there, and I know it can feel pretty hopeless sometimes, but it isn’t. Keep fighting.

You want to be able to look back years from now, and feel relieved that you didn’t get addicted to drugs. You don’t want to look back with regret on the decision that ruined your life. If you’re depressed, that’s really not a good time to be experimenting with things that could harm your health, because your judgement isn’t what it would otherwise be.

Don’t give up yet. Focus on the positives, even if there don’t seem to be many. It can be painful to keep a secret about not believing the same thing as your parents, but remember that you only have to hide it a few more years (I know, it seems long, but when you look back on it, it won’t seem so bad) and then you can finally be true to yourself. Just don’t destroy yourself in the meantime or you really won’t be able to face yourself.


Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


That’s something, I guess. But be aware that marijuana can be addictive, and it certainly won’t help you overcome your problems in the longterm.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Long story ahead. I may fall asleep soon after posting it, so if anyone replies, I may not see it for a while. Not that anyone should really pay attention to the ramblings of a random teenager, but… idk. Whatever. Here goes…

This story begins about two weeks ago when I went to a sort of camp thing for a few days. It was fun and all and things were going well, and suddenly things got even better for me. I met a girl who actually seemed to enjoy my company. Hell, at one point she even seemed to get adorably giddy to see me. We talked for a long time and she actually seemed like she enjoyed talking to me. ‘Holy ****, she might actually like me!’ I thought. It was a first. Suddenly, I began to delude myself into thinking I was completely straight, and so that night I was happy, happier than I’d been in a long time.
The next night was a “dance,” a raucous affair that I didn’t want any part of. For the most part, it was miserable. I stood around anxiously hoping to not be noticed by anyone (except her) and stared into the colorful lights (which in a strange way was somewhat calming, even if undoubtedly bad for my eyes). Eventually, the girl found me and we spent most of the night sitting against the wall in the back and talking, but it was getting late and my anxiety kicked in hard as usual, so I kept asking her if I was bothering her, but she kept insisting that I wasn’t. Then, my hopes jumped up way too high and I stuttered out a stupid question. Upon my asking, she sighed and admitted that she had a boyfriend. She did give me her phone number though, which is more than anyone ever has before really.
Anyway, the camp ends and we part ways. We text each other for a while but eventually I realize that she in fact did not purge my faggotry and I’m still bi at best, but then I felt guilty. I felt like I was somehow lying to her, or to myself, or to someone. I haven’t texted her in a few days because I figured it was pointless to make myself feel even more miserable. So now it’s all back; the intense fear of God, the feeling that I’m some kind of fraud, the suicidal thoughts accompanied by the fear that I’d go to hell, so killing myself would make things worse. Last night it was really bad and I couldn’t bear it, so I just dumped it all on a friend of mine late at night (having no prior knowledge of my faggotry, but he seemed pretty chill about it). It made me feel a little better, but I still have no idea what to do about any of it. There’s no way I could tell my parents about any of this lest they expidiate my inevitable trip to hell, and any time I try to talk to my mom about any of my other problems it doesn’t go well (like a month or so ago when I brought up the frequent beatings I took in middle school locker rooms a few years back and she denied ever knowing about it despite me having brought it up several times). I can’t tell my father any of my problems lest he become even more disappointed in me. I’m still not the Super Star Athlete Son™ he always wanted and I have nothing but contempt for mindless, barbaric athletic competition. He treats that as a personal failing on his part so he continually forces me to partake in mindless, barbaric athletic competition. If I told him any of my problems, he’d probably treat those as woeful failings of his as a parent and as a person, and he’s so fundamentalist that I wouldn’t be surprised if he took me to he edge of town and stoned me if he found out about my faggotry.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say at this point. I’m just tired of feeling guilty any time I have any kind of affection for anyone, tired of being a lousy son, tired of wanting to die and being too afraid to, tired of being afraid of God, and just tired in general.

Feel free to ignore this post, I’m a mess and I just needed to vent.

Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

With whom did Jesus prefer to spend his time: those who tried to define society’s righteousness based on their understanding of the scriptures, or sinners who came to him looking for forgiveness?

Regardless of your beliefs, regardless of whether your parents or your church are right or wrong about homosexuality (though I believe they are wrong), they do not have the privilege of deciding who gets into heaven. That is Jesus’ prerogative. Your parents may not have the same struggles you do, but they too are sinners who need His grace to get into heaven. The same for your pastor, the girl at your camp, me, and everyone else. Accept Jesus Christ, believe that he makes our shortcomings into righteousness, that he is our great Intercessor. Only he can get you into heaven. And believe me, Jesus loves you more than you can imagine. He already suffered for you. He wants to save you!


darthrush, please do not use marijuana at this time in your life, wait until you are in your late 20s for that if you still want to try it at that time, I assure you it really can fuck up/contribute greatly to fucking up your life if you end up liking it as much as I did when I was in high school. Its not harmless, it can mess up a developing brain, it can be addictive.
Get a hobby instead, a non weed hobby. Please don’t do what I did. Weed wont fill the void, but it can make the void a lot bigger.

OT-DAWT-COM nieghbour and sometime poster (Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day!)


Rogue-theX said:

darthrush, please do not use marijuana at this time in your life, wait until you are in your late 20s for that if you still want to try it at that time, I assure you it really can fuck up/contribute greatly to fucking up your life if you end up liking it as much as I did when I was in high school. Its not harmless, it can mess up a developing brain, it can be addictive.
Get a hobby instead, a non weed hobby. Please don’t do what I did. Weed wont fill the void, but it can make the void a lot bigger.

I feel the same way. I personally never advise anyone that comes to me to self-medicate. It’s dangerous and could very well have permanent consequences in many areas of one’s life. Seeking assistance through medical outlets and their respective professionals is a far better way to get started on the path to clarity. My daughter took Taekwon-do classes and it really gave her some positive support. A good number of YMCA’s or YWCA’s may carry a program for free and it gives one the opportunity to connect with others your age who may well be feeling the same way.


Rogue-theX said:

darthrush, please do not use marijuana at this time in your life, wait until you are in your late 20s for that if you still want to try it at that time, I assure you it really can fuck up/contribute greatly to fucking up your life if you end up liking it as much as I did when I was in high school. Its not harmless, it can mess up a developing brain, it can be addictive.
Get a hobby instead, a non weed hobby. Please don’t do what I did. Weed wont fill the void, but it can make the void a lot bigger.

This is good advice.


My advice is to give up on girls and just wait. High school is hell and everyone there is a dipshit or doesn’t have your best interest in mind. I approached it like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and got burned hard. Honesty is not valued. Everyone decieves and gossips. It’s hell. And it doesn’t get better. So give up now and admit to yourself you’re better off alone. That’s what I eventually learned.


I’ll lead with my most important advice to both coffee and rush: please don’t be ashamed to seek professional help. If you’re really feeling down on yourself, than talking to someone can really go a long way to stopping that. You two are both good guys and neither of you should have to go through this right now. Trust me that seeking help from someone who’s trained to do so will be the absolute best place to go for emotional support.

Now I’ll move on to my own dumb pieces of advice (my mom’s a therapist so I like to think some of it rubbed off on me but I know that’s bullshit).

To coffee: please understand there is nothing wrong with who you are. I’m truly sorry that you’re in a situation where you’re compelled to feel that way, but know it’s not right. If your parents love you, understand that they love you for who you are, even if they may not realize it. I’m sorry you don’t feel comfortable telling them about yourself right now, but the time will come when you’re ready. For now, don’t worry, be yourself. There is nothing wrong with liking a girl if you like boys too. You’re not lying to the girl or yourself. If you like a girl, you like a girl! Nothing wrong with that. If you like boys too, nothing wrong with that at all either. Perfectly normal. You must realize that if God created you and so many others like you, it must be okay. The fundamentalist extreme views on God don’t add up. You are who you are, and I know that can be scary right now, but don’t forget you’re still growing up. You’re still figuring out who you are. You have a long road ahead of you and have no reason to think any problems you face now will last forever. Things really do get better.

To rush: I’m sorry you’re feeling so down. But like coffee, understand that you have many years and experiences ahead of you. Right now, I get it, it’s tough. In high school it seems like you’re grown up and you should already start acting like it. But that’s not true, not really. You still have a lot of time. When I was in high school had a fair amount of female friends that I could have gone out with, but I could never bring myself to do it, just because I never really thought that we’d make great couples and I didn’t want to mess up any friendships. So this meant I spent most of high school without a girlfriend (while my male friends seemed to have a new one every few months), and at times I felt the same way you did. I was only ever in one relationship during high school, and then one after with a girl from my high school, and neither really worked out. The thing I realized though, was that I actually did do the right thing (well the right thing for me, anyway). Focusing on my friendships in high school rather than my relationships made my time there a lot more fulfilling, and most of those friendships are still alive and well now, years later. Because the truth is, in reality the dating pool at my school (and in my other circles at that age) was pretty small, so whether or not I was going to find someone right for me wasn’t guaranteed. When I went off to college, things were much different.

The important thing to remember is that there’s a whole wide world out there, filled with a lot of different people that you’ll meet. Whether it’s romantic partners or people with different views and perspectives on religion or sexuality or what have you, you’ll find there is a place and people for you out there. Your world and your life may seem big and important now, but realize it’s all just a stop along the way. So, in conclusion, things will get better, and seek professional help if things get worse (because you shouldn’t have to deal with that).


darth_ender said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Long story ahead. I may fall asleep soon after posting it, so if anyone replies, I may not see it for a while. Not that anyone should really pay attention to the ramblings of a random teenager, but… idk. Whatever. Here goes…

This story begins about two weeks ago when I went to a sort of camp thing for a few days. It was fun and all and things were going well, and suddenly things got even better for me. I met a girl who actually seemed to enjoy my company. Hell, at one point she even seemed to get adorably giddy to see me. We talked for a long time and she actually seemed like she enjoyed talking to me. ‘Holy ****, she might actually like me!’ I thought. It was a first. Suddenly, I began to delude myself into thinking I was completely straight, and so that night I was happy, happier than I’d been in a long time.
The next night was a “dance,” a raucous affair that I didn’t want any part of. For the most part, it was miserable. I stood around anxiously hoping to not be noticed by anyone (except her) and stared into the colorful lights (which in a strange way was somewhat calming, even if undoubtedly bad for my eyes). Eventually, the girl found me and we spent most of the night sitting against the wall in the back and talking, but it was getting late and my anxiety kicked in hard as usual, so I kept asking her if I was bothering her, but she kept insisting that I wasn’t. Then, my hopes jumped up way too high and I stuttered out a stupid question. Upon my asking, she sighed and admitted that she had a boyfriend. She did give me her phone number though, which is more than anyone ever has before really.
Anyway, the camp ends and we part ways. We text each other for a while but eventually I realize that she in fact did not purge my faggotry and I’m still bi at best, but then I felt guilty. I felt like I was somehow lying to her, or to myself, or to someone. I haven’t texted her in a few days because I figured it was pointless to make myself feel even more miserable. So now it’s all back; the intense fear of God, the feeling that I’m some kind of fraud, the suicidal thoughts accompanied by the fear that I’d go to hell, so killing myself would make things worse. Last night it was really bad and I couldn’t bear it, so I just dumped it all on a friend of mine late at night (having no prior knowledge of my faggotry, but he seemed pretty chill about it). It made me feel a little better, but I still have no idea what to do about any of it. There’s no way I could tell my parents about any of this lest they expidiate my inevitable trip to hell, and any time I try to talk to my mom about any of my other problems it doesn’t go well (like a month or so ago when I brought up the frequent beatings I took in middle school locker rooms a few years back and she denied ever knowing about it despite me having brought it up several times). I can’t tell my father any of my problems lest he become even more disappointed in me. I’m still not the Super Star Athlete Son™ he always wanted and I have nothing but contempt for mindless, barbaric athletic competition. He treats that as a personal failing on his part so he continually forces me to partake in mindless, barbaric athletic competition. If I told him any of my problems, he’d probably treat those as woeful failings of his as a parent and as a person, and he’s so fundamentalist that I wouldn’t be surprised if he took me to he edge of town and stoned me if he found out about my faggotry.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say at this point. I’m just tired of feeling guilty any time I have any kind of affection for anyone, tired of being a lousy son, tired of wanting to die and being too afraid to, tired of being afraid of God, and just tired in general.

Feel free to ignore this post, I’m a mess and I just needed to vent.

Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

With whom did Jesus prefer to spend his time: those who tried to define society’s righteousness based on their understanding of the scriptures, or SINNERS WHO CAME TO HIM LOOKING FOR FORGIVENESS.

The trouble with the interpretation of the Pharisee and Tax Collector in THE CHURCH OF WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW is the standard misinterpretation of “judging”. Christians are called to exercise careful judgement of all actions at all times. Their own conduct first of all, and THE CONDUCT OF OTHERS.

The sinfulness of others doesn’t diminish one’s own in the least. LIKEWISE, one’s own sin does not reduce the evil of others in the tiniest degree.

The Problem with the Pharisee was not that he recognized that unrepentant robbers and adulterers were awful characters deserving harsh judgement, it was that he thought HIS GOOD WORKS made him a vastly superior being above fellow people who REPENT. That sort of haughtiness is a great sin.

People can be appalled by the evil of others and by their own sinfulness AT THE SAME TIME. These ARE NOT mutually exclusive, in spite of what the enlightened “churches” would suggest to us.


TV’s Frink said:

For all you guys struggling right now.

Ditto! Sorry I don’t have much in the way of advice. This problems you guys are having are over my head. I feel as if I don’t have the expertise to offer advice. Handman’s and DominicCobb’s advice looks good to me, I would listen to it. DarthEnder’s advice also is good.


thejediknighthusezni said:

darth_ender said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Long story ahead. I may fall asleep soon after posting it, so if anyone replies, I may not see it for a while. Not that anyone should really pay attention to the ramblings of a random teenager, but… idk. Whatever. Here goes…

This story begins about two weeks ago when I went to a sort of camp thing for a few days. It was fun and all and things were going well, and suddenly things got even better for me. I met a girl who actually seemed to enjoy my company. Hell, at one point she even seemed to get adorably giddy to see me. We talked for a long time and she actually seemed like she enjoyed talking to me. ‘Holy ****, she might actually like me!’ I thought. It was a first. Suddenly, I began to delude myself into thinking I was completely straight, and so that night I was happy, happier than I’d been in a long time.
The next night was a “dance,” a raucous affair that I didn’t want any part of. For the most part, it was miserable. I stood around anxiously hoping to not be noticed by anyone (except her) and stared into the colorful lights (which in a strange way was somewhat calming, even if undoubtedly bad for my eyes). Eventually, the girl found me and we spent most of the night sitting against the wall in the back and talking, but it was getting late and my anxiety kicked in hard as usual, so I kept asking her if I was bothering her, but she kept insisting that I wasn’t. Then, my hopes jumped up way too high and I stuttered out a stupid question. Upon my asking, she sighed and admitted that she had a boyfriend. She did give me her phone number though, which is more than anyone ever has before really.
Anyway, the camp ends and we part ways. We text each other for a while but eventually I realize that she in fact did not purge my faggotry and I’m still bi at best, but then I felt guilty. I felt like I was somehow lying to her, or to myself, or to someone. I haven’t texted her in a few days because I figured it was pointless to make myself feel even more miserable. So now it’s all back; the intense fear of God, the feeling that I’m some kind of fraud, the suicidal thoughts accompanied by the fear that I’d go to hell, so killing myself would make things worse. Last night it was really bad and I couldn’t bear it, so I just dumped it all on a friend of mine late at night (having no prior knowledge of my faggotry, but he seemed pretty chill about it). It made me feel a little better, but I still have no idea what to do about any of it. There’s no way I could tell my parents about any of this lest they expidiate my inevitable trip to hell, and any time I try to talk to my mom about any of my other problems it doesn’t go well (like a month or so ago when I brought up the frequent beatings I took in middle school locker rooms a few years back and she denied ever knowing about it despite me having brought it up several times). I can’t tell my father any of my problems lest he become even more disappointed in me. I’m still not the Super Star Athlete Son™ he always wanted and I have nothing but contempt for mindless, barbaric athletic competition. He treats that as a personal failing on his part so he continually forces me to partake in mindless, barbaric athletic competition. If I told him any of my problems, he’d probably treat those as woeful failings of his as a parent and as a person, and he’s so fundamentalist that I wouldn’t be surprised if he took me to he edge of town and stoned me if he found out about my faggotry.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say at this point. I’m just tired of feeling guilty any time I have any kind of affection for anyone, tired of being a lousy son, tired of wanting to die and being too afraid to, tired of being afraid of God, and just tired in general.

Feel free to ignore this post, I’m a mess and I just needed to vent.

Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

With whom did Jesus prefer to spend his time: those who tried to define society’s righteousness based on their understanding of the scriptures, or SINNERS WHO CAME TO HIM LOOKING FOR FORGIVENESS.

The trouble with the interpretation of the Pharisee and Tax Collector in THE CHURCH OF WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW is the standard misinterpretation of “judging”. Christians are called to exercise careful judgement of all actions at all times. Their own conduct first of all, and THE CONDUCT OF OTHERS.

The sinfulness of others doesn’t diminish one’s own in the least. LIKEWISE, one’s own sin does not reduce the evil of others in the tiniest degree.

The Problem with the Pharisee was not that he recognized that unrepentant robbers and adulterers were awful characters deserving harsh judgement, it was that he thought HIS GOOD WORKS made him a vastly superior being above fellow people who REPENT. That sort of haughtiness is a great sin.

People can be appalled by the evil of others and by their own sinfulness AT THE SAME TIME. These ARE NOT mutually exclusive, in spite of what the enlightened “churches” would suggest to us.

This isn’t a thread for religious debate.


Warbler said:

thejediknighthusezni said:

darth_ender said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Long story ahead. I may fall asleep soon after posting it, so if anyone replies, I may not see it for a while. Not that anyone should really pay attention to the ramblings of a random teenager, but… idk. Whatever. Here goes…

This story begins about two weeks ago when I went to a sort of camp thing for a few days. It was fun and all and things were going well, and suddenly things got even better for me. I met a girl who actually seemed to enjoy my company. Hell, at one point she even seemed to get adorably giddy to see me. We talked for a long time and she actually seemed like she enjoyed talking to me. ‘Holy ****, she might actually like me!’ I thought. It was a first. Suddenly, I began to delude myself into thinking I was completely straight, and so that night I was happy, happier than I’d been in a long time.
The next night was a “dance,” a raucous affair that I didn’t want any part of. For the most part, it was miserable. I stood around anxiously hoping to not be noticed by anyone (except her) and stared into the colorful lights (which in a strange way was somewhat calming, even if undoubtedly bad for my eyes). Eventually, the girl found me and we spent most of the night sitting against the wall in the back and talking, but it was getting late and my anxiety kicked in hard as usual, so I kept asking her if I was bothering her, but she kept insisting that I wasn’t. Then, my hopes jumped up way too high and I stuttered out a stupid question. Upon my asking, she sighed and admitted that she had a boyfriend. She did give me her phone number though, which is more than anyone ever has before really.
Anyway, the camp ends and we part ways. We text each other for a while but eventually I realize that she in fact did not purge my faggotry and I’m still bi at best, but then I felt guilty. I felt like I was somehow lying to her, or to myself, or to someone. I haven’t texted her in a few days because I figured it was pointless to make myself feel even more miserable. So now it’s all back; the intense fear of God, the feeling that I’m some kind of fraud, the suicidal thoughts accompanied by the fear that I’d go to hell, so killing myself would make things worse. Last night it was really bad and I couldn’t bear it, so I just dumped it all on a friend of mine late at night (having no prior knowledge of my faggotry, but he seemed pretty chill about it). It made me feel a little better, but I still have no idea what to do about any of it. There’s no way I could tell my parents about any of this lest they expidiate my inevitable trip to hell, and any time I try to talk to my mom about any of my other problems it doesn’t go well (like a month or so ago when I brought up the frequent beatings I took in middle school locker rooms a few years back and she denied ever knowing about it despite me having brought it up several times). I can’t tell my father any of my problems lest he become even more disappointed in me. I’m still not the Super Star Athlete Son™ he always wanted and I have nothing but contempt for mindless, barbaric athletic competition. He treats that as a personal failing on his part so he continually forces me to partake in mindless, barbaric athletic competition. If I told him any of my problems, he’d probably treat those as woeful failings of his as a parent and as a person, and he’s so fundamentalist that I wouldn’t be surprised if he took me to he edge of town and stoned me if he found out about my faggotry.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say at this point. I’m just tired of feeling guilty any time I have any kind of affection for anyone, tired of being a lousy son, tired of wanting to die and being too afraid to, tired of being afraid of God, and just tired in general.

Feel free to ignore this post, I’m a mess and I just needed to vent.

Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

With whom did Jesus prefer to spend his time: those who tried to define society’s righteousness based on their understanding of the scriptures, or SINNERS WHO CAME TO HIM LOOKING FOR FORGIVENESS.

The trouble with the interpretation of the Pharisee and Tax Collector in THE CHURCH OF WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW is the standard misinterpretation of “judging”. Christians are called to exercise careful judgement of all actions at all times. Their own conduct first of all, and THE CONDUCT OF OTHERS.

The sinfulness of others doesn’t diminish one’s own in the least. LIKEWISE, one’s own sin does not reduce the evil of others in the tiniest degree.

The Problem with the Pharisee was not that he recognized that unrepentant robbers and adulterers were awful characters deserving harsh judgement, it was that he thought HIS GOOD WORKS made him a vastly superior being above fellow people who REPENT. That sort of haughtiness is a great sin.

People can be appalled by the evil of others and by their own sinfulness AT THE SAME TIME. These ARE NOT mutually exclusive, in spite of what the enlightened “churches” would suggest to us.

This isn’t a thread for religious debate.

Thoughtless assholes like him are why good people like coffee suffer needlessly.


suspiciouscoffee said:

I don’t deserve any of you.

Yes you do.

Especially me. I’m so awesome that you deserve two of me, but sadly there can be only one.


Please ignore anything I have said because it seems I’m invisible and even if I weren’t I’d probably be reminded that I still don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. I’m one of the few that need to suffer and I’m okay with that.

Anyways, I do hope that those of you having some difficulties do find avenues for assistance, including coming here if you need to.

Stay optimistic and don’t give up. I don’t and I won’t.


Really wish after all the kindness offered to me, I could offer up some good advice to all the other suffering people in their thread, but sadly, I can only offer empathy and hopes that everything will work out for the best. That feels sadly hollow, though. If I weren’t having a crippling crisis of losing faith, I may offer some prayers. Lots of love, and hope you guys figure things out.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Jetrell Fo said:

Rogue-theX said:

darthrush, please do not use marijuana at this time in your life, wait until you are in your late 20s for that if you still want to try it at that time, I assure you it really can fuck up/contribute greatly to fucking up your life if you end up liking it as much as I did when I was in high school. Its not harmless, it can mess up a developing brain, it can be addictive.
Get a hobby instead, a non weed hobby. Please don’t do what I did. Weed wont fill the void, but it can make the void a lot bigger.

I feel the same way. I personally never advise anyone that comes to me to self-medicate. It’s dangerous and could very well have permanent consequences in many areas of one’s life. Seeking assistance through medical outlets and their respective professionals is a far better way to get started on the path to clarity. My daughter took Taekwon-do classes and it really gave her some positive support. A good number of YMCA’s or YWCA’s may carry a program for free and it gives one the opportunity to connect with others your age who may well be feeling the same way.

This is good advice as well, I never intended to imply that it wasn’t.


Jetrell Fo said:

Please ignore anything I have said because it seems I’m invisible and even if I weren’t I’d probably be reminded that I still don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. I’m one of the few that need to suffer and I’m okay with that.

Anyways, I do hope that those of you having some difficulties do find avenues for assistance, including coming here if you need to.

Stay optimistic and don’t give up. I don’t and I won’t.

There’s no need for this kind of chat. No one excluded you in any way, and you seem to forget the good feedback you get all to easily. You’re a good guy. Doesn’t mean I won’t call you out when I disagree, but that doesn’t make you a bad guy. You too are worthwhile.