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Music change in Empire Strikes Back

crissrudd4554 said:

The music was slightly extended in parts beginning during the sequence where Han is being loaded onto the Slave 1. Why exactly I’m not sure. Perhaps they wanted the music to continue up til it cut back to Luke and Vader. There’s also difference in timing for the music during the actual escape too (partly due to extending Lando’s evacuation announcement). The closing cue that’s suppose to hit when it cuts to the exterior of the platform where the final duel takes place now happens about two seconds before actually cutting to the shot.

I agree that the scene played out perfectly with no music following “Oh no, Chewie they’re behind you!”, and save the big ‘musical’ escape for when they reach the Falcon. IMHO it also set up a better transition back to Luke/Vader, but yes I think this ^^ is why they added it back in.
This was a 1997 Special Edition change.

The Original Trilogy <strong>Trailers/Promos</strong> Video Thread (YouTube/Vimeo, etc. finds)

crissrudd4554 said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Darth Robin said:

I’m supriced no one has linked this one yet, this is one of my favorite original trilogy trailers.

This is the trailer for the 1985 re-release of Return of the Jedi.


I can’t find it at the moment but I know there’s a version of this same trailer but with a different narrator. I think it may have been on the Laserdisc.

Found it. It’s in this video. Skip to 14:34.


This was a workprint trailer, with temporary (placeholder) announcer before final v/o was recorded.

Star Wars Deleted Scenes Restored (a WIP)

EDIT: According to the novel the deleted scene with Vader & Tagge takes place right between the Han & Jabba scene & Luke & co reaching docking bay 94.

…and I think it stayed there in the original edit (rough cut). If you’ve never seen this YouTube doc, I highly recommend it. The Chief Bast scene is discussed around the 8:00 mark.


Original death star explosion in the 'Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian' documentary.

Darth Robin said:

It was in widescreen though. Isn’t the making of star wars 4:3?

I think he’s referring to the documentary “Empire of Dreams”, which premiered on the 2004 DVD set and is also streaming on Disney +. If you’ve never watched it, you should. It’s excellent 😃.

The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)

poita said:

Sorry, I hope it didn’t come off as a whine, or a sympathy pitch or something. I enjoy working on this stuff, it is my passion and the reason I got into the industry in the first place.
I was hoping to really just let people know why it takes ages.
I’d love to get 50 grand per movie then a restoration would take about 3 months, start to finish, but with it being the part-time third job that costs money instead of making money, it sometimes has to take the back seat.

Progress is happening, just a lot of it isn’t sexy ‘check out the pictures’ type progress. It is often just boring stuff like finishing and backing up a dust-busting pass, or finishing a backup, or working out a new Nuke script that can semi-automate finding artefacts created by the cleanup and removing them, that kind of thing. I tend to only post if there is something nice to look at, but it doesn’t mean nothing is happening during the quiet times. Progress is slow, but it is progressing.

Holy. Shit. NO, you didn’t come off as a whiner, but when it’s time to vote for someone on these forums who deserves sympathy or time to whine…you sir, would win in a landslide. A little perspective for us sometimes too eager fans of your work.
Stay well and read those bedtime stories. That stuff ALWAYS comes first.

1997 Star Wars Special Edition 35mm Project (a WIP)

DrDre said:

Darth Lucas said:

DrDre said:

I’ve done a quick color correction of the first reel of poita’s 1997 SE scan, which also serves as a color reference next to the technicolor references for my regrade. Here are the Tantive IV shots and a few Tatooine shots as a bonus:

Not necessarily an error, as it probably is how it was graded in the first place, but seems the closeups of that one rebel soldier have noticeable more mint color in the walls than surrounding shots.

Yeah, poita also noticed the color balance of the SE print is all over the place.

Watching STAR WARS SE theatrically in 1997…during the LEIA/VADER scene on the Tantive IV…I clearly remember the color timing actually changing within a single shot…Leia’s skin tones clearly fluctuated during one of her responses. I saw it multiple times at different locations, so it was not merely a screwed up print.

Dealing with People Selling Fan Projects

You can send him a message without an authentic email. I just did. Perhaps if we bombard his inbox, he’ll get the message.

The G said:

NeverarGreat said:

This is getting to the point where people will just stop making fan projects, if they know that their work will just end up being sold for a profit. I was considering sending a message to that website saying something along these lines:

‘Greetings from a fellow fan of Star Wars. I noticed that you are selling the Despecialized edition of Star Wars version 2.7. I am currently working on an updated color correction, to be used for Despecialized 3.0. It’s been a labor of love, demanding literally hundreds of days of work over the course of several years, and a close collaboration between members of a large and vibrant online community. Our community of faneditors and fan preservationists exists solely because of a culture of trust and goodwill, and the understanding that these projects will not be sold online. However, since I now know that my work will almost certainly be illegally sold for a profit, I have to think very carefully about whether to release my work at all. Your website may very well result in no new Despecialized editions, ever. Understand that when you profit off of our work, you are very effectively destroying both our work and our community. If you are truly a fan of Star Wars, you will take down this website. Thank you.’

Send it. If this keeps on, well so be it, if I was the one making the DEED then I’d take down everything. Hopefully that won’t happen.

The Original Trilogy restored from 35mm prints (a WIP)

Thanks for that! Very interesting…a pretty poor edit too as they the musical cue gets cut off…

RU.08 said:

Yes that’s right, it was censored in Germany on the original release. I guess that proves that Poita’s print really is in German! For anyone interested, here’s a short clip showing the censored cut from the 1984 German CBS Fox VHS: https://mega.nz/#!PxJGQBBI!dhpfWgr2GE_73jj5KY7OOe2AUK6DpMVNaKYk_Scr3ZA

Info Wanted: Star Wars - A New Score (* unfinished project *)

Interesting project. The “Imperial March” is absent because it was written for EMPIRE. Could be cool to see it incorporated into ANH. I believe the triumphant rendition of the force theme is present during the awards ceremony because Luke used the force to destroy the Death Star. Not sure Han needs a theme for this chapter…only to play it when the Falcon reappears during the Death Star battle I suppose.