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Post #1067677

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
19-Apr-2017, 12:06 PM
  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars/Return of the Jedi
  3. Star Wars/Return of the Jedi (although most of the time, if I had to pick just one of the two to watch in a single sitting, I’d probably pick Jedi; those throne room scenes are just too epic to pass up, “Oh, I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive”…evil smile)
  4. Rogue One (finally, the first good Star Wars film since the originals)

-------------- This is the cutoff separating the good movies from those that I really have no desire to ever watch again---------

  1. The Force Awakens…meh…
  2. The Phantom Menace (although I’d rather just watch the Duel of the Fates scene)
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. Attack of the Clones (romance…dialogue about sand…What’s not to love?)

And, it goes without saying (except I’ll say it anyway), this list refers to only the original incarnations of the films (not the “special” editions), and I consider anything outside The Original Trilogy to be basically just EU anyway (regardless if I think it to be good or bad).