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Post #750107

Gaffer Tape
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FOR THE SINGLE (or widowed or divorced) OTers
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Date created
31-Jan-2015, 8:55 PM

Thanks to Frink for linking me to this.  It was a bit surreal to read this as I have no memory of ever having engaged in this discussion.  It was surreal and a bit fascinating.  I certainly remember those plans.  I don't remember ever talking to financial aid about what being married would do to my ability to have college paid for me.

Wow.  What it was like to be young and in love.  ^_^

So, wow.  Pretty much exactly nine years since I posted in this thread.  I'm just shy of 29 now, and that relationship ended when I was just shy of 23.  We were still talking about getting married.  She landed an internship at Disney World.  She left for Florida the day before Obama was inaugurated.  Three weeks later, she stopped returning my calls.  A few days later she did... to break up with me. I later found out she'd met someone she worked with and married him two months later.  They have a kid now.  When the years passed, and we became halfway civil, she sent me a picture.  He looks cute.  The kid, that is, not the guy she left me for.

I was devastated at the time.  It sounds pathetic, but it literally took me years to get over that.  I suffered from extremely severe depression that I now, thankfully, have under control.  It really felt like my life had ended.  But looking back on it now, after nearly six years, it feels like that's when my adult life really began.  I've figured out so much more about myself and become much more comfortable and sure of who I am.  And what's funny about reading the above posts is just how much my priorities and ideologies have changed.  Nowadays, I really wish I had spent my time in college actually living it.  I wish I had focused more on those opportunities, cultivating those friendships, improving myself.  Instead, I focused on a long-distance relationship that ultimately crashed and burned.  Don't get me wrong.  I have very fond memories from that relationship... memories that I am finally able to look back on fondly rather than with pain.  And while I've dated and been in relationships since then, I admit that I've never again loved as deeply and as freely as I did then.  But I've recently started dating someone new, so who knows?  Maybe that won't always be the case.

So to answer the question:  No, we didn't get married.  Well, she did... just not to me.  ;-)

EDIT:  Haha, looking through this thread, my fate seems rather similar to Invader Jenny's:

Invader Jenny said:

I really, really want to get married, but Mr. Right just hasn't shown up yet. I thought that the last man I dated and was in love with was really going to be the one, but he decided he was going to leave me and marry someone else...and not tell me.