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Post #1158216

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Star Wars: The Lost Cut (WIP)
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Date created
15-Jan-2018, 4:42 AM

darth_ender said:

Ronster said:

Ok I did it! (What little hair I have left disappeared with Lightworks Suite and it’s audio bugs! anyway I had to render it in Movie Maker as it was the only program that I have that could read 2 audio files in the same manner as Video audio and a Wav exactly the same to switch between…)


I will talk you through the process and decisions.

I did a rough color correction on it. The most notable are the first shot inside the Death Star Command with Tarkin in front of the viewscreen. Second is the Death Star Firing Cone. They Both had Hue alterations done on it as they were out on Hue and the Death Star Laser Core was made Yellow on the cone.

The Audio was re-done from the part from “Dantooine is too small to be an effective demonstration” That is I think is where it was cut?

The explosion was restored using the Bluescreen shot And Mike Verta’s Vimeo Clip as I needed to see what was going on to line up the Blue Screen shot properly. I slowed it down quite a bit so this does not rule out Leia’s Line at all. I will send you the clip stand alone if you would like which runs a bit faster. Slowed to 87% the explosion…

I Guessed that the Explosion Dissolved into the Falcon shot. Because the music seems to suggest that but this is my interpretation. And I don’t like to fight against John WIlliams he Rules so you must fit with him as the Video shows. I felt anymore Dialogue after the explosion would be anti climactic. You could just as easily hard cut it also.

The main Take away is the music rather than special effects.

Do you like it?

Something else I have noticed is that see Tarkin mouth the same lines twice from a different angle. I would imagine that after “Name the System” should be cropped to remove Tarkins Mouth.


Ok realised I messed up the sound effects for the Death Star firing I will fix this and re-up so at least if someone wants to use the audio then they can… So I will do a version 2 and polish it off.
Sorry about that!

Also this whole repeated shot of Tarkin has me thinking it was a cover shot for showing the view screen changing to show Alderaan. i.e. Alderaan was not on there until after he says “Home planet of Alderaan” then the screen changes from a graphic to video (also in Radio Drama) the dialogue is then moved a bit later and only shows one take but also We need not see in video Alderaan until this point as Motti says “We have reached the Alderaaan system” If Tarkin could see Alderaan out the window why did he need someone to tell him they were there???

So that is very important. Doing that second shot in the clip I posted is beyond me I think but I could do the Alderaan Reveal and move the dialogue later that is easy enough.

So to properly get it right the half moon Alderaan on the second shot out the view screen needs to be replaced with something other than Alderaan and some sort of graphic. (This would not be the Lost cut but the lost bit of Overbridge control Room 😃 )

If someone wants to have a go at the second shot I will do the transition shot otherwise leave it as open…

Also not taking away from Darth Enders project at all.

I Think Andrea should join in also (Hint!)

I may not be able to cut it in the manner you suggest, but I do enjoy your desire to sync the visual with John Williams’ music. I don’t know that we always have the material to make it happen, though. My primary goal is to include as much deleted material as possible, so at times, he may have scored the scenes after portions were cut. In other words, I will probably have to alter his score to match the visual in many cases rather than the other way around. Not to discourage you, as I love your work, and there may be times where we can bring your vision to life or even find a way to make both work!

I enjoy your video, BTW. Well done!

That planet is Yavin IV out the viewscreen so if you replace that shot you get +4.5 seconds when it is actually meant to be shown!

So the matte out the view screen will need fixing a bit but I have a feeling it replaces Tarkin in Pondering thought which is repeated twice. so it might end up + 2 seconds or something. Or it might not? Check the Shadow on the PLanet Vs the Rebel Countdown Clock. And you will see where it goes.

See how it works now?

John Willliams wrote the music on star wars to available material pretty much. There is very little leftover music unlike Empire Strikes Back. It’s all small stuff.

I also thought I should let you know the original shot of the Falcon leaving the Death Star from Theatrical cut (Trench Run Shot Replaced in Special Edition)… Goes straight after the Falcon Leaves the Death Star Hanger.

Small stuff really.

But the Methodology is Clear that when you have repeated shots you know something is up! So it’s showing it’s flaws in broad daylight regurgitating material to fill gaps which might have something else there or It simply needs to be tightened to stop the regurgitation. Quality over quantity otherwise you may as well just extend the film with this methodology of repeating shots again and again… and again 😃

So the regurgitation Pattern is there to be explored… So I have given you so far about +15 seconds not bad I’d say.

The Death Star Chasm Matte looking Down (Luke and Leia) is missing do you have a picture or reference for it? It could be the Matte Painting they used for the Emperors Death scene in ROTJ?

Seems it is…

https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F0a%2F06%2F8b%2F0a068bb17b80548f789cce9a68299793.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffi.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F356769601700739190%2F&docid=F4cPFt1C9KIwcM&tbnid=pzMISenQHflaUM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiUpr62rdrYAhXLI8AKHdddBEIQMwhDKAQwBA..i&w=1280&h=784&itg=1&bih=898&biw=1106&q=death star shaft mcquarrie&ved=0ahUKEwiUpr62rdrYAhXLI8AKHdddBEIQMwhDKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8