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Post #1022053

The Ritty
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Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"
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Date created
21-Dec-2016, 6:25 AM

Midichlorians are real people - get over it, they’re just movies lol

Why do people insist on just removing all the things they didn’t like. Midichlorians? Took that out. Jar Jar Binks? Edited him out. You can’t betray Lucas’ vision for his movies. So many people get this wrong. Just cutting stuff out doesn’t make the movie any better. Like so many fan edits descriptions just remove jar jar - he’s a main character.

Now, I haven’t seen this cut cuz I won’t watch anyone else’s but mine but I can tell just by reading what people ‘did’ to the films. Why are people so obsessed with nonsense like midichlorians? You know why no one mentioned them in the original trilogy? Cuz it was just yoda & obi wan left. Seriously, why even bother with that explanation. Who’s got the time. Luke’s the only ‘jedi’ left. Who’s got time for all that science crap after 900 yrs. What Yoda and Ben said is still true. The force is all around us - binds us, err penetrates us… That’s all true of the ‘scientific’ explanation of midichlorians. I’m fine with the bacteria explanation. F

I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade lol or be a d-i-c-k. People just cut stuff out they hate or do silly things like edit all 3 prequels into one movie or redo effects and sound…do you get paid to do this? No. Who cares if you fixed effects and edited the sound and blah blah blah

If you didn’t FIX THE MOVIE, it’s doesn’t matter. You should service Lucas’ vision and try to help make it better. The STORY comes first. That’s all that matters, not trying to prove hpw amazing you are or take over someone else’s baby. Remember that.


If you take out the midichlorians, then Anakin doesn’t exist. Plus they’re referenced in all 3 prequels.

“A Virgence you say?”
“It is possible he was CONCIEVED by the midichlorians.”
“You’re speaking of the prophecy of the chosen one?”

Take out the midichlorians and all this has no meaning. Just sayin 😉