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Post #469557

Darth Cadavra
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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
1-Feb-2011, 10:39 PM

This isn't a "radical" redux, but still worth considering. The ROTS novelization made Anakin's anger at the Council not making him a Master a whole lot more substantive, rather than just petulant whining, by establishing that Anakin was counting on Master-status to get him full Jedi Archives access, where he hoped to learn something that could help save Padme.

Maybe this could be incorporated into the movie through new dialogue - for instance, during the meeting have Plo Koon (since we don't see his lip movements, fans like him, and his voice would be relatively easy to do) say something like, "You may represent the Chancellor, but you will neither vote nor have Master-level access to the Temple Archives."

To further sell the idea, maybe put "I found a way to save you from my nightmares" before the Council scene, so it's referring to the hope Anakin places in Mastery.