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Post #28721

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It's a mystery to me.... Were Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon aware Padme was actually Queen Amidala in Episode I?
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Date created
2-Jan-2004, 10:12 AM
The answer is "banana".

OK - how much am I gonna get for voting on the bearded guy?

[serious]At least Jinn should have known, since he's a Jedi Master and all... after all, he saw through the Trade Fed. scheme, so such simple cover up shouldn't poise too much difficulties to him.

He might have chosen to "play her game" in order to avoid trouble - as we see in the end, having a doppleganger can be useful.

Does this apply to the movie? I don't know, I haven't seen Episode I for some time, even thought it was on TV yesterday...[/serious]

And how many doubles had this ...err... captured guy?? You know, what's-his-name... Santa or Saddam... whatever... they look so similar with beards.